Wardrobe Grow - CFL- Only - Auto Mazar + Rescued Cannatonic + Dieseltonic

Thanks Med and thank you Mc :high-five:

...Apart from counting out days and weeks, I think i'm doing ok. :)

I think I have messed up the number of days on each Update.

The Mazars were placed in rockwool cubes on 8th february

and popped their heads out of the soil on monday the 11th of february.

Everything else is just gossip and rumour :)
"Little" Mazar has now been moved to the "Big" Lights



But her buds are seriously weighing her arms down.



She is loving the Massive Bloom and the Finisher. All the way down...



The brown, dried leaves are harmless, from light proximity and temps.



And the Cannatonic has a lot more room, but still too little...


30 watt lights have been rearranged


These clones have made it. chunky roots 'n' all :)


5 Dieseltonic cloness and two cannatonic clones in water, from today


Damn son nice looking cfl grow, I was thinking of putting those 250w in my pc box, but then we invested in a tent for 260euro so yeah that's coming in the coming week so excited. But man those buds are looking good.
Nice effort with the girls mate:)
The buds are chunky as, hope fully youll get a decent weight from them once dry!! And was it an auto as well?? As far as I know, that s a good Vert height for an auto..
Great work and hope youll have some killa smoke in a couple of weeks!! KEEP UP THE GREENTHUMB:thumb: Later mater, Smokemup..
I normally suggest that CFL's are VERY EFFECTIVE growth wise for ganja during Veg.. Some of the pics you have are some of the best CFL buds Ive seen - honestly!
I usually use my HI output CFL ( it got broken this Veg :( ) and my girls FLOURISH under it, I use 3 Cfl's around 1 plant and get good results.
So you ve done pretty well for what you ve done and will inspire alot to use them;)
Great result is all I can say...... Good on ya, Smokem
And I'm with u on the heat generated by big cfl's you get a couple close together without good ventilation ur soon in the 90°s

That auto mazar is incredible. Sometimes camera angles are decieving but not on that one there's some chunky buds hanging in ur wardrobe beside the guitar :) if I never new this was cfl's id of guessed a 600 hps+

Iv got them batterys in my sky remote lol
Hahaha sick replies well worth the praise though. Awesome grow. I'm sure I could make it work in my case only thing is that I'd want to get a purple 250w so I don't need to change it out cuz screw that. ( see what I did there :p) anyways can't wait for your further harvest pics
Thank you Alex and Smokemupm8,

I didn't weigh anything except a couple of buds every now and again, Weight varies depending on how dry it is,

we've been partaking of the large mazar since 4/20. I know we've been stealing from ourselves to a certain extent,

but this is a continuous grow, so the measure of success lies in not running out, rather than how much I have at one time :)

I have enjoyed the changing qualities of the smoke, I let it hang too long in the cupboard, picking buds as it dried.

I put a large fan leaf from the Dieseltonic-mum into each jar for one night and bada bing bada boom, it cured!

Well, it's curing. Yesterday it tasted like Juicy Fruit! The effect is stronger as well. Gets better every day :)

These are from last year in the PMMA greenhouse:




Our autumns are too short here and "summer" does not even reach september.

I have read the Ed Rosenthal Bible, but a book by Seemore Buds really inspired me for this grow.

In that book, he grows a mango strain from seed alongside 2 clones under 2700K 58 watt Cfls

and takes a photo every day, along with some info and stories...

He flipped to 12/12 after 14 days! He harvested in 69 days from seed and had quite the bumper harvest!

I didn't follow his technique and as a standalone book it's not so detailed, but what an inspiration :)

I talked a lot to the owner of the growshop in town. Used my own nutes, but bought soil, big Cfls and pots.

Also, "Bloomtastic" for flowering. He now has "Green Planet" canadian nutes and he uses them himself.

I've been reading up on them, because I am sceptical of expensive products in general :)

apparently they are as good as advanced nutrients, but cheaper and targeted at medicinal growers.

Over a few weeks I bought the Aussie Tonic and they liked it.

Then I got the Finisher for the last two weeks of half mazar bloom.

This tightens the buds and gets used by the plant immediately. so there is no need to flush it.

Then I got Massive Bloom, which has honey in it. Half mazar only got one or two gulps at the start,

but "little" twin is on it fully. This Bud-weight issue is new for her. She's leaning against the walls!

Because of the growth-stunting in the first few days through heat-scorching (trichomes on the first leaves!)

She always had a lot of tightly spaced flowering nodes but no bulk.

Now she's shooting out in every direction, 'tis a wonder to behold. I will need sticks :)

I would recommend Automazar to anyone, very strong indica genes and handles my high temps well.

I only have an oscillating tower fan, so I get a lot of heat. I water a lot. autos don't like to dry out much.

The aerosmartpots are perfect for root aeration and almost impossible to overwater :)

Drying out is the danger, as can be seen on little twins fan leaves (what fan leaves?)

they all turned brown after the pot dried out too much for a few hours!

I'm getting medi-one from green planet for the dieseltonic clones. It's all-in-one organic for veg and bloom.

"Dr. Hornby" approves it and he likes THC and CBD, so for quality medicinal weed that's all I should need.

With added bloom and finisher for flowering.

Thanks for commenting with your kind words and a good weed to you both

waiting for dry weights on the Auto Mazar

Thank you for your kind words, John,

but You'll be waiting along time :)

I measure my harvest in Wardrobe-feet.

So, about 4.5-5 wardrobe feet apart from what I harvested early.

How much does a wardrobe-foot weigh?
Hahaha sick replies

Indeed Max. There are few words more pleasurable than stoner superlatives.

I didn't do anything special, just treated them as best I could with what I had.

Your PC grow is excellent. Very inspiring :)
The Big Automazar was 1 metre tall from the top of the pot.

She would have gotten taller, but a reptile UVB Cfl stopped her growing upwards

And bulked out the main cola.

Then she started growing downwards in a foxtail of new growth before the first harvest.
I supercropped the Dieseltonic Mum today, so she doesn't grow up past the translucent glass..








This is the top i broke off her...


In a growbag...with another bit I broke off


She was fimmed in several places with finger & thumb and recovered..


She keeps recovering well from supercropping




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