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I posted a chart awhile back, but for the life of me I dont remember where and right now have no extra time to locate it. So If OMM doesn't mind I'll post it here to. You can use this to find your select strain just look at the outer list on the chart and then follow it to the center, it will give you an approximation. Sorry I dont have a listing with all the strains that carry the traits you are looking for. But maybe some knows where to find a listing of the amounts the strains carry. (did that make sense).


Thanks for this Seagem! I'll be harvesting later it seems to get more CBC/CBD and looking for high CBD strains. For the anti inflammatory, but it seems as though it can be a mix of all for anti-cancer. Very helpful post. +Reps
I often tell people that I am a nicer person once I smoke, it seems like it makes me more tolerant of people's bullcrap. Anyone else feel this way or is it just me?

Yup. less easily irritated. Or I care less that other people are so self centered
Wow missed alot over a day. I read back but I am being lazy and don't feel like quoting everyone today so I will go on what I remember. I am also high too. Seems everyone is mentioning their smoking habits or what time you prefer to smoke. I agree I think the first wake and bake is the best, kinda gets me motivated and on my way to do whatever it is I need to do. I basically go every where high, appointments or whatever and function just fine. My favorite thing is to go grocery shopping high. And I usually smoke all day long unless I am dealing with the FNC (friendly neighborhood connect) who I now have that only does small things and not major things which is what I prefer. I often tell people that I am a nicer person once I smoke, it seems like it makes me more tolerant of people's bullcrap. Anyone else feel this way or is it just me?
ahh the grocery store:)man if I go there high, well all I have to say is good by budget and hello food that I like. needless to say but it aint pretty:circle-of-love:
Wow missed alot over a day. I read back but I am being lazy and don't feel like quoting everyone today so I will go on what I remember. I am also high too. Seems everyone is mentioning their smoking habits or what time you prefer to smoke. I agree I think the first wake and bake is the best, kinda gets me motivated and on my way to do whatever it is I need to do. I basically go every where high, appointments or whatever and function just fine. My favorite thing is to go grocery shopping high. And I usually smoke all day long unless I am dealing with the FNC (friendly neighborhood connect) who I now have that only does small things and not major things which is what I prefer. I often tell people that I am a nicer person once I smoke, it seems like it makes me more tolerant of people's bullcrap. Anyone else feel this way or is it just me?

Yes! That is exactly how I feel too. Life is better with weed. I used to go for a run while being high. Made my regular course new every time! I am much more tolerant of people when I am high!! Glad there are a few of us reading this journal that are day long stoners!! LoL!! :circle-of-love:
well hard as it may seem to believe, but unless someone comes over I'll roll a joint smoke about a third of it and then I might finnish it the next day. I really enjoy the first buzz of the day. pending on when I doit last me till bed time:)
Oh my... I smoked three joints yesterday.. And maybe 5 or so vape bowls. Those bowls aren't very large though.

oh dont get me wrong I remember getting a qp of some redbud that when you touched it you couldnt get it off your fingers. sticky as glue it was and it cost $150.00 for the hole 1/4lb outrageous at the time sure would like to get my hands on some of those seeds now:) maybe the next time I order some seeds I'll look and see if there is anything compareable to that.but that was back when a lb of mex.was $75.:peace:

I think ace seeds carries something that sounds like that, Panama.. Cannabiogen carries the same line, I think, at like a dollar less per seed. Its supposed to have some "red" pheno's in there.

I get so jealous hearing about "the day"... $150 for 4oz?! Amazing! Especially if its good :) $150 here... Will get you a half ounce, if you have a nice hook up.
ahh the grocery store:)man if I go there high, well all I have to say is good by budget and hello food that I like. needless to say but it aint pretty:circle-of-love:

I love it, I get in there and start thinking of things to cook. I go into Iron Chef mode.

Yes! That is exactly how I feel too. Life is better with weed.

I totally agree. You are not alone, all day tokers unite..lol..That's why it gets me when they show these antidrug commercials featuring weed. Especially the ones that show that all you wanna do is sit on ya ass. I am like where do they get this from? They need to really be around someone who smokes, not all of us get stuck to the point that we don't move from one spot all day. I know I don't.
I love it, I get in there and start thinking of things to cook. I go into Iron Chef mode.

I totally agree. You are not alone, all day tokers unite..lol..That's why it gets me when they show these antidrug commercials featuring weed. Especially the ones that show that all you wanna do is sit on ya ass. I am like where do they get this from? They need to really be around someone who smokes, not all of us get stuck to the point that we don't move from one spot all day. I know I don't.

Yes, All day tokers must speak up! We are not cacoons!! We mow yards, change diapers, and make the world turn!! We are the true commited smoker. Evening smokers are posers!! They are like the middle age life crisis man that buys his first harley and then trailers it to Sturgis! :rofl:
Yes!! We are the Real Deal!!! :high-five:
Hey SB,
I just wished the chart show some % in the pie. Maybe it can be printed out if you use a dispensary and they could help? But what do I know. Im brain dead and need some smoke. Luckily my son hooked me up with some Blue Dream Kush cross or something. Dont know much about it except it lay's me out.

Thanks for this Seagem! I'll be harvesting later it seems to get more CBC/CBD and looking for high CBD strains. For the anti inflammatory, but it seems as though it can be a mix of all for anti-cancer. Very helpful post. +Reps
Hey SB,
I just wished the chart show some % in the pie. Maybe it can be printed out if you use a dispensary and they could help? But what do I know. Im brain dead and need some smoke. Luckily my son hooked me up with some Blue Dream Kush cross or something. Dont know much about it except it lay's me out.

Yeah, no dispensaries here, unfortunately... kind of why I wanted to use OMM's sound board :) Glad your boy could hook you up.

Anyone else with a favorite anti-inflammatory strain?
What a bunch of stoner's you all are! :circle-of-love:

I think I smoke so much at night it carries over to the next day for me. Or maybe I don't know the difference any more! I could never go grocery shopping stoned...I'd buy the place out. I get so stoned before going to a movie I don't remember half of it.
I think I've said this before..if someone comes over for a visit in the daytime and we get stoned, that's it for the day. No work getting done that day. Closet Farmer...you will have to remind me of what we had planned to do that day or we will just sit here smiling. When THsea visits...he smokes all day...I smoke when we are finished or I'd get nothing done. That's what I get for being an indica smoker!
+Reps for you Girl! :bravo:

Ditto, awesome chart, Seagem. +rep from me too. :bravo:

Would you mind if I repost this (I'll happily credit you)? I like to put really useful posts like this in my blog. :)
Yeah, no dispensaries here, unfortunately... kind of why I wanted to use OMM's sound board :) Glad your boy could hook you up.

Anyone else with a favorite anti-inflammatory strain?

I wish, Surfbuddy, that I knew a good one. I will be anxious to hear of any good suggestions myself. I'm starting to think there would be some great value to me in that, too. One I've heard might be good, (friend recommended to me for this) is Pre 98 Bubba Kush from. Cali Connection, but I've not heard much from anyone else about it as ant- inflammatory, mostly just pain relief (with the pre 98 bubba). I am anxious to try it sometime soon, though. :goodluck:
Hi All here are my thoughts on this grow.

Here is what I think went well.

Using OC+

Using RO water

Putting in the new AC

Getting great help from THsea

Finally getting all the lights on a central timer

Putting all the girls in flower at the same time, much easier to keeping track of them.

Things I need to work on:

Realizing the potential of my tent. I think I have been too frightened of vegging my girls longer. The next grow I will veg quite a while before flowering; this will increase my yields considerably.

Keeping better records of the watering schedule of each strain I grow. I have just been reading them for watering.

Breaking my grow up into smaller pieces….they go too long.

If you have any ideas that may help let me know.:high-five:
Yeah, no dispensaries here, unfortunately... kind of why I wanted to use OMM's sound board :) Glad your boy could hook you up.

Anyone else with a favorite anti-inflammatory strain?

ChemDawg :)

PSST! OMM, gonna goto the store then I'mma holla at ya.
ok ill give you a ring tomorrow so your gonna be vaping earlier than usual
only a bit tho i cant do much
maybe sometime in the afternoon i gotta do my chop and res stuff in the am and moving my last nycd clone to flower
gonna start using seeds next...................
and i think someone may come by to look at the boat im selling........
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