Volks Grow

lovin the tape cmx, it wil def keep away the algea. glad i can help out.

I agree with max, i didnt mention it in my last journal because i was in a foul mood that day and didn't post (something unrelated) but i had one "migrate" its way out of the wheel and got wedged between the wheel and the flood tray. it stopped the whel from rotating for a bit, but i was working on the res at the time so i cought it quick enough that nothing major happened.

also, i think the string is so you can hang it out the trailing edge of the cube holders to wick away excess water so it won't drip, I've never had a dripping problem so I've never used it. i think its basically unneccesary. i used it to hang my first harvest lol. the rod just holds the string. lol. at first i thought it was a knitting needle.

looking really nice. . . i love how its in front of a window, you gat any sunlight through it? gotta be good for supplemental light!!

keep it up and you'll be in smokers heaven in a couple months.
Come to think about it, that actually happened to me the first day I had it up and running. I was out in the garden when I heard a loud clunk from the VG room. What I heard wasn't the holder falling out, it was the chain popping off the gear and wedging impossibly tight between the gear and the molded plastic. I thought I had possibly left one haphazard on the edge (being easily distracted sometimes), regardless a cube had wedged between the floodpan and the wheel causing a literal chain reaction. Lol. I remember thinking if that was the worse thing to happen through all this, I'm doin good. It never occured to me they might shift of their own volution. I know temps and plastic do funny things though. Good lookin out. What I did was just place a pin on each opposite corners of the outermost cubes. That should do it, no?
yeah, that'll do it. as long as the last one in is secured it should be cool.

I had my chain pop once too, but i fixed it.

temp changes isn't why they move, its because they have a little play in the groove that you thread into the slot. so when the plant gets a bit bigger, the wieght will make it kinda jostle and wiggle back and forth as it does its flips. This is what lets it move a bit side to side. your tape might prevent this if it is tucked under the edge. . . can't tell from the pic.
need to know info for a future volks grower . I got my room finished today, going to set the volks up tomorrow .Seedlings are doing good about 3 weeks now, they should really take off once i get them in some bigger pots and add a 600w to the t5 that they are under now ,there in dixie cups now. Does anyone have any suggestions on a good soil to keep mothers in preferably something i dont have to mix just buy it and plant i started with fox farm ocean fresh ive never grown soil before so dont really know whats good .:thanks::surf:
All my soil plants are in FoxFarm Ocean Forest. You don't need to feed for the first month, and it drains well. Not to be used indoors, it's too heavy.

Adding enough coarse perlite to give you a 1:3 proportion to the FFOF ought to lighten it right up. Not quite something that doesn't require mixing, but the next thing to it.
need to know info for a future volks grower . I got my room finished today, going to set the volks up tomorrow

OH No, say it ain't so, not another Volks grow ;)

Thinking about a journal? We're trying to get 10 threads to justify a dedicated forum

Maxx = 2
WOF = 2
CMax = 1
Inferno (greatest hits) = 1
You didn't watch the assembly video I am assuming....the little details.


As a matter of fact, I didn't.:smokin: I watched the vid once, before I got it, then when I assembled it, I followed the outdated step by step written instructions from their website. I had so many other items to assemble/modify, amongst other issues (like where's the rest of my stuff?), that I didn't check the smaller details. "When all else fails, read the directions."
I've got that male tendency as well.

First thing whenever I open a box of something that needs assembling - "throw the destructions, err instructions away"
I've called that pamphlet 'destructions' for years, but never took the next step of immediate riddance. Good move, like Cortez burning his boats before finding and murdering Aztecs, you are commited.
Canbis, uncovered windows allow 2-way views. You're running 24hr lights, attractive to curious eyes. That could be a nuisance, or worse.
Thanks for the concern Propa, I'm actually already doing 12/12, and I have an alarm set for when it's time to cover the window. I may be brazen, but not oblivious. Also the window faces the back side of a neighbors garage. Where I live is almost too good to be true. It's set up for privacy with years of well placed vines, bushes, fruit trees and other flora. Not to mention my 100 lb Rottweiler pup, he's as sweet as can be, but looks very intimidating. I keep a low profile, am courteous to neighbors, and have a lot of common sense as well as street smarts. Good lookin out though!
fox farm ocean forest is that the one in the light green bag ?if so that is what i have now , i am growing indoors so does anyone else have suggestions on a good soil , or i could add some perlite or i can mix ,just want the best for my mommys. thanks soniq ,im 4 shoooooow going to do a journal just as soon as i get enough clones so it want be so duel in the start , so i still got at least a month.thanks
Day 6: Ph 6.0 at 20.3c, 700 ppm. I just left it as is, I'll be changing nutes Monday morning. Explosive growth on several plants.

Day 7: Ph 6.3 at 21.7c, 750 ppm. I adjusted Ph to 5.8 and left it alone.

Some of my quicker growing subjects:



The last one is super silver haze. :yummy:

Thanks P4G! It keeps gettin better every day.
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