Wardrobe Grow - CFL- Only - Auto Mazar + Rescued Cannatonic + Dieseltonic

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Nice dip stick too..oil is sweet!
Dieseltonic Update....

I have decided that lady dieseltonic shall become a mother.

Like all mothers, she must suffer and so I have bent and pinched her into a horizontal position.

I have one clone to test my method (soil)

Then, when mazar 1 is done, Call in the clones. or so.



I pinched the main growing tip


It's my first time, so any experienced advice is welcome!


I have bent, broken and twisted...




Clone 1 is doing well and I think I see some growth.

Weekly Mazar update with fresh pics tomorrow.

No trimming, Just pinched out the fanleaves. The smoothness comes from laying on the baking-paper.

The bud was bigger, but I plucked the lower parts where the stem shows and made them small for express use yesterday.
Please explain this technique....I never heard it! Yo hablo engles plenty good!:thumb:

I laid it on parchment paper to dry...

I have a fan oven, set to around 45 celsius - about 110 F - for 2 hrs,

then just fan for a few hrs, then leave overnight.

buds gently broken up go quicker.

I half-harvested big-twin last friday, 6 days ago.

I had no batteries until today, so all pics are fresh.


there was more, but I have been feasting on the smaller buds and haven't had to oven dry in a few days.

Each empty string represents a little prayer of thanks :)


...But there's still more to come...

ha ha. You're always putting me under pressure with the dieseltonic!

The Mother in the greenhouse has been supercropped and smells Super :)

I have taken a few clones from her...

they are only a few days old. I took different types of cuttings to practice with..

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