hmm. . . cmx, thx for keeping me awake, lol. was PUI (posting under the influnce) and that posts didn't sound at all like what i meant to say.
ont, when i said biggER i didn't really mean taller, i meant wider.
the second paragraph was supposed clarify that but didnt do a good job.
1)either topped and tied them to make them wide.
2) scrogged them and made them wide.
in my experience, 4-6 plants should be adequate to fill up the area under a 400 w bulb, and I assume that you will continue to use dirt like your first journal, so having fewer plants makes feeding easier when using individual containers, IMO.
when i started out inside, i ran indoor soiless mix in pots, i used a 400 HPS, and I did all three, i would top and train with string to get them starting out wide at the bottom, usually 3 times. then I would install 2" string trellis about 12" above the current canopy, and spread them out under that until i was satisfied all of the trellis was pretty full any where there was intense light. then i would flower and let them run up. grows later i added a 250 w MH to try to shorten their stretch period and add a bit more light.
after reading a few great journals here (420fied), i would turn to 12/12 earlier if i did it again, and let them start to flower under the trellis before i let them run up at the light.
in my next journal i am going to grow soiless mix on the half of my tent that was just storage space this run. at first i was thinking i could sog 20ish plants right from clone to 12/12 with that 400w. i could add the 250 if I wanted to as well, but right now i don't think my circuit could take it as long as i am using the AC too. but then i thought of trying to water them. for a while i was dreaming up a watering system, of course. but then reality kicked in and I cut that down to 10 bit bigger plants. now i think i want like 8 plants and will scrog them again, it should make my feedings easier. and when I have to go out of town, it will make feeding easier for someone else. also if I grow out 8 plants with the intention of scrog, i can grow them big enough for 10 clones each which would be enough to fill the wheel. while I'm waiting for my clones to root, I can scrog those 8 on the other side under 20 hours of light, and whenever I can put the clones in the volks it will go 12/12 and the game will be afoot!
so obviously i smoked before posting this too, and I am running on about my next grow. sorry. lol.
hopefully that illuminated what i meant at least.
i like less plants and top/scrog method. but its all opinion, any style can succeed very well, if cared for by an experienced hand.