Welcome All My Friends To The Show That Never Ends - Canna M & Nismo12 Team Up!

Swapped some Jilly Bean for some Ceese a couple hours ago. Stilla tad green but oooooh wee amkes ya thirsty :passitleft:

What is the longest cured you have had the pleasure of Nis ? What ? Where ? Take us back for a sec

Or have a nice friday night. i am inna mood don't mind me y'all just a lil higher than reg
Swapped some Jilly Bean for some Ceese a couple hours ago. Stilla tad green but oooooh wee amkes ya thirsty :passitleft:

What is the longest cured you have had the pleasure of Nis ? What ? Where ? Take us back for a sec

Well then. The longest I personally have had is 6 months and it is our purple kush from our first grow. But I will say that it is stronger and has a very smooth taste to it. A longer cure is definately needed to make a good smoke report. Case in point, our NLB tasted like total shit. Couldn't stand it. Now that it has been curing it is very good and when sharing a joint with canna I am ripped when it's done.

Oh and cheese is delicious. :passitleft:
Err... Anyway... Hey, nismo12, would you happen to remember when it was that I mentioned having taken four cuttings the night before, tossed them into cups of soil/perlite, and stuck them under a milk crate at the perimeter of my light? I think it was this thread. I figured 14 to 21 days for rooting, but I knocked two of the cups over lifting the milk crate off of them so I could check the moisture content (hand-weigh) and pour some more in if necessary. Without thinking, I righted one of the cups by grabbing the cutting, lofl - so I guess that one must already have roots. I then gently tugged on the other three. Two of those refused to budge, but one moved freely (still as green and healthy looking as the day I stuck it, so it's not dead, just hasn't rooted yet). I guess I should have made a note of the date, but I figured that conditions were unfavorable and that it'd be a while. A 75% success rate for cloning is pretty deplorable, but since the fourth one isn't dead yet, I don't really consider it a failure, only late to the party. I'm just mainly wondering if it was only a week or so ago or if I somehow lost a week, lol.

They might be in the cups for a while. I'll have to go to the plant center that sells decent soil and it's not in this town. I thought, "Well, I'll just stick them in two-liter bottles full of perlite, then," but I don't have enough. I suppose I could keep two of them for mothers and flower the big ones, instead. Or... Nah, it'd be a waste to keep the big ones and flower the clones in their little red cups :rolleyes3 . Or... something, IDK. Did I lose a week? I've only ever lost a weekend before, and those were the result of monumental partying. WtF?
Anyone else here ever have to rehydrate 1year old or better weed ? Ever notice that the entire high, as well as the taste and texture change, from when you smoke it dry, or is just me ?

i have some 1+, and some almost 2 yr old cured herb. some were kept with Boveda packs 62%, some weren't..most were stored 6 months ago in vacuum bags

it won't be the same if its too dry. Plus if exposed to light and/or air, plant material degrades.
Err... Anyway... Hey, nismo12, would you happen to remember when it was that I mentioned having taken four cuttings the night before, tossed them into cups of soil/perlite, and stuck them under a milk crate at the perimeter of my light? I think it was this thread. I figured 14 to 21 days for rooting, but I knocked two of the cups over lifting the milk crate off of them so I could check the moisture content (hand-weigh) and pour some more in if necessary. Without thinking, I righted one of the cups by grabbing the cutting, lofl - so I guess that one must already have roots. I then gently tugged on the other three. Two of those refused to budge, but one moved freely (still as green and healthy looking as the day I stuck it, so it's not dead, just hasn't rooted yet). I guess I should have made a note of the date, but I figured that conditions were unfavorable and that it'd be a while. A 75% success rate for cloning is pretty deplorable, but since the fourth one isn't dead yet, I don't really consider it a failure, only late to the party. I'm just mainly wondering if it was only a week or so ago or if I somehow lost a week, lol.

They might be in the cups for a while. I'll have to go to the plant center that sells decent soil and it's not in this town. I thought, "Well, I'll just stick them in two-liter bottles full of perlite, then," but I don't have enough. I suppose I could keep two of them for mothers and flower the big ones, instead. Or... Nah, it'd be a waste to keep the big ones and flower the clones in their little red cups :rolleyes3 . Or... something, IDK. Did I lose a week? I've only ever lost a weekend before, and those were the result of monumental partying. WtF?
Well last week you said how you gave some cuttings away I do remember so your buddy could plant them at the mall. I remember that since I was :rofl: I know how it is with my memory and can understand.
Cool, thanks. I'm used to having holes in my mind large enough to drive a truck through, but the thought of having lost a week was startling.

I guess they rooted faster than I expected. I'll have to attribute that to the massive amount of care I didn't give them, lol.
Morning C&N.....:passitleft:
Just passing thru. :passitleft:
Good morning Canna n Nismo, n all who are present. What a nice rainy n stoney Saturday, eh ?

Okay I would like to ask your opinion on how I may pollinate one of my plants without pollinating the others that live with her. I acn isolate her for a duration of time to a location that only gets indirect sunlight through a window. How long after I pollinate her do I have to wait before I know it's tooken ? Do I wash her after n before I put her back in flower room ? I riginally wanted to pollinate using a baggie type deal one one or two branches. Now I am gonna go with whole plant polly. Today she is 7 days in flower when I receive pollen she will be thirteen maybe, is that too late ? Too early ?

I am gonna do a cross DDAxAuto Destroyer.

Have a great saturday
how I may pollinate one of my plants without pollinating the others that live with her.

Mix your pollen with a bit of flour or something to cut it. Go to the nearest craft store and buy a little artist's paintbrush. Pollinate by hand, remembering that - even cut - the tip of that brush will hold hundreds if not thousands of grains of pollen. Touch each flower you wish to pollinate. Do this in a windless room, lol. The next day, fill a spray bottle with water and mist the entire plant fairly well. It ought to be safe to return to the grow room afterwards (it ought to be safe right away, but the water will do for any sloppiness during the hand-pollination).

Or if you favor the shotgun approach, cut the pollen even more drastically, set the plant outside in front of a fan, and dump the pollen into the fan, lol. Either way, wet the plant down the following day before returning it to your grow. A couple of hours should be sufficient before killing the extra pollen, but the next day will certainly be so.

Good morning Canna n Nismo, n all who are present. What a nice rainy n stoney Saturday, eh ?

Okay I would like to ask your opinion on how I may pollinate one of my plants without pollinating the others that live with her. I acn isolate her for a duration of time to a location that only gets indirect sunlight through a window. How long after I pollinate her do I have to wait before I know it's tooken ? Do I wash her after n before I put her back in flower room ? I riginally wanted to pollinate using a baggie type deal one one or two branches. Now I am gonna go with whole plant polly. Today she is 7 days in flower when I receive pollen she will be thirteen maybe, is that too late ? Too early ?

I am gonna do a cross DDAxAuto Destroyer.

Have a great saturday
Prime time is 2 to 3 weeks into flower. You will know she is prego when pistils prematurely die off soon after. I have a picture I'll put up later when I get home or you can go back to the beginning of August here and it's there. :thumb:

As for pollinating you can use a small paint brush and do some Bob Ross happy trees lol. Then isolate her for 2 or 3 days or until you see the pistils dying off. Then take her and give her a shower then she can go back to gen pop. Then 30-40 days later you will have seeds! Our carnival gave out 150+ seeds as a small plant even.

Oh and it will be an auto. The auto trait is dominate in both of them. As for our devil's carnival, it has a 25% chance. But right now she is looking like her DDA dad. She has more of an indica leaning shape to her. Her mom, the carnival, had skinnier leaves and wasn't as bushy. So im thinking it'll be an auto...hopefully.

Have a great day bud. Not a cloud in the sky here. :passitleft:
Mix your pollen with a bit of flour or something to cut it. Go to the nearest craft store and buy a little artist's paintbrush. Pollinate by hand, remembering that - even cut - the tip of that brush will hold hundreds if not thousands of grains of pollen. Touch each flower you wish to pollinate. Do this in a windless room, lol. The next day, fill a spray bottle with water and mist the entire plant fairly well. It ought to be safe to return to the grow room afterwards (it ought to be safe right away, but the water will do for any sloppiness during the hand-pollination).


I appreciate that. I have the brush. Got it on the flour/cut. Got it on windless room. N check on next day misting fairly well.

Thank you.
Prime time is 2 to 3 weeks into flower. You will know she is prego when pistils prematurely die off soon after. I have a picture I'll put up later when I get home or you can go back to the beginning of August here and it's there. :thumb:

As for pollinating you can use a small paint brush and do some Bob Ross happy trees lol. Then isolate her for 2 or 3 days or until you see the pistils dying off. Then take her and give her a shower then she can go back to gen pop. Then 30-40 days later you will have seeds! Our carnival gave out 150+ seeds as a small plant even.

Oh and it will be an auto. The auto trait is dominate in both of them. As for our devil's carnival, it has a 25% chance. But right now she is looking like her DDA dad. She has more of an indica leaning shape to her. Her mom, the carnival, had skinnier leaves and wasn't as bushy. So im thinking it'll be an auto...hopefully.

Have a great day bud. Not a cloud in the sky here. :passitleft:

Hahaha so what you are telling me is that there is not a cloud in the sky ? Reeeeally. I believe that:rofl: I bet it's mostly cloudy where ever you are.

This one is massive I think. 39 inches today and still gittin it. Never tpped unfortunately and I don't expect the smoke to be spectacular because of the upcoming events she will be experiencing. But I expect a ton of seeds.

Thanks Nis
While on the subject of seeding cannabis.......is it true that if you continue the life of a plant past 'ripeness', that it will produce male flowers and fertilize itself?
While on the subject of seeding cannabis.......is it true that if you continue the life of a plant past 'ripeness', that it will produce male flowers and fertilize itself?
Yes, that is called rodelization. That's where you stress a female plant enough so as a last ditch effort she will self pollinate. :thumb:
How do you suggest stressing the plant to get it to rodelize?
Having too much light or your lights too close will work. Cold or hot climates. Or you could just take her 5 or 6 weeks passed her harvest time.

My problem with this is that you are forcing her to hermie. That could potentially be a trait that is passed on. I am all for using colloidal silver or silver thiosulfate (STS). $20 - $30 for the supplies to do either one of them and get almost guaranteed results.
My problem with this is that you are forcing her to hermie. That could potentially be a trait that is passed on. I am all for using colloidal silver or silver thiosulfate (STS). $20 - $30 for the supplies to do either one of them and get almost guaranteed results.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the info Nis! :thanks: You are Da Man!!!! :thumb:
Heya maynman,
Howgozit brutha ?
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