Welcome All My Friends To The Show That Never Ends - Canna M & Nismo12 Team Up!

Im a little bummed out from the lack if compassion im receiving from the Doc. I went more in depth in my cozy corner. I'm really frustrated and it sucks.

Lately, all we do is tuck the leaves until harvest. We don't exfoliate much anymore. It seems as though it's not necessary to do so.

We do most of our trimming after we wash the buds. That way we can use the leaves for bubble hash. We spray foliar spray and neem on the plants, so we want them cleaned of all that stuff before we smoke the hash.

Have a good day bud. I need to get moving to get some paperwork for the Doc. Hmmm, maybe I'll call to see if they got them yet. As$hats!
I'm always around baby. I'm just quiet some days. I keep pretty good tabs on you though. :laughtwo:

Thanks. Passing to the left. :passitleft:.
Thanks Sue. I'm glad you watch over me. It is a good feeling to know other people care. :passitleft:
Hope you get better soon canna! Sorry to hear that, wishing the best for you and nismo!:passitleft: passing good vibes in combustible form
:passitleft: thanks Buddy! I'm hoping we can get things figured out today.
Welcome All My Friends To The Show That Never Ends - Canna M & Nismo12 Team Up!

Hey Canna sending you some positive vibes from the land of the long white cloud NZ. Hope you heal and recover fast..KiaKaha be strong
I snagged a couple pics earlier while I was in the flower room looking at that damn SSH plant.

PK Reveg

Bubble Bomb

This plant has one seriously jacked up pheno. She is hideous and has been flowering for about 5 months. She will be made into oil this weekend. The buds on her are worthless! 7 months invested in this plant just to make oil. Smdh!

Have a good night guys. Nis and I are running power to the flower room so we can run the new portable A/C.

That is outrageous and sad, obviously they don't care about anyone's health. If you need it, you need it, there should be no debate. Have a great day guys :icon_roll
In a perfect world...
Dropping in to say hi! I hope you get better soon Canna!

Thanks Buddy! I'm trying to get better. Waiting on lab work.

That bubble bomb is Beautiful. I'm dreaming of a full flower room while cuddling the mutts. :tokin:
Also, sorry to hear about that odd pheno!
We had to stop letting the pups in the Gr. They she'd something fierce and the plants looked like we peppered them with white dog hair. Lol! The plant is beautiful, even better up close.

We can't prescribe you this natural flower......but here, take these percs & fall in love with the high so we can create another customer. Been there, done that. Still a battle I fight every day. The only thing that saved my life from heroin was weed....
I hear ya there. There was a guy who lost his apprenticeship because of the pills. It's a shame too, he was a good worker.
Hey Canna sending you some positive vibes from the land of the long white cloud NZ. Hope you heal and recover fast..KiaKaha be strong
Thanks man! I'm trying to think positively!

We had to stop letting the pups in the Gr. They she'd something fierce and the plants looked like we peppered them with white dog hair. Lol! The plant is beautiful, even better up close.


Beautiful indeed. The GR is the only spot where I don't let them wander, they find themselves relaxing in my " lung room" where my intake pulls from soooo I need a screen or filter so it doesn't just snow dog hair in the garden hahaha :rofl::cough:
I'm sorry that you are at the mercy of your doctor and your doctor is... not acting like one. Seems to be all I hear/read when the word "doctor" is mentioned these days. Mom has a kidney stone that "isn't quite" large enough to go in and remove, I guess. But she also has a bladder capacity that is literally measurable in teaspoons - and very, very few of those - due to a pooched surgery years ago. IOW, if she drinks much liquid at all, she'll have to go pee every little bit (for hours)... but less than an ounce ever comes out. Now I'm no genius, but even I can figure out that if I jam a large "shooter" marble into a garden hose... While I have no idea how much pressure and flow of water it'll take to blow the marble out, me spitting into the hose isn't going to do it. Maybe the doctor is just waiting on her to die and quit bugging him, IDFK. I mean... I know it's just a kidney stone, but the woman is past ¾ of a century old and doesn't need fookin' optional pain because the mandatory is more than enough, thanks. He ought to know since he has access to her medical history and if he CBA to do a little heavy reading the collection of scars and crippled joints that would be clearly visible during even a cursory physical examination would cause most folks to cringe. I figure, well, if she passes on before she passes that kidney stone, that doctor just might get a chance to apologize to her personally soon afterwards. The way I see it, my "fear of consequences" is mostly that something would happen to me and there would be no one available to help Mama. Remove that little barrier and I'm liable to go back to the handful I used to be. Except that when I was younger and used to raise a little creative h*ll, I was basically just having fun most of the time. Now I'm a cynical b@stard and some days I just don't care, lol, so it could be some combination of "look out!" and "film at 11." And I seem to remember that pain doesn't hurt when the rage is on, so right now that's kind of looking like a good thing.

My brother has had scary symptoms for "a while" he went to a doctor earlier in the year and was immediately referred to someone else for a cardiac catheterization. Now I know that it's no big deal, it's just a test. But afterwards, he was told that he has complete blockage of something or other on one side, and he said the doctor acted like that WAS a big deal and that he should have some kind of surgical procedure because of it. IIRC, the words "I'm surprised that you're walking around" were used. That was in... hmm... May? It has been quite a while, considering. He's kind of a hind end (yeah, it runs in the family), but I feel a little bit sorry for him. He was worried about the heart cath - he seems to have developed mild depression and more than mild anxiety in the past couple of years - but was told that he definitely had a problem, and unlike the nerve (et cetera) damage and severe chronic pain, this was the kind of problem that could kill him at pretty much any time... and that the test was step one, so to speak, that step two would come quickly after that, and that his life and life expectancy would almost certainly both see major improvement. He's... still... waiting on step two.

Doctors. I've got no use for them. Last time I even saw one was - I think - in 2011 or 2012, thereabouts, when Mom showed up at my house in the middle of the night, got me into her car, and literally half dragged and half carried me into the ER whilst I was alternating between raving from the pain/fever and fading out. Before that it was in 1993 for a physical and I had the luck (flip a coin as to whether it was good or bad) to draw one who, himself, had just been diagnosed with bone cancer and who was understandably not too into his job at the time, so he talked to me about how funny life is for about five minutes, then asked me if I felt like I was going to fall over dead. When I laughed and said no, he said I had just aced the physical.

There's a joke, something like... If you're driving down the road and see three people standing in the middle of it - a doctor, a lawyer, and a politician - what do you do? Answer: Something that involves making a couple of U-turns.

I snagged a couple pics earlier while I was in the flower room looking at that damn SSH plant.


This plant has one seriously jacked up pheno. She is hideous and has been flowering for about 5 months. She will be made into oil this weekend. The buds on her are worthless! 7 months invested in this plant just to make oil. Smdh!





What have you been feeding her?!? Joking - but it kind of looks like it ought to have had all (or at least most) of its nitrogen removed from its diet some time ago.

I wish I was your next door neighbor <TS looks out his window...>, I'd volunteer to take that - or a cutting from it, at least - off your hands. I had a sativa that went a little over 20 weeks in flower once. It was... well worth the wait ;) . The kind of plant that haunts a man's dreams. A lotus-eater's, anyway.

How long (in days) was the stretch period at the beginning of flowering?
I'm sorry that you are at the mercy of your doctor and your doctor is... not acting like one. Seems to be all I hear/read when the word "doctor" is mentioned these days. Mom has a kidney stone that "isn't quite" large enough to go in and remove, I guess. But she also has a bladder capacity that is literally measurable in teaspoons - and very, very few of those - due to a pooched surgery years ago. IOW, if she drinks much liquid at all, she'll have to go pee every little bit (for hours)... but less than an ounce ever comes out. Now I'm no genius, but even I can figure out that if I jam a large "shooter" marble into a garden hose... While I have no idea how much pressure and flow of water it'll take to blow the marble out, me spitting into the hose isn't going to do it. Maybe the doctor is just waiting on her to die and quit bugging him, IDFK. I mean... I know it's just a kidney stone, but the woman is past ¾ of a century old and doesn't need fookin' optional pain because the mandatory is more than enough, thanks. He ought to know since he has access to her medical history and if he CBA to do a little heavy reading the collection of scars and crippled joints that would be clearly visible during even a cursory physical examination would cause most folks to cringe. I figure, well, if she passes on before she passes that kidney stone, that doctor just might get a chance to apologize to her personally soon afterwards. The way I see it, my "fear of consequences" is mostly that something would happen to me and there would be no one available to help Mama. Remove that little barrier and I'm liable to go back to the handful I used to be. Except that when I was younger and used to raise a little creative h*ll, I was basically just having fun most of the time. Now I'm a cynical b@stard and some days I just don't care, lol, so it could be some combination of "look out!" and "film at 11." And I seem to remember that pain doesn't hurt when the rage is on, so right now that's kind of looking like a good thing.

My brother has had scary symptoms for "a while" he went to a doctor earlier in the year and was immediately referred to someone else for a cardiac catheterization. Now I know that it's no big deal, it's just a test. But afterwards, he was told that he has complete blockage of something or other on one side, and he said the doctor acted like that WAS a big deal and that he should have some kind of surgical procedure because of it. IIRC, the words "I'm surprised that you're walking around" were used. That was in... hmm... May? It has been quite a while, considering. He's kind of a hind end (yeah, it runs in the family), but I feel a little bit sorry for him. He was worried about the heart cath - he seems to have developed mild depression and more than mild anxiety in the past couple of years - but was told that he definitely had a problem, and unlike the nerve (et cetera) damage and severe chronic pain, this was the kind of problem that could kill him at pretty much any time... and that the test was step one, so to speak, that step two would come quickly after that, and that his life and life expectancy would almost certainly both see major improvement. He's... still... waiting on step two.

Doctors. I've got no use for them. Last time I even saw one was - I think - in 2011 or 2012, thereabouts, when Mom showed up at my house in the middle of the night, got me into her car, and literally half dragged and half carried me into the ER whilst I was alternating between raving from the pain/fever and fading out. Before that it was in 1993 for a physical and I had the luck (flip a coin as to whether it was good or bad) to draw one who, himself, had just been diagnosed with bone cancer and who was understandably not too into his job at the time, so he talked to me about how funny life is for about five minutes, then asked me if I felt like I was going to fall over dead. When I laughed and said no, he said I had just aced the physical.

There's a joke, something like... If you're driving down the road and see three people standing in the middle of it - a doctor, a lawyer, and a politician - what do you do? Answer: Something that involves making a couple of U-turns.

What have you been feeding her?!? Joking - but it kind of looks like it ought to have had all (or at least most) of its nitrogen removed from its diet some time ago.

I wish I was your next door neighbor <TS looks out his window...>, I'd volunteer to take that - or a cutting from it, at least - off your hands. I had a sativa that went a little over 20 weeks in flower once. It was... well worth the wait ;) . The kind of plant that haunts a man's dreams. A lotus-eater's, anyway.

How long (in days) was the stretch period at the beginning of flowering?

Dr's are ridiculous anymore, and I totally understand your frustration with your mama. Unfortunately, it happens too much. It's like Lilred said. They forgot the real reason they became health care professionals. Grrr.

We put the SSH in flower with 3 other plants. Out of those 4 plants, 3 of them started flowering at about the normal week or so. The 4th one, SSH, waited an additional 3+ weeks to show pistils. As far as i can tell, shes still stretching! :rofl: She has been a slow starter, slow middle, and no end in sight. Until she gets axed this weekend. We need her gone. I think she's the haven for the mites we keep getting back. There's no way we get all of her nooks and crannys with the sprayer. It's time to part ways with her. If you were our neighbor, you could have the whole shebang! Lol!

It's past our bedtime. See you guys on the flip side!

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