Websissy’s Purple Haze Grow Journal, 2021

Bath Tub Veg Setup:

The white powder inside the bags is diatomaceous earth.



This clone has a tiny pistil that's turned red. The rest of the clone's new growth are leaves - no more flowers.

Update - my Flower Girl has some issue - not looking good. Her leaves started to claw about a week ago. Some advice I got was nitrogen toxicity, too much nutes and/or root issues. Seems to be happening to the fan leaves. I noticed that the fan leaves are turning brown around the veins and then yellowing. Some may have to be cut off soon :( I worry that we won't make it through the rest of the flower cycle - she's at the end of week 4. I didn't water for a bit longer in case it was too damp of roots issue. I looked at some charts and pics of plant leaves and wonder if she's having some type of deficiency, rather than toxicity? I decided to flush her with RO water. I flushed her with 2 gallons (she's in a 3 gallon pot). I drained the run off and test it after each gallon. First test was 1,400 PPM and PH was low (acidic). 2nd run off got PPM to 1,000 and PH a little less acidic - but still not in ideal range. Going to give her some time to see what happens. Couple other things I've notice - her sugar leaves around mid to lower buds are getting all saggy looking - not healthy (but that was this morning after 12 hours of darkness) and a couple of the buds look like they might be developing some seeds (which is possible since I had male plants in the tent that were moved out early - maybe not early enough). A few seeds would be okay though.

Her clones are doing well - starting to veg a bit faster . I needed the T5 light I was using for them though for the 420 GSC Comparative Grow's seedlings, so I've put the clones in the grow tent and will move them out at night and put them under the other light. I hope the lower humidity in the grow tent (45-50 RH) will be okay for the Clones for 12 hours a day.

I was out today - came home and she’s struggling - this is no bueno! Then my cat ate half of the leaves on one of my clones! Good news is all the other plants are doing well!


This morning, I cut off about 20 fan leaves that were dying or dead and crispy (got like that fast). Her new growth seems fine. She still has a way to go - hope she makes it. Here’s a pic of one of her bud tips taken yesterday. I have another thread about her dreaded claw leaves where I’ve been try to solve her myster:nerd-with-glasses:

is this a possible seed growing in the bud? Is see a few bulging belly buds like this.
Continuing to snip off dying fan leaves. All else looks fine except for a few lower sugar leaves looking droopy....
I took a pic this morning of one of her top buds and when I zoomed in I saw this! Do you see it? :smokin2:
She doesn’t look healthy but is hanging on. Her 3 gallon cloth pot felt light today so I watered her but I didn’t do plain RO water - I just didn’t give her any nitrogen. Gave her 1/2 dosage of Sweet Raw, GH Flora Bloom and about 1/2 TBSP of molasses. I also added some SNS-209 organic pesticide just in case that would be helpful.

Wishing I’d transplanted her a week before I flipped her to flower from 3 gallon to 5 gallon. Should have stuck to half or no nutes maybe. I followed all the recommendations. Frustrating but it’s my first grow so hopefully I’ll get things dialed in.
My PH Flower Girl is in the middle of her week 5 of flower. Believe she got nute burned around week 2-3. Trying to save her. Continuing to cut off dead fan leaves, some falling off. I looked in my jeweler’s loop and can see tiny clear Trichomes forming on her buds/sugar leaves. Hoping she can make it - looking doubtful - hard to tell from pics.

Good news is some of her clones are really starting to veg well!
Help!!! She is dying - even some of her sugar leaves are dying - her buds aren’t fully ripe - getting to the end of week 5 of flower. I’ll be gone this weekend - so she’ll be on her own. Should I end her misery and harvest her early? Not sure what to do? @Bill284 - any suggestions?
Help!!! She is dying - even some of her sugar leaves are dying - her buds aren’t fully ripe - getting to the end of week 5 of flower. I’ll be gone this weekend - so she’ll be on her own. Should I end her misery and harvest her early? Not sure what to do? @Bill284 - any suggestions?
Don't pull anything off at all. If it falls off thats fine but don't pluck anymore.
I think you can get her to the finish line.
As your in soil and its not my forte, but my recommendation would be let that pot dry and then flush wit ph water. Then let dry dry dry then feed with a decent dose of nutrients let dry then water. Dry and repeat
Run your nutrients at 6.3 for soil.
No nitrogen and your bloom nutrients in.
Hope that helps. Do you have a soil grower that's helping you or do you want me to ask one I know, just incase I'm wrong. Coco is so simple compared to soil.
Don't pull anything off at all. If it falls off thats fine but don't pluck anymore.
I think you can get her to the finish line.
As your in soil and its not my forte, but my recommendation would be let that pot dry and then flush wit ph water. Then let dry dry dry then feed with a decent dose of nutrients let dry then water. Dry and repeat
Run your nutrients at 6.3 for soil.
No nitrogen and your bloom nutrients in.
Hope that helps. Do you have a soil grower that's helping you or do you want me to ask one I know, just incase I'm wrong. Coco is so simple compared to soil.
Thanks Bill. I don’t have anyone specifically helping me - just reading on the web and listening to advice.
Thanks Bill. I don’t have anyone specifically helping me - just reading on the web and listening to advice.
I know @NuttyProfessor grows in soil . He might have a suggestion.
Hey Mr professor do you have any suggestions. I'll message him too.
Thanks Bill. I don’t have anyone specifically helping me - just reading on the web and listening to advice.
Pm sent.
Here’s some pics of her this morning. I am going away for the weekend so had to water/feed her this morning. I dread what she will look like when I get home. Her buds smell so nice - but I worry they will start to die before they reach maturity. I gave her Sweet Raw, a bit of Super Thrive and GH Flora Bloom and tested the PH. Her run off PPM’s are still high at 1,800 and PH was slightly acidic. Her grow tent is humidity controlled at 45%. Have fans blowing and in-line fan going. The temps do go up during the day if it’s hot outside to 83-84F. At night go down to mid-low 70’s.



I know @NuttyProfessor grows in soil . He might have a suggestion.
Hey Mr professor do you have any suggestions. I'll message him too.
mate ill catch up on this one tomorrow , a lot of reading to do , was busy today and just signed in for a bit, ill catch up in the morning mucker :thumb:
I have vision problems - glaucoma is one of them - why I have a medical marijuana card. I’m having trouble seeing it there are any Trichomes on the bud. She doesn’t look healthy - so not sure when to harvest. I see what looks like little white drops but not like I’ve seen in digital images online. I have a 40x jewelers loop and still having trouble seeing real close. Thinking I should get a digital magnifying thing you use with your phone. Here’s some images from this morning. Thoughts?

I gave her a flush of natural spring water last night but when I get home tonight i will probably cut her down. I noticed the buds are shrinking and don’t smell as skunky as they did last week. My first grow and first flower plant may have been a bust but I’ll try her bud out anyway once it’s cured. I have her clones which I’ll keep in veg for a bit longer. Have another tent coming in for my PH and GSC grows :)
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