VIVOHUT Bill284's New Grow Facility: Featuring VIVOSUN & Herbies Seeds

Gogogogo Bill - I’d lend you & Co I could.

Res - fuck that shit up. Too much power in you not to.

KL - carry on as you were bro


Growing ourdoors what a stupid idea that is 🤣

Hope you're getting some well-deserved rest, Bill. All curled up with Lady Bill and the two 'doodles. I'm feeling better today. Apparently I should have been taking dexamethasone (sp.) since my first treatment but instead, only rec'd a dose on the day of first treatment but no follow-up prescription. Could be my error, I was too out of it to remember well enough. I actually record all of my doctor conversations on my iPhone, that way I can review because my memory is being throttled right now and I cant trust it for anything important.

I was given again yesterday at Cancer Center/Hospital, and now filled rx and took again today. Seems this may have been the issue, certainly I'm feeling better and have a solid upward trendline over numerous hours now. Crossing my fingers.

Isn't that MegaCrop some good stuff? I know, I know, nitrogen, but for 3/4 of the way that stuff is pretty damn perfect.

I also have the Two-Part version. It's made for injector-type autofeeders in rDWC grows (etc). The maker, Green Leaf (GL), omitted all of the biologicals, kelp, L-aminos, humic acids, from MegaCrop 1 part, but it keeps the amino-based chelators. It's 5-12-27, but has magnesium and silica added, whereas the famous competition does not. It's meant to be mixed with Calcium Nitrate at different ratios if you wish to crop-steer that way. It's good stuff and I bought it as my first one from Green Leaf because I was planning on going full DWC with the odd SIP here and there, but SIPs were also gonna be for outdoor plants and veggies.

Anyway, going forward my fert'd plants will get both types, one and two-part, and accompanied by Sweet Candy (0, 26, 26). I am very happy with all three GL products.

However, I wanted to try making my own, all-in-one fert, and make it organics, like GeoFlora which isn't for sale in Canada. That one comes complete with microbes, which I wanted too, so I figured maybe I could do this via vermiculture.

Earthworm castings (EWC) famously invigorate crops but aren't seen as the full package for good reasons, it's not particularly high in nitrogen and isn't a mineral powerhouse beyond making a lot of calcium - at which it excels btw. But via this forum I became more aware of certain plants that absolutely hoard specific minerals and complexes of substances, and I mean orders of magnitude more than 'normal' plants. Stuff like Nettles, comfrey, different flowers, will specialize in something like nitrogen and have so much on board you can make fertilizers from them and, utilizing some other natural, free or inexpensive substances ready to hand, develop a perfectly balanced suite of nutrients. And people do it all the time, all over the world.

So I thought, what if I could get earthworms to eat that and only that stuff, could I develop essentially a composting system, a supersoil cooking method, but inside a worm, and no 'cooking', meaning low temps, meaning more subtle substances remain behind that may be useful.

It's been two years since I started the SuperCastings project and I've harvested a few miniSIPs with the castings as sole fertilizer and they were exquisitely tasty and powerful. That kept me motivated, and now my first big plant will be ready soon. I'll make a big song and dance about it on here, when feeling a little better. Just a little better is all I need.
Green House 10/21/23

Spanish Moon 6/1/23

@North Atlantic Seed Co

Untied they all fall over








Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Looking forward to hearing how it smokes amigo and looking like you’re off to a great start. CL🍀
You nailed it Amigo. :thumb:
When he ran the Grizzer Bear into the Cabin.
Skin that one pilgrim!!
I love that line, story of my life. ;) Me the fool trying to skin it!
Bet nobody else knows who Jerry J. Is
Your the right age for that movie, anyone younger won't know.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Still Chopping.
I’ll catch up with everyone when I get a minute.
In the meantime it’s a race to harvest before Rot destroys everything.
1 pound down 20 more to go. :rofl:



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