VIVOHUT Bill284's New Grow Facility: Featuring VIVOSUN & Herbies Seeds

What are Canadians giving Thanks for? The Indians come up there and help yall out too?
I was today years old when I realized that I know nothing about Canada other than what I've seen on Trailer Park Boys and Ren and Stimpy... you guys are like America's cousin that only visits twice a year - we don't even know your middle name and we've only been to your house once - we get along alright, but we always get into an argument just before you have to go home...
Maybe 🤔 they’re thankful for not living in the U.S. with our crazy government and all the killings. Smh CL🍀. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :cheesygrinsmiley:
I think you’ll find the record to show that the only insoluble disagreement we’ve had was Iraq. We’ve dutifully been brothers in arms without question otherwise, but we tried really, really hard to pull you back from that one. But when the Brits decided to get on board that effort was snowed, although we begged, bribed, cajoled and insisted right up until the shock hit the awe.

But, given you considered us the, “Britain of the Near Abroad” (that ominous term the Russkies use, fekkers).Britain joining you made the error a fait d’accomplit and boxed us out of resorting to just clamping on to your right leg like a three-year-old, which was the next Op on deck.

Wait, are you telling me you believe the story of St. Valentine too?

Anyway, nobody, nobody in the world knows you better than we do because both geographically and as a population the closest to you. Our televisions run the same channels as you in the same order with a few rump Canadian channels tacked on so we can watch hockey. We are so deep in your head that you believe millions of us down there are just millions of you. Nuh-uh. You also know nothing about us because we do not interest you. This too is by design, for, what other possible position of superiority might we otherwise enjoy?none sunshine, that’s all we got and we’re hanging on to it. You’d hate it here. It soooo cold.

We have thanksgiving because we live in daily thanks that we aren’t geographically piano-wired like Ukraine, Georgia (the country) et al. We have thanksgiving because if the far right down there goes full Retribution, we want to be able to show them pics of us sitting down to prayer at the White Nationalist Day of Thanks, just like the religious zealots they identify with did at Plymouth 400 years ago (almost) meanwhile all of the US Left wing types will be in our garage, under the floor boards, or in the shed waiting for Heir Trump’s finest to move along so we can all sit down to our early thanksgiving meal together.

Any other questions?
1. Isn't bear full of worms? Better cook that sausage well!

2. Canadians eat Turkey for Thanksgiving??? Like with stuffing and mashed potatoes and gravy and such?? .... o_O🤯🦃
Bear meat in the fall is fantastic.
I'd take a freezer full if I could get it.
I haven't renewed my license since my injury.
I miss being the woods.
Walking farm fields for pheasant.
Always enjoyed being outdoors.
BTW we had cheeseburgers and fries for Thanksgiving. Mmmm
No leftovers but it was just the 2 of us.
Didn't bother with a big meal.
And who doesn't love a homemade Cheeseburger. :thumb:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
I think it’s Grizzly bears that are not good for eating and Black bears are. But since I’ve never eaten either one of them I can’t say for certain. CL🍀
No Grizzlies around here thankfully ;)
Just yummy black ones.😂
How is Mom doing Amigo?

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Bear meat in the fall is fantastic.
I'd take a freezer full if I could get it.
I haven't renewed my license since my injury.
I miss being the woods.
Walking farm fields for pheasant.
Always enjoyed being outdoors.
BTW we had cheeseburgers and fries for Thanksgiving. Mmmm
No leftovers but it was just the 2 of us.
Didn't bother with a big meal.
And who doesn't love a homemade Cheeseburger. :thumb:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Good morning Bill,
I've never had bear meat, is it gaming tasting? Had the jerky and it was pretty good 👍

I’m a total Marque for pets. Looks we got that in common. Sigh.
My tucas can't touch the couch but I have company. :green_heart:
I miss my buddy Smokie though. :love:
These three keep me happy , they really do fill my heart.


Good morning Bill,
I've never had bear meat, is it gaming tasting? Had the jerky and it was pretty good 👍
Good morning my friend.
Hope you are having a great day.
I guess you could use that term. “ gamy “
But I thought it always had a lovely flavor.
As if a steak tasted 10 x better.
But I prefer a fall bear. Big fat and juicy.
Unfortunately I don’t keep any guns here and it was fairly large.
Thankfully the car pulling in scared it off.
It was a surprise to look out the back door and see him looking in.
No damage or harm to anyone, just a lot of excitement.
Love the pic of your kitty.
Take care.

# VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Sure, sausage, ham & cabbage rolls too.

What do you think we eat snow up here in the great white north, :rofl: :rofl: although Bill might have had a snow cone for dessert this weekend.
I'm sure Howie & Charlie ate some

Hope it didn't snow too hard Bill, we still only got close to frost here in the flat west, Mt. areas got snow
Thanks Joe. :thanks:
It turned to rain after an hour and melted.
Still not perfect for growing though.
This greenhouse is a savior and a curse.
Just because it's 2000 cubic feet didn't mean I had to use it all. 😂
Now the rh is going to kill me.
But it's either freeze with the vents open or run the heat and dehumidifier.
Just need another 3 weeks. 🤞

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Hey @RedskinnedRhino bear meat has a bit of sweet taste to it and is pretty good if spiced & cooked right i like it better ground than steaks, bear hunting season is spring & fall with the cooler weather bears with worms usually in hot summer & been feeding at dump plus you'd see if it has worms gutting it

Sweet Right. :thumb:
Like a really flavorful juicy steak.
But it's hopefully 50 miles away now.
There is 1000's of acres of crown land for it to hide.
Doesn't need to hibernate in my greenhouse. :rofl:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Sweet Right. :thumb:
Like a really flavorful juicy steak.
But it's hopefully 50 miles away now.
There is 1000's of acres of crown land for it to hide.
Doesn't need to hibernate in my greenhouse. :rofl:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
good morning Bill if it was in your green house i guess it would be smokie the bear Lol
What are Canadians giving Thanks for? The Indians come up there and help yall out too?
I was today years old when I realized that I know nothing about Canada other than what I've seen on Trailer Park Boys and Ren and Stimpy... you guys are like America's cousin that only visits twice a year - we don't even know your middle name and we've only been to your house once - we get along alright, but we always get into an argument just before you have to go home...
Fortunately for us Americans have no idea what's north of their boarder.
We mind our own business and don't borrow any power tools.
Just a friendly neighbor with bad weather 9 months of the year.
We just do our own thing.:yahoo:
Don't bother anyone. ;)
Nobody bothers with us.
We like it that way.
Peaceful. :Namaste::green_heart:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
See what happens if I lay on the couch. :love:

Maybe 🤔 they’re thankful for not living in the U.S. with our crazy government and all the killings. Smh CL🍀. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :cheesygrinsmiley:
I loved going to the states when I was younger.
Wonderful people treated me so well.
The news only reports the bad stuff.
Don't let a couple rotten apples ruin your opinion.
Great place to visit, if you can get past the boarder. ;)

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
I think you’ll find the record to show that the only insoluble disagreement we’ve had was Iraq. We’ve dutifully been brothers in arms without question otherwise, but we tried really, really hard to pull you back from that one. But when the Brits decided to get on board that effort was snowed, although we begged, bribed, cajoled and insisted right up until the shock hit the awe.

But, given you considered us the, “Britain of the Near Abroad” (that ominous term the Russkies use, fekkers).Britain joining you made the error a fait d’accomplit and boxed us out of resorting to just clamping on to your right leg like a three-year-old, which was the next Op on deck.

Wait, are you telling me you believe the story of St. Valentine too?

Anyway, nobody, nobody in the world knows you better than we do because both geographically and as a population the closest to you. Our televisions run the same channels as you in the same order with a few rump Canadian channels tacked on so we can watch hockey. We are so deep in your head that you believe millions of us down there are just millions of you. Nuh-uh. You also know nothing about us because we do not interest you. This too is by design, for, what other possible position of superiority might we otherwise enjoy?none sunshine, that’s all we got and we’re hanging on to it. You’d hate it here. It soooo cold.

We have thanksgiving because we live in daily thanks that we aren’t geographically piano-wired like Ukraine, Georgia (the country) et al. We have thanksgiving because if the far right down there goes full Retribution, we want to be able to show them pics of us sitting down to prayer at the White Nationalist Day of Thanks, just like the religious zealots they identify with did at Plymouth 400 years ago (almost) meanwhile all of the US Left wing types will be in our garage, under the floor boards, or in the shed waiting for Heir Trump’s finest to move along so we can all sit down to our early thanksgiving meal together.

Any other questions?
There's a lot to unpack in that post.
I smelled a little attitude I think. 😂
You know what they say.
Instead of bringing up politics at a dinner party just stick your shwance in the jello.
Your going to get the same reaction WTF?:rofl: But at least there's a funny story to tell.
Right? 🤣😂😅
I'll be in the Shed.;)

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
@NickHardy just sent me a pic.
Actually a couple.
If this doesn’t put a smile on your face nothing will.


I loved going to the states when I was younger.
Wonderful people treated me so well.
The news only reports the bad stuff.
Don't let a couple rotten apples ruin your opinion.
Great place to visit, if you can get past the boarder. ;)

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
I used to watch the Canadian tourists swimming in January when I was wearing a jacket and wondered are they all crazy? We were having a cold spell with temperatures in the low 50s F. Smh But they were so happy not having sub-zero temperatures and sunshine 🌞. CL🍀
I used to watch the Canadian tourists swimming in January when I was wearing a jacket and wondered are they all crazy? We were having a cold spell with temperatures in the low 50s F. Smh But they were so happy not having sub-zero temperatures and sunshine 🌞. CL🍀
You think we came south to visit for the jello salad and Beef dip? Well, I did, but I think a break from the snow matters to all the Canuck’s who get it solid through winter. When I lived in Edmonton (ages 12-17) the place was a ghost town in February. If you made Summer School break from Jan-Feb. in those cities I confidently presume 50% would disappear, every year.
You think we came south to visit for the jello salad and Beef dip? Well, I did, but I think a break from the snow matters to all the Canuck’s who get it solid through winter. When I lived in Edmonton (ages 12-17) the place was a ghost town in February. If you made Summer School break from Jan-Feb. in those cities I confidently presume 50% would disappear, every year.
It's Beautiful but dam cold.



Road hockey anyone. 😅
I used to watch the Canadian tourists swimming in January when I was wearing a jacket and wondered are they all crazy? We were having a cold spell with temperatures in the low 50s F. Smh But they were so happy not having sub-zero temperatures and sunshine 🌞. CL🍀
Hey buddy how is mom doing?:hug:
Dam Vid.🤬

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
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