VIVOHUT Bill284's New Grow Facility: Featuring VIVOSUN & Herbies Seeds


Mango Mousse week 8 of Flower












#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow

Bill284 šŸ˜Ž

Nice buds Bill You always have great plants, :thumb: šŸ‹

Greenhouse Girls


Apple Betty
Big girl at the back
Still needs uppotting


Apple Betty

50 gal bag of coco




Mango Mousse
30 gal bag of coco


@CaptainLucky s

Spanish Moon


Apple Betty & Ray's Pink Kush



Charlie my helper


Stay Safe
Bill284 šŸ˜Ž
What a cute face. I miss having a puppy.:DšŸ‹
Good Morning Keith.
He and Howie keep me smiling. :green_heart:
Hope everything is going well my friend.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 šŸ˜Ž
Hey Bill! What a Grand Bank of weed you got growing there man! You put a nice grow on em brother!
Thanks Stone.
My poor old bones are having trouble keeping up these days.
Charlie better start pulling his weight. :rofl:
Take care Amigo. šŸ˜Ž

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 šŸ˜Ž
Time to go SIP, pal? It mean's watering once/week avg. for the whole grow.
My 27gal totes carry 6+ gal, so it can last 14 days in veg, or 5-6 days at full chat during mid-flower. They have constant access to nutes and water so they grow like 7x fed/day coco airpots.
Plus, you can grow in Sunshine mix #4 straight outta the bag. (cheap, easy) I dont usually rec coco SIPs, but can be fine. I just like the strong buffer in the off the shelf peat/perlite. They also have the best perlite mix at 33%. Pick some up in fall at 1/2 price usually.

Would be happy to make 'em up for you if that's the issue, The SIP pots, I mean. There are container/size options; my huge 35-40 gal. outdoor veg SIPs this year absolutely killed it! I stopped counting cukes at 100. Succesion cuke replanting going in this week for another batch. Making Branston Pickles this year. Sigh. Wish I could go hunting. I used to smoke my own oysters and can 'em for xmas gifts (had an aquaculture lease, longline oyster rafts and a beach permit split with a buddy on Read Island, up Desolation Sound-way. Anyway... Already eating tomatoes every day, green peppers and squash too... in July. Growing 2x Romaine in 4l milk jugs around the periphery of my weed 5x5s... so I'm gonna try a 'farmstand' out front for August, sell cukes, tomatoes and romaine lettuce, provided I'm well enough. Woke up on the ground again yesterday, on a rosebush. No idea how. Got people here to pick me up and dust me off though.

Am serious about helping you with SIPs, It'd really cut your work down a LOT. Whatever floats your boat, matey!
Time to go SIP, pal? It mean's watering once/week avg. for the whole grow.
My 27gal totes carry 6+ gal, so it can last 14 days in veg, or 5-6 days at full chat during mid-flower. They have constant access to nutes and water so they grow like 7x fed/day coco airpots.
Plus, you can grow in Sunshine mix #4 straight outta the bag. (cheap, easy) I dont usually rec coco SIPs, but can be fine. I just like the strong buffer in the off the shelf peat/perlite. They also have the best perlite mix at 33%. Pick some up in fall at 1/2 price usually.

Would be happy to make 'em up for you if that's the issue, The SIP pots, I mean.
:thanks: I'm a touch held back with this dam motor control problem on my left hand, but I'm learning to compensate.
Even figured out how to hold a deck screw.
So my handyman skills though somewhat hampered are still there.
I appreciate the offer, when the time comes, if, ill ask for your guidance. :thumb:
I can grow lemon trees 284/M imagine a sip.
I'd need a second story on the greenhouse.
Its literally touch and go as it is.
There are container/size options; my huge 35-40 gal. outdoor veg SIPs this year absolutely killed it! I stopped counting cukes at 100. Succesion cuke replanting going in this week for another batch. Making Branston Pickles this year. Sigh. Wish I could go hunting. I used to smoke my own oysters and can 'em for xmas gifts (had an aquaculture lease, longline oyster rafts and a beach permit split with a buddy on Read Island, up Desolation Sound-way. Anyway...
Not anyway.... that's the bits of gold dust you sprinkle in that keeps us all fascinated.
You just keep that bounty coming. :yahoo:
We really love your recollection of days gone by.
Your a novel in the making.
Soon as you recover we want the second chapter.
Already eating tomatoes every day, green peppers and squash too... in July. Growing 2x Romaine in 4l milk jugs around the periphery of my weed 5x5s... so I'm gonna try a 'farmstand' out front for August, sell cukes, tomatoes and romaine lettuce, provided I'm well enough.
Dam i hope your up to it.
It would break my heart if all your hard work went for not.:rolleyes:
Woke up on the ground again yesterday, on a rosebush. No idea how. Got people here to pick me up and dust me off though.
This is getting more frequent no? Instead of getting better.
Buddy please please don't crack your noodle again.
It's a matter of time before something catches you on the way down.
You know what the option is.o_O
I'm not suggesting it but Bell kept my egg from cracken.;)CCM.
Am serious about helping you with SIPs, It'd really cut your work down a LOT. Whatever floats your boat, matey!:thanks:

Resi why you do this to me Resi hehe.

Mango Mousse week 9 of Flower










Charlie Oops šŸ˜‚

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 šŸ˜Ž
I expect it greenhouse to pop like a zit one morning.
It's stretching to its limits. Hehe. ;)

August 16 , they aren't in a hurry.
Meanwhile you can barely swallow.
This didn't start yesterday.
They should have done a scope right away.
Hospitals out there as far behind as here.
To get the nerve test for my hand, so i can get therapy is a 2 year wait.
Just for the test, what good will that do ? 2 years fek.

Mine just blew me off.
80 pounds I've lost she says, I'm not concerned.
Well I bloody well am.:rolleyes:
They don't seem to give a dam. Act like I'm imposing.

How are the veggies doing?
Are you going to have enough to sell some surplus?
Sips to the rescue.

It took years to get disability here.
Had to get a lawyer and appeal their denial of my application.
Don't give up.:thumb:

Where would the fun be if we acted our age.
Our poor old bones might thank us, mine would have.
I told my doctor I'd be perfectly healthy if I never met myself.
90% of my issues are self inflicted. :rolleyes:
Cracked my skull again the other day.
Just doing a check up on my CTE, yup still good. :rofl:

I can walk and do my gardens so everything is fine.
I shouldnā€™t be complaining.
I'm great full, very great full.

don't want to belabour that point (I just can't help it, I swear!), nonetheless, I hope you have the love and support you need.

I'm well loved here, all the support and care I need.:green_heart:

If you don't, well, you wouldn't be disturbing anything special by asking my help, I assure you.

That might have been my problem.

A little fear might have done me wonders, health wise.
Lack of it hasn't helped I'll tell you that much.
The little voice you hear that says don't do that.
Mine says What? šŸ¤£

This message sounds more positive , I'm so happy about that.
I was trying to figure out how to get to BC, thinking of you laying there broke my heart.
At least your not alone.
That was concerning to me. Not that every other aspect doesn't worry me aswell.
Just glad you have someone there for support.
I've got this crazy team that keeps me young.
I'm not much for quotes but I think it was John Lennon who said " Love is all you need "
Take care my friend.
Talk soon.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 šŸ˜Ž
Youā€™re gonna have to start sporting a hard hat if youā€™re gonna continue cracking your coconut šŸ„„ mi amigo. lol I thought you had great healthcare in Canada? I always say that if I knew I was going to live this long I wouldā€™ve taken better care of myself. Smh CLšŸ€. :thumb: :cheesygrinsmiley:

Greenhouse Girls


Apple Betty
Big girl at the back
Still needs uppotting


Apple Betty

50 gal bag of coco




Mango Mousse
30 gal bag of coco


@CaptainLucky s

Spanish Moon


Apple Betty & Ray's Pink Kush



Charlie my helper


Stay Safe
Bill284 šŸ˜Ž
They all look šŸ‘€ amazing as always bro.šŸ¤© You really can grow some beautiful weed. Stay healthy. CLšŸ€

Mango Mousse week 9 of Flower










Charlie Oops šŸ˜‚

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 šŸ˜Ž
That is one huge awesome looking tree & cute puppy, would love to grab a sack of cold beer & get the tour of the vivo hut & smoke a few doobies I could be there in 4-5 hours would also bring a tub of chicken for munchies Lol!
They all look šŸ‘€ amazing as always bro.šŸ¤© You really can grow some beautiful weed. Stay healthy. CLšŸ€
Hey Cap'n. :ciao::thanks:
I'm on nanner patrol.
Everything looks great so far.
Those foxtails give me some concerns.
But everything else is perfect.
She is growing coconuts instead of buds.
They weigh a ton.:thumb:
Hope your weekend is going well Amigo. :high-five:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 šŸ˜Ž
Hey Bill, hope your well :ciao::ciao:
Looks like them buds might pull the roof down soon! šŸ˜† šŸ‘Œ
Hey Gv.:high-five:
Best buds I've grown in ages.
I have some clones from her, just incase.
Don't want to loose those genetics. :thumb:
Hope your doing well my friend.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 šŸ˜Ž
Coconuts! šŸŒ“šŸŒ“šŸŒ“šŸ„„ You got em brother!
Seriously heavy buds.
None of the branches will hold up anything.
Except that larf which is now a Bud.:rofl:
A little co2 at the right time is amazing.
Really impressed with the outcome. :thumb:
Hope your weekend is going well Mate.:high-five:
Take care.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 šŸ˜Ž
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