VIVOHUT Bill284's New Grow Facility: Featuring VIVOSUN & Herbies Seeds

Mango Mousse 1/23/23 RIP


Right? I love it when they just ''go chunky'' like that. I'm seriously thinking that Bill might know what he's doing.

Bill, to what do you attribute this trunk success? I think you are exceptional there, I know you are too humble to agree, but I feel like crazy trunkage is a Bill284 speciality. Prolly the:

Bill284 Method!

I 'need' to stay in SIPs due to disability, but I sure would like to experiment with how I use some of the benefits you introduce with 'the method'.

Your bokashi-sprinkled, frass-dusted layers really inspired me when I first saw/heard you share and explain your work. I'm fascinated by micro-life and have seen some genuinely amazing responses from plants since then.
Morning Res. Sorry I'm late.
Up to my neck in it. ;)
I was very fortunate to find a product called Frass & Dazzle.
Its insect poop on steroids.
it has so much more than just frass.
bought the last 6 bags in stock before I moved.
It's 0/0/0 too.
I have 2 bags left.:oops:
But it works in conjunction bokashi and DYNOMYCO really well.
It's a lifesaver, feeding my roots.
Especially in flower when they really need p & k.:thumb:
It's key to the whole cycle.
I've grown lots, helped dozens of other grows, and I loved microbes, but I never had an (indoor) canvas of my own to paint on, and so I never learned any practical methods for introducing them in container grows.

Two years ago you explained to me your method and it quickly gave me enough confidence to play with microbes. It was a breakthrough moment for me. Cheers mate.
People told me you don't need life in your coco for it to work.
I didn't listen
PS, feeling better after 3 hours of sleep and some Gravol, of all things. Thanks for understanding, things were getting a little hairy. I can still smell myself burning in slow motion, but the pain's a lot better.
Res. is a scrappy dog.:yahoo:
Fight like he'll brother. :hug::love:
I'll keep up with the RSO daily, except the day before my 1x weekly chemo treatment. The Cancer Center Pharmacist informed me of possible issues for anyone mixing the two, and remote as the chances of a conflict are, by not taking any cannabis the day before I can virtually eliminate them altogether.
If they say so, but.:rolleyes:
"bales of glory"?? QUITTER!
You spend 20 minutes trimming a giant cola then get to the center an it's all for not.
I sprayed every 5 days since July.
Some buds were white from citric acid, no rot though, on those.
Its truly devastating, but im not kicking up a stink.
There are pounds of salvageable bud.not a problem.
It's jus😔 Sad.
I want "a crossed-up flattie" over the finish-line table-top, as you cross it 7 feet off the deck...

"Bales of glory...

" :lot-o-toke: how about several?

Just don't expect the least amount of ripening if conditions will not permit. You're going to see those conditions again at most 1 minute out of 99 going forward, at best. You could also not see another minute of it until May, that'd be my guess actually. It still needs to be drier than 70rh while being well over zero C for any forward motion in ripening.
I managed to get temps up into the high 80's and drop rh to the 50's
My system works great in coolish conditions.
It's the sub zero temps this far north.
But with half the biomass gone rh should be fine.
Still need light and heat to ripen though.
One week would be spectacular but.
I can't wait the train has left the station.
I been trimming everything bigger than a Toonie.
Everything else literally everything is being dumped.
If I had a week to take my time fine.
But at this point save as many colas as possible is the order of the day.
All the trim and small bud is going into the woods.
Good thing there's no seeds.:p
Talk soon my friend.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
RIP! Make sure your spread them ashes well when the time comes bill! :bongrip:
I see alota bud hanging and still alot to go 👌 :goodjob:
Yup , everyone will be cremated. RIP.
Never thought of myself as a funeral director before. 😂
Still lots to be saved.
Hope I don't miss any rot though.
If it gets in the drying room I'm in trouble.
Like a fox in the henhouse, nothing good coming of that. 🤪
Hope your doing well Amigo.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Nice haul!

Thanks GB.:thanks:
I'm taking what I get and running. :yahoo:
Not concerned about loss when there's this much to be had.:thumb:
Glory days. ;)

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Hope you're getting some well-deserved rest, Bill. All curled up with Lady Bill and the two 'doodles. I'm feeling better today. Apparently I should have been taking dexamethasone (sp.) since my first treatment but instead, only rec'd a dose on the day of first treatment but no follow-up prescription. Could be my error, I was too out of it to remember well enough. I actually record all of my doctor conversations on my iPhone, that way I can review because my memory is being throttled right now and I cant trust it for anything important.

I was given again yesterday at Cancer Center/Hospital, and now filled rx and took again today. Seems this may have been the issue, certainly I'm feeling better and have a solid upward trendline over numerous hours now. Crossing my fingers.

Isn't that MegaCrop some good stuff? I know, I know, nitrogen, but for 3/4 of the way that stuff is pretty damn perfect.

I also have the Two-Part version. It's made for injector-type autofeeders in rDWC grows (etc). The maker, Green Leaf (GL), omitted all of the biologicals, kelp, L-aminos, humic acids, from MegaCrop 1 part, but it keeps the amino-based chelators. It's 5-12-27, but has magnesium and silica added, whereas the famous competition does not. It's meant to be mixed with Calcium Nitrate at different ratios if you wish to crop-steer that way. It's good stuff and I bought it as my first one from Green Leaf because I was planning on going full DWC with the odd SIP here and there, but SIPs were also gonna be for outdoor plants and veggies.

Anyway, going forward my fert'd plants will get both types, one and two-part, and accompanied by Sweet Candy (0, 26, 26). I am very happy with all three GL products.

However, I wanted to try making my own, all-in-one fert, and make it organics, like GeoFlora which isn't for sale in Canada. That one comes complete with microbes, which I wanted too, so I figured maybe I could do this via vermiculture.

Earthworm castings (EWC) famously invigorate crops but aren't seen as the full package for good reasons, it's not particularly high in nitrogen and isn't a mineral powerhouse beyond making a lot of calcium - at which it excels btw. But via this forum I became more aware of certain plants that absolutely hoard specific minerals and complexes of substances, and I mean orders of magnitude more than 'normal' plants. Stuff like Nettles, comfrey, different flowers, will specialize in something like nitrogen and have so much on board you can make fertilizers from them and, utilizing some other natural, free or inexpensive substances ready to hand, develop a perfectly balanced suite of nutrients. And people do it all the time, all over the world.

So I thought, what if I could get earthworms to eat that and only that stuff, could I develop essentially a composting system, a supersoil cooking method, but inside a worm, and no 'cooking', meaning low temps, meaning more subtle substances remain behind that may be useful.

It's been two years since I started the SuperCastings project and I've harvested a few miniSIPs with the castings as sole fertilizer and they were exquisitely tasty and powerful. That kept me motivated, and now my first big plant will be ready soon. I'll make a big song and dance about it on here, when feeling a little better. Just a little better is all I need.
Geoflora was awesome with my method, loved it.
Not available here.
But that M.C. is a lifesaver.
Fantastic stuff.
I just wish I could get the complete line.
It's out of stock for me here.
Not exactly grand central Station, a little more rural. :rofl:
So I'm using the base nutrient with some assistance in flower.
Just a little extra p&k to go with all the N. :thumb:
It's fantastic for the greenhouse.
No build-up around the roots.
Salts can be a bugger.
But a big pot of microbes is a game changer.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Got some good bud hanging.
Thanks Keith. :thanks:
The house is wall to wall pot leaves.
I need a leaf blower not a broom.
Salvage mode.
Getting everything I can before it's too late.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Woohoo! You go Bill :cheer:
Thanks Carmen. :thanks:
Going to save what ever I can.
Next year I'm going with some commercial equipment.
My 2 dehumidifiers couldn't keep up.
But I'm not complaining.
Lots to be had.:thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Looking forward to hearing how it smokes amigo and looking like you’re off to a great start. CL🍀
One of the Spanish Moon was a total loss.
But the other did well.
There's going to be a little variety.
Should be fun.
Hope your doing well Amigo.
Mom on the mend?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
You got a staggering amount of bud well done .
Do you run an extraction fan in your greenhouse and if so how do you manage to control humidity with the air being extracted and fresh humid air entering.
BIll - well played. Can’t chose the cards you get or it wouldn’t be any fun.

You can play them excellently

Much love bro
I think up there in the Canadian steppes the Rh is from plant respiration in the greenhouse?

The air outside should be drier.

Go get her Bill!
Thanks T.:thanks:
Dawn till dusk yesterday, day 3.
Not even half way though yet.
Soon as I can back at it today.
One step at a time. :thumb:
Still a 100 miles to go but I'll get there, slow and steady.
Have a great day T.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
One of the Spanish Moon was a total loss.
But the other did well.
There's going to be a little variety.
Should be fun.
Hope your doing well Amigo.
Mom on the mend?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
She’s doing much better thanks for asking. I’m on my deck drinking coffee ☕️ and enjoying some of my Chocolate Thai. It’s been selling like crazy but I think might keep what I have left. I’m looking forward to hearing a complete smoke report. The desert and S.M .+ M.M. and whatever else you have. Wishing you,Stacey and the boys all the very best. CL🍀
Hehe my buddy. Don’t be so hard on yourself bro. We both grow big.

Respect mate.

Sent you a pic
Handsome devil. :hug:
Hehe.:ciao: I keep forgetting to check.
Still haven't figured out the notifications thing.:rofl:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I love that scene.
Back story for anyone that didn't see it.
He asked him if he could skin a grizzer bear.
Next thing he runs in with one chasing him.
" skin that one pilgrim."
Bite off more than you can chew and get chewing. :rofl:

Even if it chases you around the cabin in the middle of a poker game. 🤪

it was a black bear not a grizzer, but the cabin was the same.
Always loved that line in the movie.
Thanks @Absorber :thanks:

Stay safe
Bill284 :oops:
I love that scene.
Back story for anyone that didn't see it.
He asked him if he could skin a grizzer bear.
Next thing he runs in with one chasing him.
" skin that one pilgrim."
Bite off more than you can chew and get chewing. :rofl:

Even if it chases you around the cabin in the middle of a poker game. 🤪

it was a black bear not a grizzer, but the cabin was the same.
Always loved that line in the movie.
Thanks @Absorber :thanks:

Stay safe
Bill284 :oops:
Its a great movie I recommend people watch it if they haven't already, hell I reckon im going to watch it again 🤣🤣🤣
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