Welcome To My New Journal - OMMSOG

Hey OMM, girls are looking excellent,:goodjob:, and I'm so glad you were able to harvest the vintage and not some thief in your area.:thumb::thumb: I've been doing allot more reading on this site about l.e.d.s and different strains of mmj, and was wondering if you know of any accurate information on all the strains. From what i've been reading, it sounds like a bunch of sales bs when you read what the seed companies describe the plant to be. Where do you get your seeds, and do they give accurate info? And I think now we might have too many choices, my god there must be a thousand different strains out there. LOL Again two thumbs up on the vintage, and sending luv your way:circle-of-love:, :peace: out.
Hey OMM, girls are looking excellent,:goodjob:, and I'm so glad you were able to harvest the vintage and not some thief in your area.:thumb::thumb: I've been doing allot more reading on this site about l.e.d.s and different strains of mmj, and was wondering if you know of any accurate information on all the strains. From what i've been reading, it sounds like a bunch of sales bs when you read what the seed companies describe the plant to be. Where do you get your seeds, and do they give accurate info? And I think now we might have too many choices, my god there must be a thousand different strains out there. LOL Again two thumbs up on the vintage, and sending luv your way:circle-of-love:, :peace: out.

You have a PM waiting for you!:high-five:
cant remember where in your posts(oh by the way howdy) but I though that I read something about super thrive was that here or was I just stoned? you have some mighty fine freinds I must say:high-five:. but that can only figure. I know karma is one for sure:peace:
fleetwood mac and therapy?:joint:
That's it!
Therapy! Mellow out....for sure.....a good sativa and colors.:ganjamon:

When I plant a sprout in a pot of any kind I always include a bit of Super Thrive in it's first watering...to me it really seems to help the sprout adapt to it's new home.:Namaste:
thank you mr.omm I saw some super thrive at the store the other day and it made me think of your journal:) wasnt quite sure if thats where I saw it . so on an impulse I bought some. didnt even know if I wanted it lol:peace:
Old Dude...

I have enjoyed reading your posts.
I am down here in Texas but lived in Colorado a while back and still have friends there. When I heard about weed 'gittin legal' up there I got all excited. I am nearly as old as you are being 60 myself but I ain't seen a lid since January!
Then my Doctor told me: " Your health depends on you not drinking beer"! It just gets worse!
I'm disabled and live out on my farm alone and used to sit around and watch my chickens walk around {and drink beer} but now even that has changed. I can't even drink beer! I used to brew 360 gallons yearly of mein Acht Pfund Hammerbier and at 6 3/4% alcohol and a taste like grapefruit {Cascade hops} my ale was good and life was good. I was a happy camper. But now there ain't no weed and I can't even drink beer any more?
I have even written a book! I mean what else is there to do as I sit around the farm all day stone cold sober? I actually have a manuscript that I expect to have published in the near future. I need only the trial transcript for the last and final chapter, the first chapter actually. I can write 10,000 words every night between dinner and bed time. Spell checked, word counted and ready to go to the publisher up in New York. I have 88,500 words now and am shooting for 130,000 - 140,000 words. Hot weather, 3 months, July - Sept. and it will be done. "Jack's Revenge" A Brilliant Memoir of a Man with T.B.I.

See, I sure need a joint!
I would like to move to Colorado and live up there in the damn cold, and altitude.
{I used to roll over in bed in the middle of the night and wake up gasping for breath!}
If I could grow or 'get me' some weed, I am disabled you know.

And stories... being an old codger myself I am full of stories. We ought to get together but for the distance and swap stories. I mean "I gotta million of them". I have been told that I am a natural story teller. My Doctors and the disability Judge told me: "Jack write all those stories down"
so I spent 6 years doing just that then something real bad happened and I overcame it with my natural storytelling ability and my keyboard skills, I just 'wrote the story down',
just what I had been doing everyday for the last six years.
{The theme of the book}
In fact 'that is' the book, my old stories from 1959 to the present including {barely} surviving four murder attempts, turning the tables on my murderers and initiating the investigation that resulted in their end,
There all in there as an insight into my mind and how I was able to barely survive four murder attempts in the last 10 years. {"I sensed the trap it stunk, could'a smelled it a mile away, you can't trap a trapper"}

If I could move to Colorado I know a guy... whose best friend owns a dispensary! Wooow!
I gotta go to Denver!
Gimme a holler, I ain't never been in the military but my Dad was in the military enough for both of us.
{A stereoscopic observer for a 4 gun battery of 90 mm land based anti-aircraft guns on Okinawa.}
I was, before my eyes wore out at age 59, a Master Marksman.
{That's an expert Marksman to the second power, 2 seconds}
Just an old Houndsman and coon hunter.

Thank you...

Jack the Knife
thank you mr.omm I saw some super thrive at the store the other day and it made me think of your journal:) wasnt quite sure if thats where I saw it . so on an impulse I bought some. didnt even know if I wanted it lol:peace:

Way to go fish cake!
I bought my first bottle and it was about what you did. Sure glad I did. :love:

How's things out your way? :surf:
real good thanks for askin, that caramello seed that I thought wasnt going to pop came up yesterday. almost 2 weeks after I put in the peat pod geuss I cant give up. glad I didnt and my ak48 has got its second set of true leaves. witch I planted the same time as the other so my caramello brillo has got some catching up to do:) mixed up some of that superthrive and gave the young ladies a good watering:morenutes: hope all is hunky dory on your end:peace:
Love your post Jack the Knife. Hang around here and you will soon be growing more weed than you can handle!! If you know how to pour water you can grow nice big plants and never have to go or pay for it ever again.
Hey there buddy! I was wondering why you topped your White Russian rather than fim first. Did you do on purpose or did you miss. Either way. Its a beutiful plant. I suspect you did on purpose because I really don't think you miss much. And if that is true. What is the advantage of topping first? I am confused!! :Namaste::lot-o-toke:
Old Dude...

I have enjoyed reading your posts.
I am down here in Texas but lived in Colorado a while back and still have friends there. When I heard about weed 'gittin legal' up there I got all excited. I am nearly as old as you are being 60 myself but I ain't seen a lid since January!
Then my Doctor told me: " Your health depends on you not drinking beer"! It just gets worse!
I'm disabled and live out on my farm alone and used to sit around and watch my chickens walk around {and drink beer} but now even that has changed. I can't even drink beer! I used to brew 360 gallons yearly of mein Acht Pfund Hammerbier and at 6 3/4% alcohol and a taste like grapefruit {Cascade hops} my ale was good and life was good. I was a happy camper. But now there ain't no weed and I can't even drink any beer any more?
I have even written a book! I mean what else is there to do as I sit around the farm all day stone cold sober? I actually have a manuscript that I expect to have published in the near future. I need only the trial transcript for the last and final chapter, the first chapter actually. I can write 10,000 words every night between dinner and bed time. Spell checked, word counted and ready to go to the publisher up in New York. I have 88,500 words now and am shooting for 130,000 - 140,000 words. Hot weather, 3 months, July - Sept. and it will be done. "Jack's Revenge" A Brilliant Memoir of a Man with T.B.I.

See, I need a joint! I would like to move to Colorado and live up there in the damn cold, and altitude {I used to roll over in bed in the middle of the night and wake up gasping for breath!} if I could grow or get me some weed, I am disabled you know.
And stories... being an old codger myself I am full of stories. We ought to get together but for the distance and swap stories. I mean "I gotta million of them". I have been told that I am a natural story teller. My Doctors and the disability Judge told me to Jack's write all those stories down" so I spent 6 years doing just that then something real bad happened and I overcame it. {The story of the book}
In fact that is the book, my old stories from 1959 - the present. There all in there, as an insight into my mind and how I happened to be able to survive 4 near death experiences in the last 10 years.

If I could move to Colorado I know a guy... whose best friend owns a dispensary! Wooow!
I gotta go to Denver!
Gimme a holler, I ain't never been in the military but my Dad was in the military enough for both of us.
I was, before my eyes wore out at age 59, a Master Marksman.
{That's an expert Marks Marksman to the second power, 2 seconds}
Just an old Houndsman and coon hunter.

Thank you...

Jack the Knife

Glad to meet you Jack the Knife

Man, that's some story right there. Your book must be killer. I hear you Buddy, some things just wear out unfortunately. I feel good to have a brain left after all I've done to it! :thedoubletake: Well, I wish you well in getting to Colorado. I think that would be a good place for you. You would know someone from the start. Mainly you could get legally high!

Seems I write the same normal and stoned, of course I'm not normal much. I don't have a list of stories, I just write them as I go. That way it's more fun. :love:
real good thanks for askin, that caramello seed that I thought wasnt going to pop came up yesterday. almost 2 weeks after I put in the peat pod geuss I cant give up. glad I didnt and my ak48 has got its second set of true leaves. witch I planted the same time as the other so my caramello brillo has got some catching up to do:) mixed up some of that superthrive and gave the young ladies a good watering:morenutes: hope all is hunky dory on your end:peace:

That's cool about your caramello seed. Glad you just waited! AK48 sounds good...I want to grow one too. :bravo: She'll catch up. :high-five:

Things are OK on this end Friend! :surf:
That's cool about your caramello seed. Glad you just waited! AK48 sounds good...I want to grow one too. :bravo: She'll catch up. :high-five:

Things are OK on this end Friend! :surf:
gee willakers! I figured you had one of those groin in the back room somewere:)you got at least half of all the strains Ive never heard of goin on there lol. never grew either of these or smoked them so cant even say if its worth the time, but sure saw some pretty pictures. let you know in august or so:peace:
Love your post Jack the Knife. Hang around here and you will soon be growing more weed than you can handle!! If you know how to pour water you can grow nice big plants and never have to go or pay for it ever again.
Hey there buddy! I was wondering why you topped your White Russian rather than fim first. Did you do on purpose or did you miss. Either way. Its a beutiful plant. I suspect you did on purpose because I really don't think you miss much. And if that is true. What is the advantage of topping first? I am confused!! :Namaste::lot-o-toke:

It really depends on the plant, I top once using UBT and see how it goes. If it recovers and has 4 tops, I reach in and top again on 4 tops.....that will give me a ton of tops if they all take.. I Was lucky that the White Russian was a quick healer. It will not grow too tall after all that.
It really depends on the plant, I top once using UBT and see how it goes. If it recovers and has 4 tops, I reach in and top again on 4 tops.....that will give me a ton of tops if they all take.. I Was lucky that the White Russian was a quick healer. It will not grow too tall after all that.

Thanks for clearing that up. I used to only top. Since I met you mainly fim. It makes sense. I notice too when you top rather than fim you will get a bushier plant. You go to town by toping twice then fimming. No wonder that plant has so many cola's!! Perfection!!!:goodjob:

hehehe, in my circle it was "Take a hit and hold it... Pass to next and wait until they took their hit to exhale." The most used word in our band of hooligans was "ear". LOL! Think of it this way. take a hit... hold it and try to say "Here" to the next person in the circle... it comes out "ear". :rofl:

:circle-of-love: I have heard "ear" a few times. :circle-of-love:

That's the fastest word in the english language ;) "ear"
Well Old Buddy! I just cannot wait to see how you top, top and fim, fim! I guess I will have to come to Hawaii to check it out in person!! Look forward to see you and Jo!! Booking flights now!! Maholo and Aloha!! :circle-of-love:
It really depends on the plant, I top once using UBT and see how it goes. If it recovers and has 4 tops, I reach in and top again on 4 tops.....that will give me a ton of tops if they all take.. I Was lucky that the White Russian was a quick healer. It will not grow too tall after all that.

That is what I did with my love lettuce Aunt Bernice. She just looks like a big round ball now!!:thumb:
Well Old Buddy! I just cannot wait to see how you top, top and fim, fim! I guess I will have to come to Hawaii to check it out in person!! Look forward to see you and Jo!! Booking flights now!! Maholo and Aloha!! :circle-of-love:

Hey Buddy. Jo and I are already planing where we are going and what you will see. The best places on the island. We have been waiting for years for someone to come, now we have a reason to clean up the house! :thumb:

I'll try to have a few plants ready to Top and FIM. :cheer:

I hope I answered all your PMs.....I got confused! :circle-of-love:
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