Kriaze! That's a name I'm happy to see again.
That bunch of ducting actually just consists of two adjustable 90° elbows (8"). The Hyper fan is 10" and so there's obviously a 10"-8" reducer between the fan and where the elbows start. I didn't cut a single piece. I'll straighten up that wonky looking bend maybe tonight. At the time I was just happy to get the whole contraption up there and running.
It was sort of a stoned moment when I ordered the fan and filter. I knew I could have gotten by with an 8" fan- but I had it in my head that my existing ducting was ten inch. I swear that was after going out there and measuring it several times over the years.
Also the 10" fan was pretty much the same price as the 8" so I thought. "Duh...More... Good" and it all fit, in my head.
That's ok. This fan has lots of power and I like going a little overkill as long as I can tune the speed down when it turns out to be too noisy. My space is about 500 cubic feet and the fan is 1065 cfm.
The reason for the filter is that it's the 'Lite' version, and weighs less due to its construction, and I had the thing sent from far away by mail so was trying to reduce some of the crazy shipping. The guy said 'you want this one'- and he was right I guess- I wanted it.
At the time I didn't stop to think about the size of it or how I was going to fit it in, but it worked out in the end. Eventually. I had to make another order of adapters to actually get the fan to fit the filter (important little details that stores don't bother to check before they ship your stuff a thousand miles, no matter how much time you spend on the phone with them trying to nail those details down...)
Oh yeah I haven't PMd you yet - not fully wriggled out of the clutches yet, just halfway- so maybe more drama to pm about when the time comes. Though I hope not.
Oh yeah... the center aisle filling up with plants. I never even thought of that. Ha ha ha. Of course it will. I don't want it to. But how could it not?