VIVOHUT Bill284's New Grow Facility: Featuring VIVOSUN & Herbies Seeds

Doctor wasn’t great to say the least.
Made Stacey cry when I wasn’t in the room.
Poor duck never told me until we left.
After all the tests.
They gave her some big long diagnosis I couldn’t begin to type.
Short version they said it was a calcification build up in her inner ear.
Vertigo and light and noise sensitivity.
Like 3 screaming babies in a waiting room for hours.
Poor kids 2 were twins.
I felt so bad for them.
And that mom bless her.
Driving wasn’t good for Stacey either, well she was navigator.:oops:
So I managed to lock the keys in the car and kill the battery as well.
Her new fit bit. Fek.
Not exactly used to it yet. Hehe.
But all good now.
Got Stacey tucked in bed giving Howie and Charlie a treat for being good all day.
No accidents.
Thanks everyone. :thanks:

Stay safe
Bill284 🤨
Green House Girls

@Herbies Seeds










So much awesome bud Bill! Not as good as the news Stacy has inner ear issues only though! That's a relief! Get her to someone that's good and nice at the same time soon as you can.
I just tucked her in bed
She is doing much better today, Thanks Stone. :thanks:
It's absolutely the worst timing.
But it's never a good time for health issues.
Charlie has to go to the vet tomorrow.
Howie is the only one healthy. 🤣
I'm trying to hold everything together and run the greenhouse, woohoo.
I'm about to keel over.
I was just talking to @Rexer He mentioned a surfer burner for rot.
You have any experience with one or knowledge of its uses ?
I wonder if they are safe in flower?

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
I just tucked her in bed
She is doing much better today, Thanks Stone. :thanks:
It's absolutely the worst timing.
But it's never a good time for health issues.
Charlie has to go to the vet tomorrow.
Howie is the only one healthy. 🤣
I'm trying to hold everything together and run the greenhouse, woohoo.
I'm about to keel over.
I was just talking to @Rexer He mentioned a surfer burner for rot.
You have any experience with one or knowledge of its uses ?
I wonder if they are safe in flower?

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
That's Sulphur burner & @bluter is the one to ask
I just tucked her in bed
She is doing much better today, Thanks Stone. :thanks:
It's absolutely the worst timing.
But it's never a good time for health issues.
Charlie has to go to the vet tomorrow.
Howie is the only one healthy. 🤣
I'm trying to hold everything together and run the greenhouse, woohoo.
I'm about to keel over.
I was just talking to @Rexer He mentioned a surfer burner for rot.
You have any experience with one or knowledge of its uses ?
I wonder if they are safe in flower?

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Never heard of it? What you got on it? Whatever you do, don't be keeling over! If you have to lay back on something then do so for a while brother. No keeling over! You're in a Code Orange zone in your life right now! Don't let it go RED!
Beautiful growing man!
Hey Bill. Sorry to hear about Stacey.

It’s not Meniere's disease is it? There’s some sound lifestyle changes that help manage the symptoms.
Morning T.
It’s initials are B. P. P. V.
I can look it up for the spelling if you don’t recognize the initials.
Came out of the blue.
No warning or symptoms, just woke up and couldn’t stand.
She is doing great this morning.
I’m so relieved.
She was really struggling with it.
Hopefully it goes away because she can’t function when it happens.
Not that this happened before, first time.
Thanks T. :thanks:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo.
Just looking it up now.
First thing that came up is something called the "Home Eply manoeuvre".
I'm trying to insert a link, but the site keeps putting it at the beginning of the line instead of mid-sentence.
Here it is.
Hope she's feeling well, and they can figure out how to keep it from recurring!
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo.
Just looking it up now.
First thing that came up is something called the "Home Eply manoeuvre".
I'm trying to insert a link, but the site keeps putting it at the beginning of the line instead of mid-sentence.
Here it is.
Hope she's feeling well, and they can figure out how to keep it from recurring!
Thanks Melville. :thanks:
Crazy stuff isn't it.
Out of the blue.Yeiks.
I appreciate your help my friend. :thumb:
I'm a physiotherapist now.;)
Bills Rehab. Hehe.😁

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Hey Bill, loving your rain forests brother something positive to look UP to every day literally 🤣
Sorry to hear about Stacy, stay strong bro she's had your back many times I think its like 50 to 2 now but who's keeping score that's just proof of all or nothing gardener 🤣
I wish you all fast healing and to be back floating on that river soon 🤞🤞
Hey Bill, loving your rain forests brother something positive to look UP to every day literally 🤣
Sorry to hear about Stacy, stay strong bro she's had your back many times I think its like 50 to 2 now but who's keeping score that's just proof of all or nothing gardener 🤣
I wish you all fast healing and to be back floating on that river soon 🤞🤞
Hey GV. :ciao: :thanks:
I appreciate it my friend.
Hope your doing well. :high-five:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
AppleBetty banba lam!

Still she rides ❤️

How’s tricks buddy?

Stacey on the mend?
Ahoy Amigo :ciao:
Getting ready for winter.
Had to put a new roof on the shed and take down the gazebo before I started.
Still a 100 miles of tuff sledding to go. :oops:
But Stiff upper lip and all that.
You know. 🤨
Stacey, my poor love.
I’m afraid it’s not going well.
I wish I could go back to work so bad.
I’m doing my best to keep the ship sailing.
Lots of ice bergs to avoid and I’ve lost the rudder I’m afraid, hehe. 🤣
But I upped the feed today and the girls are behaving.
So I’m not ever going to complain.
I walk past 3 dieing gelato autos 20 times a day.
Just a reminder to be pro active and vigilant.
The makita sprayer and SNS are hard at work.
Fingers crossed buddy.
I need this to finish.
Oh yea just got another major frost warning.
So I need things to move forward asap.
Say hi to the family for me.
Tell them my apologies for being absent.
Talk soon.

Stay Safe
Bill284 😎

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