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Meanwhile, if anyone has any pest or disease control questions for SNS, please let them know in their thread.

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Behind, always behind...
What are you guys using as a medium with the MC?

I’ve usually always used Sunshine Mix. This last summer that disappeared locally and for the first time Promix appeared, and took over. The two mediums seem to act a bit differently from each other- even though they’re both peat moss/perlite/lime.

The one flowering Carnival plant I added oyster shell to isn’t having the same deficiencies the other ones have. Whether it’s because it’s getting more calcium, or is ph buffered better, or both- I’m too dumb to know :) Remains to be seen how well the bud will turn out -looks reasonably promising.
leaves on the WW.

Rexer to me that looks like classic calcium deficiency but someone else correct me if I’m wrong. What is your feeding routine?
underwhelmed by the light output

the light,, bright,, yep,,.. working just fine,
Mixed messages.... :hmmmm:

A conversation on another thread inspired me to dig out my aerocloner. As I’m sure I blathered lots about on this journal at the time, I bought that cloner out of desperation in a time when I couldn’t get anything to root at all. It cost me about $300 with shipping and I never really got anything much to grow in it other than slime.

The Z9 product cured my cloning problems but I never got around to trying that cloner again till last week. Took the cuttings, and the picture, last Wednesday night. Roots in six days. That’s a personal record for me.

The Pineapple Chunk coming out of the dryer.

Rexer to me that looks like classic calcium deficiency but someone else correct me if I’m wrong. What is your feeding routine?

I think I'm just going to let her ride it out, as the blueberry (sharing same reservoir) is much bigger and doing great. Still on the fence...

Feed right now is 600PPM (500 scale) of Mega Crop, then 4ml/gallon of liquid koolbloom (which brings up to 800ppm roughly). New growth seems good. I was attempting to add extra cal mag for a bit to correct the deficiency, but I stopped with my last feed bump.

I know everybody is using weight for measuring MC, but I lost my scale and started by using my EC pen when I to play it safe I'll continue to use the pen till next grow.

That pineapple chunk looks amazing :drool:
I’ve been in the opposite situation. My Bluelab meter stopped working in the summer and to replace it will cost me $500 minimum by the time I pay tax and shipping, which I’m not all that excited about.
So I’ve felt sort of stuck with mega crop for the last while- because I can weigh it. Till I get around to buying a new ppm meter anyway. I think I’ll just look for some sort of cheaper pen type version next time.
I’ve been in the opposite situation. My Bluelab meter stopped working in the summer and to replace it will cost me $500 minimum by the time I pay tax and shipping, which I’m not all that excited about.
So I’ve felt sort of stuck with mega crop for the last while- because I can weigh it. Till I get around to buying a new ppm meter anyway. I think I’ll just look for some sort of cheaper pen type version next time.
Those cheap ass Zon pens are crap.

HM EC is about 60 bucks and water resistant. I've dropped it, dunked it and used it over a year with no recalibration needed (tested to make sure).

Edit- I've been looking at bluelab for a while long did you get out of yours & sorry to hear it crapped out!!
Thanks for that tip. I had the meter for about five years. Worked great while it lasted- and the ph meter still works on it, for now. It’s a lot of money to spend though. I would’ve preferred it lasted another five years -at least...
A photo dump of P Chunk #1 which I’m too stoned and lazy to winnow down more. I have somehow ended up with quite a few of these PC1’s reaching late flower at the same time. Most of them are at around 10 or 11 weeks now.

I went through last night and harvested a few of the bigger tops off the plants because I’m paranoid that they’re going to get mouldy or otherwise freak out and implode in some way before I can get them in the jar.

The stuff grows basically like half wilted iceberg lettuce that’s been saturated with epoxy resin. It’s all leaves and fairly fluffy all the way to the stem, so there no clear line where to stop trimming. I just trim the outer area off and stick it in the dryer where it usually somehow morphs into reasonably good looking bud later. It almost always dries/cures into a nice heavy spongey/chewy sort of texture, with a extremely strong smell. The bud is almost always very good even though the actual plant is always very bad.

I hate when strains produce leafy buds, but with frost and weight like your phenos, I would gladly suffer that extra trimming every week. My PC doesn't leaf out like that, but she also doesn't fill out like that either, lol. Still decent weight, but def not on your pheno's level. I have a PC seedling that's about 4-6 weeks old that I hope will surprise me.
They’ve reworked the strain a bunch of times I think. I suppose most strains are like that- breeders keep changing the ingredients but call it by the same name.

I got this seed five years ago, but previous to that there were a lot of nightmare stories about problems with it- where some people had very tall and long-flowering sativa phenos and other such first world problems. I think it’s changed a bunch since I bought my seeds, though it’s always hard to tell just from looking at a screen, without smellovision. The two newer seeds I grew out were both good, just not as unique as the original one.
Chopped a La Niña because a couple parts of her were starting to look almost past prime. In fact my whole flowering room is ready all at once so I’m going to have to harvest as much as I can handle. The dryer only holds about two large plants worth at a time.

Eventually the resin on my gloves reaches a point where it peels off easily. Didn’t quite get there tonight, but close.

curious if you take them pics with a flash,, the trikes in your pics always look so noticeable,, cuz they are white dots

sure does grow the trikes,, indeed

finger hash,, a tasty treat,, for sure,,

i don't recall you mentioning about growing anything outside this year,, perhaps that is something you dunna do,, grow outside?

and i guess your indoor growing space is as big as one needs to keep one busy

i noticed a bit ago you mentioned growing out some lemon haze crosses,, any crosses i know?

i harvested my most beautiful plant ever yesterday,, that p.c. / mack cross i think it is,, one of my many crosses,, accidental or on purpose,, take yer pick,,

P1170931 (2).JPG

it really is a stunning plant,, all pinky and stuff,, so pretty

now the interesting plant in my room is a dr.cbd plant from seeds i made from the dr. cbd male (sposed to be a fem seed) and the last dr. cbd seed i had

i think the genetics of the male are correct cuz this plant smell so reminds me of the femmed dr. cbd plants i have had


a couple of 13 degree nights, before i got the cold weather temps set correctly,, purpled this thing up in just a couple of days. the plant very back left is the same one,, just developing a touch of purple now

what fun inside these days

oh,, i picked up some watercolour supplies,, gonna give er a go,, much different medium for sure,,

cheers friend,, i will have a cmh chat later at that other thread,, i really like the light,, just cuz,, no reasonable reason
Congrats on your harvests Weasel .... Hadda skip past all the talk about lighting, my wallet started wiggling.

I tried MC this year outside in the patch.

I'm not very good with measuring and all that stuff so I just filled a trailer I attach to my tractor with well water about 200ish gallons, poured 1/2 bag of MC into the trailer mixed and took it for a ride to the patch.

Did that 2x during the flowering cycle worked out ok.

Thinking I'd still be trimming if I used more of it.

Hash making - I do it the old school way dry sift down to 90 micron screen.
Bout ready to make some thc gummies.

Bought some organic beef gelatin collagen and some 100% pure juice and made some green dragon that I left the alcohol evaporate from. Have no i-deer how strong it will be but its from a 100% sativa landrace. So either clean the house or take a nap. Wish me luck. I have a volunteer to help me in the kitchen.
Nice finger hash ‘cracker! :rollit: really pretty buds too. Nice stash building for you this year.

Thinking I'd still be trimming if I used more of it.
:laughtwo: (Btw - I bought some of those lightweight trimmers you & VS recommended ;) )

Good luck with the rest of the harvest festival Wease!
curious if you take them pics with a flash,, the trikes in your pics always look so noticeable,, cuz they are white dots

growing anything outside this year,,

It was the summer from hell this year as far as weather goes- nonstop cold and rain. I did grow a few in my greenhouse though, and switched them inside in the fall when they were in early flower, which is partly how I ended up with so many finishing now at the same time.

No I’ve never taken any pics with a flash. Hearing you mention it, I thought I’d try but my phone is apparently so smart that I couldn’t get past its automatic settings to make it use the flash and I soon gave up. I’m sure steve jobs knows best anyway, I guess... :rolleyes:

That PC looks pretty white in any light, but most pics these days are in my studio space under a fluorescent light- daylight being hard to get around here right now. Also sometimes I take pics using my headlamp, which is permanently attached my head this time of year. That tends to show the trichomes well.

Hash making - I do it the old school way dry sift down to 90 micron screen.
Hey Bob. Can you explain your method more? You sift it though the 90m. Do you use other screens/grades as well or just the 90? What do you do with the bud or trim you used, after that?

Usually lately I’ve sifted mine through a 120m bubble bag. The kief I get from that almost sticks together as hash but not quite. So I sift the trim again through a 160m bag and use that to make goo using alcohol. Then I mix the goo back in with the 120m kief, which makes it sticky enough to form hash balls. I’d rather skip the alcohol thing but haven’t gotten around to figuring out a better method yet. I might try sifting through a finer grade. I think the next finer I have after 120m is about 75m. I’m plotting to make some sift today, so... hit me back Bob. Thanks
lightweight trimmers

What? Where?

. Mind if I take a seat ?

Hey PCaddict. Yes please have a seat and a smoke. Take the recliner... you’ll probably be sleeping a lot with this journal :D
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