This never even occurred to me as an option. I'm new to cloning though, still waiting on my first roots to form, so that doesn't surprise me. Thanks for this bit of info.
There are no stupid questions weenmeoff. We're here hoping you'll ask questions so that some helpful cultivator can answer it for you. This process helps all of us become better cultivators.
I must say, I was thrilled to watch the group of you swoop in to help ween. This was a delightful read for a Sunday morning. I'm confident that you're in excellent hands ween. How fortuitous of you to have Rad wander in. Hello Rad.
Hello to you too, Canna, nismo and Hoz.
I'll probably only be passing through now and then on my way to one of those many threads I maintain, but it was nice to get to know you some ween. I look forward to getting to know you better over the years. It was reassuring to watch you pick up the learning curve so quickly. Your first harvest will be a delight of its own to witness.
I can't leave without a hug for you too ween. It's your party.
Best of luck with the rest of your grow.