VIVOHUT Bill284's New Grow Facility: Featuring VIVOSUN & Herbies Seeds

Green House Girls 10/9/23
Let’s get started
10 c / 80 rh










Green House Girls 10/9/23








You're gonna have to do better than that to compete with the 24" monster in my tent, corner of the bedroom in a 3L pot*

NB *anyone with an allergy to lies, please dismiss only the content in bold*
You're gonna have to do better than that to compete with the 24" monster in my tent, corner of the bedroom in a 3L pot*

NB *anyone with an allergy to lies, please dismiss only the content in bold*
Who is going to get the last laugh though.
When I’m in absolute trim hell. 🤣
Be careful what you wish for.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Who is going to get the last laugh though.
When I’m in absolute trim hell. 🤣
Be careful what you wish for.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Trim jail does my head in mate - just can't hack it
Did about 8oz last week, but I think my fingers are growing back lol
Trim jail does my head in mate - just can't hack it
Did about 8oz last week, but I think my fingers are growing back lol
If I do that every half hour I might get finished before loosing my mind.
I’ll need to do 2 pounds a day to be done in 2 weeks.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
shit that sucks more heaters ? wood stove ? slug gun for the bear & make sausage ? stay warm Bill

The Grey Hang in their Bill. It all seems up to the last few weeks might have to find some faster strains Guess the bear wanted some turkey
Hope you're making the best of it
Have a Happy Thanksgiving. or the best you can make it
Still waiting for my melons to ripen
1. Isn't bear full of worms? Better cook that sausage well!

2. Canadians eat Turkey for Thanksgiving??? Like with stuffing and mashed potatoes and gravy and such?? .... o_O🤯🦃
1. Isn't bear full of worms? Better cook that sausage well!

2. Canadians eat Turkey for Thanksgiving??? Like with stuffing and mashed potatoes and gravy and such?? .... o_O🤯🦃
I think it’s Grizzly bears that are not good for eating and Black bears are. But since I’ve never eaten either one of them I can’t say for certain. CL🍀
Trim Jail only does my head in if I first let “Trim Jail” into my head. I am tuned in to reality relatively tightly, but doesn’t matter, when I go in fearful I’m miserable. When I go in Uber-prepared, semi supported - at least socially - and most importantly stay in the moment and be in awe of what was accomplished at least at very beginning, then I Luke Skywalker that shit.

But I’m not normal so I wouldn’t expect, or want, peeps to endure my well deserved misery.

I realize that pile there is literally enough to fuck Bill up - tight as fuck - but he works smart.

I’ve been slayed by a pile like that when in my 20s! But mostly just physically. I may be too far gone, congenitally, to be impacted mentally.
For any novice gardeners out there put these pics beside. “Best Possible Scenario Outdoors, unheated Canada” in your brain dictionary.

For your description put “Bill284Method” in the first sentence.

Then follow your own dictionaries and you’ll have the critical stuff bang on for cocoa and more.
Somehow this ended up in @Jon 's journal yesterday.
I was going loopy trying to figure out what happened.
Guess I didn't know where I was.

Me holding down my heating pad and Charlie, Howie and Peanut helping out.:green_heart:



I’m a total Marque for pets. Looks we got that in common. Sigh.
2. Canadians eat Turkey for Thanksgiving??? Like with stuffing and mashed potatoes and gravy and such?? .... o_O🤯🦃
Sure, sausage, ham & cabbage rolls too.

What do you think we eat snow up here in the great white north, :rofl: :rofl: although Bill might have had a snow cone for dessert this weekend.
I'm sure Howie & Charlie ate some

Hope it didn't snow too hard Bill, we still only got close to frost here in the flat west, Mt. areas got snow
Sure, sausage, ham & cabbage rolls too.

What do you think we eat snow up here in the great white north, :rofl: :rofl: although Bill might have had a snow cone for dessert this weekend.
I'm sure Howie & Charlie ate some

Hope it didn't snow too hard Bill, we still only got close to frost here in the flat west, Mt. areas got snow
No we thought 💭 you only ate bacon. Lmao 😂 CL🍀. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :cheesygrinsmiley:
1. Isn't bear full of worms? Better cook that sausage well!

2. Canadians eat Turkey for Thanksgiving??? Like with stuffing and mashed potatoes and gravy and such?? .... o_O🤯🦃
Hey @RedskinnedRhino bear meat has a bit of sweet taste to it and is pretty good if spiced & cooked right i like it better ground than steaks, bear hunting season is spring & fall with the cooler weather bears with worms usually in hot summer & been feeding at dump plus you'd see if it has worms gutting it

What are Canadians giving Thanks for? The Indians come up there and help yall out too?
I was today years old when I realized that I know nothing about Canada other than what I've seen on Trailer Park Boys and Ren and Stimpy... you guys are like America's cousin that only visits twice a year - we don't even know your middle name and we've only been to your house once - we get along alright, but we always get into an argument just before you have to go home...
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