So a buddy of mine here in Mass, has a grower friend of his in Colorado that has grown the Nukehead, along with their AK-47 and their Grand Daddy Purple. According to him the grower was very happy and said the strains were on point. So one positive review of the seedbank.
I believe they call it monster cropping? I could be wrong but it will re-veg with bizarre growth and they usually end up being absolute beasts! I know the closer to the bottom of the plant the clone is taken from, the quicker it should root. I took a clone during flower of the mutant but none of the clones grew to maturity because of the security scare we had. Lost a dirty dozen plants .

The key to successful long term cloning is to give the strain the least stress possible. Every time you flower there is a major shift in genetic expression. A super stressful change that isn't meant to be reversed.

I try to never take a flowering clone unless there is no other choice for this very reason. I also only take clones off of very green vigorous plants. This is also key. A plant may be going yellow because of a mutation in genes necessary for nitrogen metabolism. If you clone that plant you pass the gene mutation to the ensuing clone. Many mutations are not as visible but may show as a lack of vigor if you are lucky. Having more than one copy of a strain is a must for long term storage.

Clones eventually will degrade this is true. There are ends on the chromosome called telomeres which will shorten over time. But we can keep that to a minimum. How long? Well let me tell you that in 2018 my twister will be old enough to drink alcohol in the US. She has been clone only for 20 years now and grows the same way she used to. Just as potent as well.
So a buddy of mine here in Mass, has a grower friend of his in Colorado that has grown the Nukehead, along with their AK-47 and their Grand Daddy Purple. According to him the grower was very happy and said the strains were on point. So one positive review of the seedbank.
That's what's up. I like what I'm hearing. If only they didn't send me freebies I'd make nuke my next grow
I kept a mum for 13 yrs in veg ,of course I cloned her for the final time then flowered her chopped her and no shit I cried ,but the clones I took are identical no loss of vigor ,flavour ,potency ,colour,yield etc so my depression lifted lol
The key to successful long term cloning is to give the strain the least stress possible. Every time you flower there is a major shift in genetic expression. A super stressful change that isn't meant to be reversed.

I try to never take a flowering clone unless there is no other choice for this very reason. I also only take clones off of very green vigorous plants. This is also key. A plant may be going yellow because of a mutation in genes necessary for nitrogen metabolism. If you clone that plant you pass the gene mutation to the ensuing clone. Many mutations are not as visible but may show as a lack of vigor if you are lucky. Having more than one copy of a strain is a must for long term storage.

Clones eventually will degrade this is true. There are ends on the chromosome called telomeres which will shorten over time. But we can keep that to a minimum. How long? Well let me tell you that in 2018 my twister will be old enough to drink alcohol in the US. She has been clone only for 20 years now and grows the same way she used to. Just as potent as well.

I never set out to take the clones from my girl in flower. I had taken 2 of each strain in veg and did my best to kill them. I thought for a bit that I was going to be successful, so I took a few clones off of the girls in flower around 21 days with hairs, 29 from flip. They rooted in about 12 days and then took a while to get some new growth growing. They went through that crazy ass transition with single finger leaves and lots of twisted leaves. Finally they took off and I gotta say they have grown incredibly fast since then. I am curious how the bud is going to be!
The bud should be good man ,what shiggs is saying is if you stress a plant then revegg a plant which is also stressful then repeat repeat etc it will effect the end result and make it differ from the original you were intending to preserve.
The bud should be good man ,what shiggs is saying is if you stress a plant then revegg a plant which is also stressful then repeat repeat etc it will effect the end result and make it differ from the original you were intending to preserve.

Yes PW exactly. I took clones during flower last culycle because I had to. My cloner went down with all the megafaunas. So to keep them I took cuts in week 3 post flip.

But I wouldn't make a habit of it. Each time we flower the female plant goes into reproductive mode then towards senescence and eventually death. If we constantly reveg a plant we are taking it to the point of heading towards death and trying to make it vegetative. A dying organism is less likely to put as much effort into DNA repair. The further you take a plant into flower the more it begins to die, chlorophyll disappears and reveals late season color, water uptake slows down, the plant gets ready to die. Then by a miracle we try and save it. Pretty much the opposite of a vigorous healthy vegging plant to take clones from.

Stressful events are more likely to cause mutation. Cannabis has a larger chance to pick up mutations with large shifts in gene activation and use.

So if the goal is to try and maintain quality and potency in a strain the best thing to do is to take clones off of super vigorous plants that have no issues and have never been flowered. That's why Twister is still kicking butt after 20 years.

Revegging flowering clones may not have visible effect for awhile. But chances are it will stress your strain and sap vigor after several times. Re egging is a valid technique that many poeople use. But if long term strain maintenance it is a poor procedural choice if not an emergency.
I once re-vegged a Big-Bud and an Amnesia Haze I had grown out in Hydro. I saw their root-balls and thought it would be such a waste to just throw them away and start fresh from seed. I didn't have any clones at the time and the plants turned out to be really nice phenos of their each respective strain. So I harvested the plants and left only a tiny little bit left of each plant. A tiny bit with a huge root ball that is :)

I swear - The second harvest was better than the first when it comes to yield and potency were the same. Something happened during that process that resulted in me having a bigger yield from the re-vegged plants.

But - The risk is there for all sort of weird mutations to happen and in nature it is very rare a mutation is beneficial. When it is however we see evolution happening before our eyes

I never set out to take the clones from my girl in flower. I had taken 2 of each strain in veg and did my best to kill them. I thought for a bit that I was going to be successful, so I took a few clones off of the girls in flower around 21 days with hairs, 29 from flip. They rooted in about 12 days and then took a while to get some new growth growing. They went through that crazy ass transition with single finger leaves and lots of twisted leaves. Finally they took off and I gotta say they have grown incredibly fast since then. I am curious how the bud is going to be!
PS! I don't think my extra heavy yield was because of a mutation. I believe it was because those big healthy root-balls got even bigger during the second run and they had all the space they needed to grow as much as they desired. I think that's what gave me the bigger yield results
These guys have being selected by the seed company to grow out their respected seeds and receive freebies to show everybody on the Forum what these seeds are capable of. Without allowing these guys heads to get too big, they are great at what they do and that's why they have been selected....... definitely follow along, we are all learning something here today.
Cool I'm lookin forward to your journal as well

I am about to flip the current grow to flower.....then have about 70-75 days to harvest. When I get about halfway through flower, I will drop the Nukeheads and post the link to the journal.
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