WheelOFortune's - first turn

im doing shortstuff seeds or auto hindu kush, auto lemon skunk, auto blueberry cush, or another type of auto that will not get taller than 14-15 inches.

maybe 10-20 of a few different types. . . but nutes would be harder to get right if i did that.
hmm. . . i dont know yet which is dominant.

after i cross both my regular girls with the AF, i'll just have to grow out a bunch, under 24 and wait for some fems to show. as they show, ill be able to pull the ones that show the proper trait.. selecting auto genes over 12/12 genes is much easier than trying to choose say a more resenous gene over a less. even if it is recessive i figure if i grow out 10-20 over 20-30 days ill get some auto fems to breed.

Ah, the empircal method; they'll let you know

That's a great plan, I hope you keep this journal going through the process or have a second turn journal ;)
i will probably have some down time after this journal.

I will have plenty of smoke. and will have to amass some seeds. I want to get an intellidose, and some other new equipment.

But i might wait until after the summer to run my next turn. I will be really busy, and stocked up on smoke.
so, PAN.

I ran ph balanced water with flora kleen over the night last night because the bottle said run for 2 hours . . . well my RW cubes only see the water 10 out of every 45minutes so 2 hours worth of soak is like 12 revolutions which is like 9 hours. I ran it for about 18 hours.

When i first filled the tank the ppm was around 150, now when im emptying it its about 700 ppm. . . i'm assuming the flora kleen and water pulled that much salt out of the RW cubes. I wish i had a way to measure EC and PH in the actual cubes.

I am filling my res right now. I will mix 3/4 strength CNS17 bloom, because its all i have right now. When i get paid this week, i will get another bottle of Fox Farms, to try to run organic for the last week or two to help develop flavor. I will also still add fox farms cha ching. and a couple drops of thrive alive.
Ry res is now:
CNS17 bloom, Cha-Ching, and a drop of superthrive.
watering twice a day.

we'll see if this makes a difference.
i'll keep my fingers crossed.
omg SO STUPID!!!!

ok, well first off let me say me, my house, my plants. . . all fine. thank god.

in my haste to go to sunday brunch today, i ran off after i finished filling and checking my res. My pump was off, so i didn't notice, but my return hose fell out of the res during the change.

of course while i was at brunch, my second feeding kicked on an dumped 3/4 of my res (15 gal) onto the floor of my tent. thank god i have a tent. . . and i got hoem towards the end of the cycle so i cought it somewhat early.

All of my electricals were off of the ground except one power strip that was only pulling 20 watts for a duct fan. it was however submegred in an inch of water, hot, and melting. Glad i didnt get electrocuted when i pulled it out, because it did not trip the internal breaker and when i pulled it about a cup of water drained out of it.
now i have a couple hours of cleanup. . . and refill my res.


at least my house didn't burn down, and i didn't get electrocuted to death.
that would have sucked. . . found dead electrocuted in a pool of water under his illegal plants. . . he was such a good guy. . . yeah right.
ok, 1 shop vac, and about 100 mop and buckets full of water later. . .

My tent is reasonably dry-ish
and my res is full (with return line in the res)

PH: 5.82
TDS: 1250ppm.

i will have to go in and do a bit more mopping as the water pools into mopable amounts.

fuck that. . . i wont let that happen again.
CLOSE!!!!! do not let this happen to you!

submerged in water and didn't trip the breaker. Son of a . .




it was hot when i yanked it out.
totally. i should know better.

The fan was still running while the plug was under water. lol.

nothing happened though.
total loss $2.99 for a new power strip and probably $5 worth of nutes.
so i'm just gonna try and forget it happened. lol. no harm no foul.
wow lucky glad it didnt turn out bad maybe put the cord on a table or something lol... wonder why it didnt trip itself or trip the breaker though defective power strip.
lol, sample branch is drying till friday when my buddy gets here.

yeah im a stoner. . . and a mathematician, physicist, and engineer.
we all make mistakes.

all of my other cords were off the ground. that was a quick fix i put in when i added my carbon filter. . . just never got around to running it up off the ground. it's up now.
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