To ask you what book you published, would be asking your real ID, So I won't!

I really wish I was published. Maybe it could help give my insane life a legacy other than a rotting old box of memories on a shelf in 20 more years.

I'll need to take solace knowing my homemade copies of my poems are in that box and if someone reads it, just maybe my name will be spoken.
Publishing my life story would sell a movie contract in less than a year!

But my little collection is religated to the bottom I suffered that heartbreak from 1998 to 2002. I was schooled about publishing poetry in their world. I realized my only criticism was family or friends. My ego was sternly deflated twice (the only 2) out of 15 manuscripts I mailed out. They were honest about both this "exclusive niche" of publishing and the few of my poem's they sited as "encouraging"@

I heard poetry described as being "A Rarefied Art Form"

It's been said by a, then, internet peer (that have been published) ONLY poets who have a "self published" (AKA Vanity Published), will their latter books be considered worthy of bidding over. And mentioned the number of dollars I'd have to gamble on myself.

In one breath they call poetry an art, then basically say: pay a printer their minimum number of copies, stuff all those books in my trunk and tour the WWW and the blacktop nation's trying to sell it.

So poetry is an art, but this type of artist (saying jokingly) has to convince it's worthy of looking at only after I buy the first 300 copies from myself! ROFLOL.

Now, I know my place. My only hopes are my chatroom memories or send one to a few magazine publishers like Reader's Digest.
I have always rotated plants to allow equal exposure to light. Last rotation is today.

This plant is becoming such a beast so, in 2 more days ALL branches will be touching the MAXIMUM height.

Now we know it's genome is photo;

can I see a good video demonstration of Super Cropping? I hope to do it right the first and every time.
If you try monster cropping, or cloning, Stim Root #2 (Semi-Hardwood) works well as a rooting powder. It's 0.4% IBA (Indole-3-butyric acid) a naturally occurring plant hormone in the auxin family.
It's a pretty comfortable instructional.

I started off with similar videos that's why it was topped @node 7. I'm so happy it came out to be a photo!!! I was really relieved that topping was the right thing to do.

I agree with Chef D.; Super Cropping is a scary, hard thing to "deliberately" do to a plant.

And what you (or others) haven't already taught me a couple of those things (thinning and lollipoping).

I think about cloning and since it's there, healthy and getting to be that time. Nothing to lose so, Nothing ventured!


  • IMG_20190608_175207.jpg
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About cloning, I couldn't hear at what "node" to cut below to start a clone?

I already have GH cloning gel and (hopefully) everything else I should need.
Thanks Pennywise,

I'll begin a new canni-colledge course (grow 2.0) tomorrow or Tuesday. I have to mentally prepare for another family "extended stay" emergency (TWO teen girls) for what may turn into the entire summer.
At this point in time, they really are my exclusive source of joy in this world! But this year, with 1/3 of my income taken away with my spouse, these annual (or thrice annual) child dumps have become less affordable.

They are forced to stay with me because of their mothers spouse is simply- an Evil step Mother! The evil mother scenarios are not limited to Hollywood movies (art resembling reality) Their's takes this scenario to mountiantop levels plus, you have to throw in the Wicked Witch AND Svengali in her self absorbed, black hearted, lesbian soul. This (non) person and her deeds will amount to 2 whole chapter's in my memoirs. (Deadbeat mom almost like their deadbeat daddy)..

2 generations of deadbeat daddies on my shoulders (my stepdaughter and her 2 offspring); Not one biological DADDY around them their lives, (except my white ass) have contributed a single dime to help me (or their mothers) raise 3 black children (2 generations) with ZERO genitic connections to myself.

Like I said, TWO whole Chapter worthy in my life...

I'm still here but now one child is 18 and only now is ("that child's") ghetto bio is sniffing around for some empty ghetto daddy respect. I wonder if I have a case for 18 years of child support for my 2 granddaughters!!!

Their life is as Shi[[y as can be for the past 5+ years. I moved my wife here so she could be close to our Gkids for her final stretch...

We've discussed this issue of money and she's trying pass get driver's license test. Her mom has a car for her for college so, she can get around.

They both deserve a minimal respite from a very tough school year consisting of 3 hours (per day) bussing 25/30 miles plus a mile walk home from the bus.

My stepD has no drive to find a moral and responsible partner to help (unless their character and self image is equal as low her own)...
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