Volks Grow

Keep in mind that I grow for others as well :rasta: :smokin2: ;) :cool: :smokin: :grinjoint:, it is legal for me, and this is my full time job (60+ hours/week). Again, I re-iterate: the economy and lack of jobs created this grower. It's really a dream come true, becuase I truly found what I believe is my calling.

I've done the same in the past and most likely will do so again. But as I almost never charged sick people for their meds, I had to keep a job going (often two of them lol).

Glad it's working for you. Sick people around here are poor like me though and medicaid won't buy them herb lol.
TS: I do my best to share the wealth and good fortune, and have regularly given medicine to those in need, provided they have their recommendation. In order to do what I do, I have to follow strict guidelines according to state and local laws. While I wish I could give everyone in need some green goodness, I have to look out for myself first. Thanks for your support! I really try to spread the good karma around!!!
If not stopped, slowed dramatically. I've had to snip a couple tops though, and some leaves that were determined to ride the glass. With the intro of the second Vg, I have to get some more ducting. Unfortunately funding is a little low right now. Feast or famine it seems. Anyways, here are some snaps of what's going on in the Vg


can't wait to see the second go up. gonna do a separate journal? or both of them in this one? or do get to just see it? lol.

you are using a 1k hps? too bad you didnt stick with your hybrid bulb longer, maybe they would have stayed a couple inches shorter. and thats all were really talking about here. . . when inches matter. lol.
can't wait to see the second go up. gonna do a separate journal? or both of them in this one? or do get to just see it? lol.

you are using a 1k hps? too bad you didnt stick with your hybrid bulb longer, maybe they would have stayed a couple inches shorter. and thats all were really talking about here. . . when inches matter. lol.

have you guys tried any of the bushmaster type height limiting supplements. ie Dr nodes keep em short etc? I know people have different opinions on these types of products. Just curious if you've put them to use.
Yup. Basically speeking they work. If you would like to take a look at a plant grown using their products look at the plant in my Avatar. That was using "Gravity" which also works. Im pretty confident its also what made my plants purple in this picture (and no I didnt use purple max to produce this color, just "Gravity" , GH 3part, fossil fuel, floralicious, and cold weather). Anyhow Ive used all three of there products. Never in conjuction with one another though, actually. The bushmaster would be an excellent solution to your heighth issue. Im quite confident that with the addition of bushmaster you will have shorter stubbier plants.... I did. I dont know why I didnt think to say something earlier but its an excellent idea Stinky. Im sure the VG growers will thank you for that comment, lol. The purple max will add to the frostymess of the plant too. Just be careful with that one because it can burn things real easily. And "gravity" adds weight just as advertised. The buds dont really get any bigger bud denser, from closer calyx formation .... Im quessing. However if someone is having issues with mold it may not be such a good Idea because with tighter buds you have more places for mold to grow, obviously. I would love to see the outcome of such a grow. Using "bushmaster" for a VG for be something of definite interest, especially since you have so well documented the plants without such a supplement. Anyhow, your plants look fantastic , great job all around.
man, you guys are making me want to use bushmaster. . . i heard good things about it along time ago too. you attest to the fact that it will add weight? i like the sound of that.
A few things to point out just in case I wasnt clear in my last post. Well the company that makes bushmaster is called "humbolts countys very own" or something like that. And they make three products as far as Im aware of and that I have used. They make "bushmaster" which makes plants more stout and branch out more, leading in typically shorter plants. They also make "gravity" which is supposed to add mass to the flowers, ie: dry weight. And last they have a product called "purple max, snow storm". It will make about a third of all plants turn purple hues in late flowering, and what I have noticed more than the purpling is increase in resin production. In the places I sprayed it the plants seemed more "iced" out. Very white with trichomes basically. Anyhow just thought I would throw that out there.
Thanks for the comments GI and StinkyMcB... I have used Gravity and Purple Maxx before, but you really have to keep track of when and how much you use, especially with the Gravity. I wish I had thought of the Bushmaster before... I knew about it, forgot though, it'd be welcome in a couple areas of my garden. Sorry all, I've been swamped lately, fighting mold and caterpillars, harvesting, trimming, cloning, sexing, cleaning, and more cleaning....
WoF: indetermined on the 2nd VG journal, am having a hard time keeping up with all the irons already in the fire... if I do it will be pretty limited, mostly progress pics.

Soniq: I do plan on using the Vg's in my perpetual harvest program, and if I can ever supply the necessary number of clones, I will try to do a monoculture run, for now it's just a cornucopia of green goodness!
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