yes,, and perhaps a bit too much but it is dimmable,, tho perhaps dimming is not ultimate,, yet to be determined.

so, let me ask y'all,, because of the light footprint,, the light from the lamp,, because of the fade off tords the edges,, because of this,, is this idea practical?

run the light full power but raise it a bit higher.. does that offset the overpower,, raising it??

would that not also level out the light footprint a bit?
Morning nivek,

Here is a light map of one of my 630s, at 16“, 20” and 24”. Given they are a “point” light source, they have a decent spread. I tent to run mine about 16”, but I am also covering a 4x4 area.


@The Celt ,, cheers friend,, i will be probing deeper indeed as i pulled the trigger last night and the darn thing is in the mail,, indeed

a new toy for the boy, what joy

truley tho,, a whole new direction and experience,, grow wise, and grow wiser

speaking of new ventures,, i am making bubble hash tonight,, first round done,, second on the go,,

it sticks to the mesh way more than the videos

but i gots hash,, tho the colours look reversed,, preliminary conclusion

cheers friends
heya weaseley,, friends,,

just a teeny update to show my outdoor, yes, my last outdoor plant,, i posted about before,,

a indicative of indica afghani cross of some kind.

still in the ground,, going into november kicking and screaming but goin anyhooo


this poor thing has seen -9c,, and a frost last night,, but has bounced back,, to life anyway,, not growin i don't think.

so smell of diesel, or similar


a wee one, for sure,, but i need a wee one for a change,, to love and trim,,

made some hash last night,, and tasted and tested this morning,, wow,, powerful,, too much so actually, for general use.

sure nice tho,, so sticky,, sticks to my fingers,, about 14 or 15 grams so far from most of the monster lemon skunk plant.

blueberry next,, hash heaven,, wow

anyone,, please,, some tips to get the hash off the mesh given for drying,, some is completely stuck.

maybe a bit of iso alc rubbed gently underneath?

and, one more q,,pls

my bubble bag kit has 4 bags,, 220, ya,, 90,, 73,, 25

now,, the 90 had tons,, the 73 had near nothing, and the 25 had tons.

should i just eliminate the 73?

seems like i should.

no hash pics,, it looks like hash

and,, one more,, i found the 90 stuff to be whiter than the 25

the 90 is near white and the 25 is quite brown

i expected , from watching videos,, i expected the 25 to be whiter,,

why would the finer hash be darker?

perhaps from amber trichomes in the 25?

i gotta throw another pic in here cuz i went too long,,

my wee one frigid as heck,,

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karma sent friend,,

some tips to get the hash off the mesh given for drying,
Not sure what mesh that is. I know my bags came with some extra bits of mesh for something but I never read the instructions to see what they are for.
.I dry the hash on a plate. I always rinse the screens after use while they’re still wet, so stuff doesn’t dry on them.

But anyway- to clean anything like that which has resin stuck on it- dishes, utensils, hands, scissors- use vegetable oil. I think @OldMedUser first told me about that trick which for some reason not everyone knows about. Iso is pretty useless in comparison.
Slather them with oil - whatever’s on the counter, scrub around for a few minutes till it’s dissolved then follow with soap.

should i just eliminate the 73?

I normally only use the 45 these days. I wonder why your results are so different. The 25 micron bag never collects much for me and it’s a pain to get anything to strain through it. Also I never like the hash from it as much. Instead I save all that water at the end and let it settle out for an hour or two- and collect it that way. Easier for me anyway.
should i just eliminate the 73?
I only use 3 screens - 220, 150 and 45...very little shows up in the 150 and the 45 captures the bulk.
anyone,, please,, some tips to get the hash off the mesh given for drying,, some is completely stuck.

maybe a bit of iso alc rubbed gently underneath?
Do you use a sprayer to wash the hash in your bags before removing? After watching Frenchy make hash, I follow his method and wash the hash with the sprayer on the kitchen faucet, cold water, until it stops foaming. This also helps to push it into a pile in the centre making it easier to get off the screen. When I am done, I soak my screens in ISO until the next time I use them. Eventually the ISO becomes saturated and I run it off for oil.

The other option, if you have “clumps” of hash stuck to your screen, put it in the freezer for 10mins. The cold stops the “sticky ness” and it peels right off the screen.

Just some thoughts on how I make hash that might help you :)
P Chunk. This is the one I’ve been cloning for five years- the troublesome one. Just doing its usual late flowering freakout now. If I can keep it going for another couple weeks or longer it will get horrifically gooey. But usually it refuses to go that long.
I don’t think the photos show it but the buds on this plant are sort of like touching half melted cotton candy. Not all that pleasant

Same pheno sprayed with STS. You wouldn’t think this was a female plant would you? :laughtwo: I hope they open up.

better get some sleep before 4:20 am rolls around in a few minutes....
Morning @Weaselcracker

Been meaning to drop in and read your journal. Took your advice and skipped ahead lol.

Loving the conversation on lights. I'm actually using a vivosun 400 MH/HPS
Bought it due to budget restrictions and the zon getting it to me quickly (cheap LED quit towards start of a grow). I haven't had any issues yet but will replace it once I get funds to do so....mainly as the fire comments concern me.

Anyhow! Just wanted to say hi and hope you don't mind me tagging along!

I'll be setting up my old 1k MH for some clones that are taking over my veg area. I'm in middle of a 11 plant pheno hunt ( with clones ) and the clones have out grown #1's. After the up pot I need more light. I hope my bulb is in good shape. Been in storage couple years

Hopefully all's well with you brother
P1170926 (2).JPG

my little hash balls,, only really two grades there,, 90 and 25. i think i got ripped on the selection of bags in my set. hmmm

more in a bit

edit,, i shoulda added,, that is about 20 grms total

edit 2,, shoulda added ,, that is from the trimmings of my monster outdoor lemon skunk plant. sheesh,, gotta add up to 30 ounces or more off of that thing,, all tolled roughly,, wow

i don't have jars of the stuff,, i have 'tubs' of the stuff,,

edit 3,, that aprox 20 grams is from 'exactly' 240 grams of trimmings and mini bud.

i have looked for the percent of a good return and 10% seems ultimate,, so i figure i am slightly sub ultimate

in most things actually,, ha,, cheers
Took your advice and skipped ahead lol
Hey Rexer. Welcome. Nice to see a new face. Good call on the skipping ahead ha ha. Not much going on with this so-called journal at the moment, have been in a holding pattern mostly. I’m just getting back to focusing on the grow a bit more lately after a summer of neglect, so things should pick up a bit. The plants are generally tucked away in a far dungeon which I occasionally visit for five minutes to throw water and food at them.

You’ve inspired me to sprout a few new seeds to liven things up so I sprouted a few Lemon Haze crosses and another Carnival yesterday.
If my STS experiment works and I get lots of seeds it would be fun to just grow a bunch from seed and skip the cloning business.

I’ve got several strains going on that I’ve been growing for quite a while and to be honest I’m pretty bored of most of them. Also I switched my nutrients to Mega Crop several months back, and have been a bit underwhelmed with the results, but too busy or lazy to do much about it so far. I’ll be working on that issue soon.

30 ounces or more

Wow. Ouch that’s a lot of work. The hash looks great. 10% yield seems pretty respectable to me especially from an outdoor plant. You could probably squeeze out a little more but no doubt your quality would take a hit.

Harvested a few of the upper buds off a Pineapple Chunk this eve. This one is at 11.5 weeks and ideally would go quite a bit longer but for sure will completely freak out on me if I try.

Nastily sticky. And just a weird-ass plant all around.

The Carnival plants haven’t been doing that great on the mega crop- showing a lot of what I assume to be Ca problems. As an experiment I ground up a bunch of oyster shell and added that to a couple of the pots. This is one of those ones, still in early/mid flowering. The buds look a little off-colour (so is the lighting) and stunted, but they’re not showing as much of the deficiencies that the other ones did. Mostly I just liked the photos.

This is a different Carnival plant I harvested yesterday. It didn’t grow as well as I would like, but still produced some decent bud in the end. You can see some of the frazzled leaves in the first pic.

Yeah I hear you on the Mega Crop. I love the easiness of it, but my White widow is having severe cal mg deficiencies while my blueberry is happy as a pig in shit.

Love the pics btw!
What are you guys using as a medium with the MC? I ran it outside this year with coco for a medium and was feeding 6g/gal after about 4 weeks and had no issues with deficiency. There are other guys around that have been using ProMix and the buffering wears out (for lack of a better description), after which they have issues with pH rise and lockouts.
What are you guys using as a medium with the MC? I ran it outside this year with coco for a medium and was feeding 6g/gal after about 4 weeks and had no issues with deficiency. There are other guys around that have been using ProMix and the buffering wears out (for lack of a better description), after which they have issues with pH rise and lockouts.
Hydroton....thats it for a medium for me. I'll snap a pic after of one of the leaves on the it's bad

Edit- here's the pics

i got er up weaseley,, just before lights out, so no report yet,, other than i am underwhelmed by the light output. perhaps never got fully warmed up.. sure white light tho.

tomorrow will be a full day of me monitoring the thing...damn,, i was shocked at the size of the thing,, and the ballast?? what the heck??

how come an led ballast is so small and this ballast is seven times as big, and as heavy

funny, my first led, well that was not a mars blurple, my first was underwhelming in light output too. guess i expect too much,, ha

course i had it parallel when was sposed to be serial,, for two years,, haha :oops:

that monster lemon skunk plant i grew outside is completely impressing me with it's smell, taste,, and most importantly,, it's potency,, wow

cheers friend,, chat tomorrow,, light talk, indeed,,

p.c so sticky even forces weaseley to don rubbers. ha,, gotta be darn good,, :drool:

my p.c. cross today,, lookin ever so closer to yours,, but a ways to go still

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my nite temps are a bit low still, adding some colour

the light,, bright,, yep,, indeed. for the first time i wear shades in there,, mainly cuz the light is right in my face. but got it up and working just fine,, plants seem to be reaching for it so i guess that's good

chat soon friend
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