VIVOHUT Bill284's New Grow Facility: Featuring VIVOSUN & Herbies Seeds

I bought ten kids plastic fort building kits. Like this:


36cm poles x 50 a set and 36 connector balls. $3.50 each. Bargain!

The final piece of the growing puzzle is on its way!

Where can one purchase these kits at this bargain price?
There, a site like Jeff Bezios’s one called Lazada. But its more matching up vendors with sellers. They don’t sell anything themselves, they just handle payment and logistics really. You can order literally anything. You want some weird brass adaptor or a Boston Red Sox jersey you can get it. Often out the back of the factory door in China - the stuff from China takes a week as comes by road (means its tax free) or stuff already in Thailand 2 days. I had a new set of Tom Ford optical glasses frames delivered yesterday. Cash on delivery. 30% the price in the opticians. I have a proper sprung basketball hoop in my swimming pool I can get proper Spalding balls for $5 made in the Spalding factory. Hologrammed up and everything. Best was these hanging lights for my kitchen. In Europe they’re €5000 each ($5000USD ) I paid $200 each because they had tiny tiny scratches on the tops where you van’t see. Real though.

Those climbing frames will cost 50c to make. They have too many they’ll sell locally in Asia where 99% of everything is made these days. Airpots are like $3 for a 5 gallon. All my perlite, pots, testing kits, ph buffer, all the little thingummy jiggies for growing I get off there.

Pick something random and I’ll see if I can find it for you! is awesome.


Currently waiting delivery on 6 packages. Divide by 35 (or by 10 and then by 4 for approximate value) for USD.

Some buffer to calibrate my Ph pen and some RFID tags for the front doors as I lost mine and one of the kids broke theirs.

Hiya Bill! Holy smokes, you might need to stop feeding those plants in the greenhouse. You might wake up one day with a hole in your greenhouse roof, with plants having punched right through!

I'm doing good here, my kid's still around, and I've been able to mainly sleep off all the damage I did on my birthday, or technically, 5 minutes after my b-day officially ended. I wasn't celebrating or anything, but I don't remember what happened, just the mangled wreck I was when I came to, almost three hours later - for some reason, I do remember looking at the clock before I went down, while I was trying to fix a liquid snack - yeah the whole esophageal stricture thing is still unsolved, that's going to take some doing, and I won't have the pleasure of a camera stuffed down my throat until Aug 16th. That at least should confirm or exclude the cancer threat, if not fix the problem itself. I've got the diet thing worked out now though so I'm all good.

My doctors are pretty sick of me, from the constant attention I keep forcing them to give me. Oh well, don't tell them, but, the feeling is reciprocated. I'm doing really well now, and because my plants (herb and veg garden) are all in SIPs, my trials and tribulations are all taken in stride without slowing anything down, or worse.

I have my family around (though they all need more help than I do) and that's what matters. On another bright side, all this action will surely help my disability claim go through! And, I finally turned 50, meaning I can dispense with any pretense of youthfulness (finally), and start acting closer to the 85 years old my body actually feels. Sounds, lately, like you have some pointers for me on that front. My father suffers from some similar 'injuries' (extreme spinal wear and tear) and so I really can appreciate the struggle you face. I don't want to belabour that point (I just can't help it, I swear!), nonetheless, I hope you have the love and support you need. If you don't, well, you wouldn't be disturbing anything special by asking my help, I assure you.

Joseph Stalin's great biographer, Stephen Kotkin, always says, "Be not afraid". So I figure, if a guy as familiar with Russian history as he is can rock a motto like that, then I ought to be able to do the same. For your part, at least from where I stand, you seem to be a natural at it. So I keep hanging around, acting the poseur, and hoping one day to discover your secret.
Hiya Bill! Holy smokes, you might need to stop feeding those plants in the greenhouse. You might wake up one day with a hole in your greenhouse roof, with plants having punched right through!
I expect it greenhouse to pop like a zit one morning.
It's stretching to its limits. Hehe. ;)
I'm doing good here, my kid's still around, and I've been able to mainly sleep off all the damage I did on my birthday, or technically, 5 minutes after my b-day officially ended. I wasn't celebrating or anything, but I don't remember what happened, just the mangled wreck I was when I came to, almost three hours later - for some reason, I do remember looking at the clock before I went down, while I was trying to fix a liquid snack - yeah the whole esophageal stricture thing is still unsolved, that's going to take some doing, and I won't have the pleasure of a camera stuffed down my throat until Aug 16th. That at least should confirm or exclude the cancer threat, if not fix the problem itself. I've got the diet thing worked out now though so I'm all good.
August 16 , they aren't in a hurry.
Meanwhile you can barely swallow.
This didn't start yesterday.
They should have done a scope right away.
Hospitals out there as far behind as here.
To get the nerve test for my hand, so i can get therapy is a 2 year wait.
Just for the test, what good will that do ? 2 years fek.
My doctors are pretty sick of me, from the constant attention I keep forcing them to give me. Oh well, don't tell them, but, the feeling is reciprocated.
Mine just blew me off.
80 pounds I've lost she says, I'm not concerned.
Well I bloody well am.:rolleyes:
They don't seem to give a dam. Act like I'm imposing.
I'm doing really well now, and because my plants (herb and veg garden) are all in SIPs, my trials and tribulations are all taken in stride without slowing anything down, or worse.
How are the veggies doing?
Are you going to have enough to sell some surplus?
Sips to the rescue.
I have my family around (though they all need more help than I do) and that's what matters. On another bright side, all this action will surely help my disability claim go through!
It took years to get disability here.
Had to get a lawyer and appeal their denial of my application.
Don't give up.:thumb:
And, I finally turned 50, meaning I can dispense with any pretense of youthfulness (finally), and start acting closer to the 85 years old my body actually feels.
Where would the fun be if we acted our age.
Our poor old bones might thank us, mine would have.
I told my doctor I'd be perfectly healthy if I never met myself.
90% of my issues are self inflicted. :rolleyes:
Cracked my skull again the other day.
Just doing a check up on my CTE, yup still good. :rofl:
Sounds, lately, like you have some pointers for me on that front. My father suffers from some similar 'injuries' (extreme spinal wear and tear) and so I really can appreciate the struggle you face.
I can walk and do my gardens so everything is fine.
I shouldn’t be complaining.
I'm great full, very great full.

don't want to belabour that point (I just can't help it, I swear!), nonetheless, I hope you have the love and support you need.

I'm well loved here, all the support and care I need.:green_heart:

If you don't, well, you wouldn't be disturbing anything special by asking my help, I assure you.
Joseph Stalin's great biographer, Stephen Kotkin, always says, "Be not afraid".
That might have been my problem.
So I figure, if a guy as familiar with Russian history as he is can rock a motto like that, then I ought to be able to do the same.
A little fear might have done me wonders, health wise.
Lack of it hasn't helped I'll tell you that much.
The little voice you hear that says don't do that.
Mine says What? 🤣
For your part, at least from where I stand, you seem to be a natural at it. So I keep hanging around, acting the poseur, and hoping one day to discover your secret.
This message sounds more positive , I'm so happy about that.
I was trying to figure out how to get to BC, thinking of you laying there broke my heart.
At least your not alone.
That was concerning to me. Not that every other aspect doesn't worry me aswell.
Just glad you have someone there for support.
I've got this crazy team that keeps me young.
I'm not much for quotes but I think it was John Lennon who said " Love is all you need "
Take care my friend.
Talk soon.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎

Funny I was listening to I’m Not Afraid by Eminem just 5 minutes ago. A similarly fort mentality in that song.

You’re a tough cookie dude. Respect.

Morning Nick. :ciao:
Res is a tough old dog .
I can say old now right? 50;)
Thankfully he is still pushing nutes and growen fruits , terrible pun.:rolleyes:
But he has held on through a lot of rough days lately.
Hopefully his luck and health improve.
How are you doing this morning?

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Copacetic, Bill, copacetic best surmises it. A little gardening and a little day job this morning. Well fed on both food and beverage and the fruits of my previous labours I am at peace with the good for nothing builders being AWOL another day.

Further libations followed by bashing up Australia in the cricket and watching a little F1 perhaps are all I have on the horizon as evening approaches, the shadows gradually lengthen before the gloaming shrouds all before it in a deep dark velvet embrace.

I hope you all have a similarly chillaxed Saturday.

Our Strawberry Molly is heavy on the Molly - why I named her that 🤣

Please, no F1 spoilers for a week! Mebbe that’s asking to much. Mebbe highlight F1 talk so I know to keep scrolling! I dunno, never mind. Not a lot of mystery this season anyway. Nonetheless, Go Max! (I’m Dutch, so sue me!) I always am a week behind as I usually try to watch P1, quali and the race. Been watching a little more UFC these days. I just can’t look away!

You asked about my big veggie SIPs outside, these pics are a few weeks old. I’m already harvesting some random ripe tomatoes, and have been overwhelmed with cukes even though I juice 6-10 of them everyday (can’t eat solids yay)

I will never grow my veg in anything but SIPs ever again. I have similar plants in my big 3 ft high, 5ft wide and 40 ft long “Hugel-Culture” raised bed and they are all providing less than 1/10th the comparison. Because they are out by the road I get a lot of peeps coming to chat and they are always pretty sunned so I break out my SIP diagram for then to see what a SIP is and how easily I built it

. I def could have a produce stand this year, I’ve been growing mass amounts of romaine lettuce in my tents whenever I’m growing weed, and could sell lots of that too. Next year I’m going to double up to 25, 35-40 gallon SIPs for Veg; hey maybe I could make it a “You Pick”! Lol.

I’ll get you some up to date pics and some comparative SIP to raised bed comparison pics tomorrow. Im going to make a base tomatoe sauce and freeze and can a shitload of it for winter.

Wish I could go venison hunting, I learned how to hunt, field dress, butcher and then can as stew meat, years ago when I was living waaay up-coast, and waaay off grid.

All of us drop outs, Anarchists, n’er-do-wells, draft dodgers, and guerilla growers, together put away a full winter’s pantry for 6 families, between a couple veg gardens, some clam, oyster, plus mushroom foraging, a few salmon, and our 2 deer. All six families pitched in together (plus me) to fill 6 pantries and we did. With basic staples like rice, oats, spices and sauces in place, nobody had to go grocery shopping again until April. I was very surprised that It took a lot less effort than you might think with that many hands together. How much I learned then was amazing and those 6 years were massively formative.

Pics below are a month old and plants are huge now, but this shows one of the two lineups and my cheeky rain guards (reservoir is full of fertigation, don’t want watered down, remember excess simply drains out the hole.

I’m on a mission to make my little postage stamp here in suburban Victoria feel like living up in the islands again, but with grid services.
Hey Res,

What is the design of your SIP? Got a link? I get the cloth pots on the barrier then looks like a perlite column in the middle?

Enlighten me oh wise one!


PS - bought 1kg of frozen Venison mixed bits last week. Making a stew with it tomorrow, so cheap here as no one eats it. its lush in flavour and super lean. Get your throat fixed up and get some in you, very healthy.
Hey Res,

What is the design of your SIP? Got a link? I get the cloth pots on the barrier then looks like a perlite column in the middle?

Enlighten me oh wise one!


PS - bought 1kg of frozen Venison mixed bits last week. Making a stew with it tomorrow, so cheap here as no one eats it. its lush in flavour and super lean. Get your throat fixed up and get some in you, very healthy.
Venison Yum stew. Chili and steaks. Lucky dog.
Venison Yum stew. Chili and steaks. Lucky dog.
It makes the best curries I've ever made/tasted. I love having a giant pantry full for canned venison, cant be beat.

Making a stew with it tomorrow, so cheap here as no one eats it. its lush in flavour and super lean. Get your throat fixed up and get some in you, very healthy.
I finally stopped the dramatic weight loss by buying a bunch of marrow-filled beef soup bones, put them in my pressure cooker with some frozen blocks of blendered up onions, green peppers and some nice spices and salts, and voila! Bone soup, marrow broth,, whatever you call it, my brain finally feels like it is being properly fed after eight weeks of struggle - just so long as I sip it very, very slowly. Finally, dense enough calories.

I'll get you that link, NIck. You mean the black 27-gal tote style, not the 40-gal cylindrical ones, right? I should post both really, I guess. The 40-gal trashcan ones I don't have good picks of the insides, but I have spares I can show.
Yeah the tote box rectangular ones. I’ve made bucket and solo versions but looking for something for some fancy tomaters I have seeds of.

I know your pain - I got to 12KG below weight (I’m slim so 68kg is optimal) Couldn’t eat for months, plus coeliac disease making me ill of I had the slightest bit of gluten. I got started again with protein shakes. Then stir fried veg. Finally chicken and stuff. Nearly 3 weeks in ai’ve just got to 62 - just 6 to go! That first day of getting food into me 3 times in a day for the first time in over a yeah was epic.

Enlighten me oh wise one!
Oi! That was uncalled for (and certainely misguided)! lol.
What is the design of your SIP? Got a link? I get the cloth pots on the barrier then looks like a perlite column in the middle?

scroll that page of my build journal. There's some weird stuff interspersed, buuuut'ch' you-know, you should be used to that coming from me by now.

The two totes are nested Russian doll-style. They are from same company but one is 17-gal (planter) the other 27-gal (the reservoir). The planter has holes of various sizes drilled out and inside the reservoir are some large, wide, net cups used for backyard ponds. All the weight rests on the top this way, not the bottom. Sometimes I just fill the netcup with promix, on this one a top layer of perlite. But I try to avoid layers as capillary action can get unpredictable the less homogenous your matrix (esp as you size up, not so much in a solo cup)

The way to avoid using two totes is to cut the lid down to function as a false floor, supported by vertically placed PVC sections.

That setup I showed you holds over 6 gallons of fertigation. Currently, I'm running airstones in each, on a 5min on, 15min off setup, but this is unnecessary; I just know that my water/fertilizer/setup can handle it without spiking pH. I drop two, 10-gal square soft Geo Pots in each and fill with promix/Sunshine Mix or my homemade TLO soil with 33% perlite. Sometimes I lay down a cloth with promix on planter-bottom first, with vermiculite, but I still get excellent moisture simply by dropping the bags straight in. That way I can remove one, or move them around if I wish. The 10 gal size also means it will support TLO grows.

I think there are other pics on previous pages in that 'journal'.

What I'm excited to try is one of my 40-gal SIPs with a single plant (instead of 27-gal and 2 plants), indoors in one of my tents. Would need some serious training, my tents have 7 feet of clearance and the soil-top is at 3ft. on my 40-gal SIPs. Should be doable with a scrog though. Awesome how the water will climb 3-ft!
OK @NickHardy here's one more page, scroll down you'll see some more pics from that build.

Here's your thread back, Bill. OOPS! ;)
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