Why are F2 seeds less expensive?

So the real question is..., Should we, during this pandemic, throw all pkabra! Just once! To let everything in the tent pollinate? Because..., If there ever was a time to BLOW OUT A GROW, now is the time! Pop great genetics, and let the makes rock. God knows you'll never need to buy seeds again. Hmmmmm. It's not like we're lacking product. Hmmmm
No clue what places isso, if you have regular seeds from crazy was stock, as and you control the femakes, AND youll never run out...why not dedicate a grow to seeds??? Veg for 2 weejs, and flower EVERYTHING! thousand of top flight seeds...regular! But who caees? How hard is it to disinfect a 4x4 grow tent from polin???
Good topic
So much information

I only started buying seeds online when I found autoflower seeds

So many different types
Canna article source unknown,& Android is a bitch or just a plain pain in the ass to type on so paste away.
My partner & I are currently ripping GORILLA BOMB & ALIEN OG ,but ACID is on the menu.Now Acid a Paradise product,a hybrid of 40/60 indi/sativa,derived from New York Sour Diesel,which means NYSD is not parent to it. So who knows the parent or Mommy?
The Diesel line of cannabis has a history shrouded in myth that begins in the early 90’s. It wasn’t the result of expert breeding over time, but instead, serendipity. The chance discovery of 13 seeds in a bag of what was meant to be sinsemilla led to one of the most popular strains of the modern age. The mother was an indoor strain called Dog Bud. The father of the seeds is unknown, and they may have been the result of self-pollination.
more later..my coffee is cooler than I like
A hint :lot-o-toke:
Mixed NYC Diesel phenotypes with Dutch strains...TNSB
Trace is back in time thru NYSD to ...a strain brought to you by Soma Sacred Seeds..ya SSS
Where what is what is..Soma sounds Cali to me
So you are saying that you planted seeds that were genetically the same, and a male pollinated the females? Those resulting seeds would be a single cross of the same generation as the two parents, AKA inbred, because they would have the same allele arrays. If you then took those seeds and crossed them, you'd wind up with a single-cross hybrid, AKA an F1 Hybrid. Those F1 hybrid seeds would have more vigor than the inbred parents.
I disagree, respectfully. An F1 is a cross between two completely opposite strains, close to 100% Sativa crossed with (x) a close to 100% Indica is an F1 generation. These seeds will show great vigor in growing and will be similar. An F2 is a cross of two F1 plants. The kids will show different characteristics and will have less vigor.

The pea history of genetics shows how they had short peas and tall peas, both having their own downsides. They decided to cross the two opposite strains. They discovered all those F1 seeds grew medium height had great vigor and grew outstanding pea 🫛 plants, almost all identical. Then they crossed the F1 seeds and got a huge variety of phenos in that F2 cross. There were short, tall, and medium pea plants. The F2 generation will usually vary in the type of plant it grows. There are deeper discussions on this, but I tried to keep it simple.

A cross of similar strains is often just called a hybrid. These mostly will not be true to one characteristic, or pheno type. Thus, plants usually show different characteristics.

To get a true breeding strain it takes more than one or two generations. Breeders take one strain and keep crossing it within the strains that originally produced it and itself. If the seller claims a true breeding strain, they have bred it into a strain where all seeds will be identical (true), depending on the growers care. I have had a number of “true” strains, like Vanilla Kush. Every girl looked, grew, and smoked identically.

But have you ever thought about how they can guarantee female seeds? One way I have used and it guarantees my seeds will look identical, is to take 2 clones from one single female. Clones will be just like mom, right? Then I use colloidal silver to “trick” one female into growing female pollen sacs. These look just like male sacs of pollen but has no male involved, thus female pollen sacs. Then I use this to pollinate the other clone. Details are in my signature. This way, the seeds should look identical to the mom - just like taking clones from a mother plant, but I no longer have to keep a mother plant and multiple clones in my grow room. Just pop a seed when I want. I call this my S1 generation because the seeds are selfed from the same mom, but I don’t think that is a technical term. And all are feminized, female seeds, because there was no male involved, just female pollen. But don’t keep the plant you turned in your grow room, because just like males, it can pollinate your girls!

I am now just preparing to pop a number of my S1 seeds of different strains in a SoG from seeds instead of clones. We will see if they breed true to their mom! I know the vanilla kush and Mataro blue did when I planted them in the past. Was wonderful!

Just my two cents! Keep growing!
Happy trails to you…
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