VIVOHUT 2 Point Oh! Bill284 Grows North Atlantic Seed Co. In Coco

I dispise pests! Kill all those little bastards amigo. CL🍀
Good morning Cap'n. :ciao:
Spots appeared due to poor ph while I was away. I thought :rolleyes:
Turns out there's critter's in there.
As long as I haven't got them in the greenhouse yet.
I fogged the greenhouse just in case.
Have a great day Amigo. :passitleft:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
That’s Jenga. :rolleyes:Fek Fek Fek.
Defcon 5.
Sprayed with SNS Spider mite control.
Everyone in every room.
Except her.
Edit: I sprayed her and left her.
Far from everyone.


Spider mites 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

Get those brix up Bill. Them buggers play rough. Sorry Buddy, you got some work ahead of you now😪
Question for ya. Gee , Stone. and everyone else.
I sprayed the ones in flower. Well everyone but my question is can I still chop the PT. OG. ?
She is kinda ready.
SNS is rosemary oil so no problem with it.
But can I chop and bud wash her or should I just set heron fire and get rid of her.
I’m good either way I don’t need the bud.
Thanks everyone.
My first spider mite problem.
I’ve had broad mites, they are awful.
Talk soon.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Bud wash her 💚🤘🏻

There's always someone who could benefit from your overflow.

I'm sure you have someone, fathers day is approaching..

Will I be spreading spider mites everywhere in the process?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Will I be spreading spider mites everywhere in the process?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
If you do it in 5g buckets, the mites are contained (most dead anyway) and you can flush them or dump the bucket into a bottomless pit to hell where mites belong 🔥
I don't want to get them all over me and contaminant everything.
And I don't want jars full of miles.
Thanks @Justin Goody
Do you have a formula you would recommend for bud washing? H2O2 ? Alcohol?
What's best?
Apreciate the help.:thanks:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I don't want to get them all over me and contaminant everything.
And I don't want jars full of miles.
Thanks @Justin Goody
Do you have a formula you would recommend for bud washing? H2O2 ? Alcohol?
What's best?
Apreciate the help.:thanks:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Haven’t done it for a bit because I’ve been blessed with no critters.

Got the technique on here years ago-
The first tub wash room temp and had the lemon juice/baking soda. Second wash was semi hot (tap) and then a wash of ice cold.

There may be a more modern and better solution so I’d ask others to chime in here too..
I used three 5 gal buckets with warm water 1st bucket add 1/2 cup baking soda & 1/2 cup lemon juice & the last 2 buckets for rinse
Thanks Buddy.
Oh , all done outside?
Then hang dry for an hour then trim?
I wet trim.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Thanks Buddy.
Oh , all done outside?
Then hang dry for an hour then trim?
I wet trim.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I don't think it matters if done inside or out , I trimmed washed hung & put a fan on it for a day but I never had spider mites
So I find you on page 69 - or as I call it, 68 and I’ll owe you 1 ;)

Hi Billy Boiiiiiiii!

As you know bugs are a Queenslanders jam. My Blue Sunset Sherbet was full of spidermites. I treated her daily for 5 days and by harvest there was no evidence of spidermites.

I don’t get super stressed over them now. They are just part of my grows. This is my treatment plan, and it seems to keep somewhat control over them.

* Daily checks. Removing leaves that have even a hint of the death speckle
* Immediate treatment if I see specks
* Prophylactic treatment once a week
* Clean and surface spray grow areas every fortnight making sure water sources are covered, and drip trays are washed and not touched by the surface spray

The most important thing I think is the daily inspection. I was shook at what can happen within 4 days. She was dripping with them. This is after one wash and rinse under the hose.

Exhibit A


This is her after a week of treatment. Zero signs of nits.


By harvest, again zero signs of nits.


My son rated her smoke as 8/10.

Hope this helps.
Question for ya. Gee , Stone. and everyone else.
I sprayed the ones in flower. Well everyone but my question is can I still chop the PT. OG. ?
She is kinda ready.
SNS is rosemary oil so no problem with it.
But can I chop and bud wash her or should I just set heron fire and get rid of her.
I’m good either way I don’t need the bud.
Thanks everyone.
My first spider mite problem.
I’ve had broad mites, they are awful.
Talk soon.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I'm not the guy to ask Bill, I'm a purist.

It's quite likely you could bud wash her and it would be fine, but if it were me it would get chopped, bypass the worms, and go in the outdoor compost without even being sprayed.

But I'm the 1st to admit I'm a weed snob.

Pretty much every bag of weed you ever bought from a dealer was likely bug sprayed with something and no one dies. I just have so much weed that my worms don't even need it so that allowed quality over quantity in my life.

Plus I'm a health food junkie so that weighs in too.

But Like Jiggi says, a good bud wash would probably be fine.

I would cycle spray 1st tho, get the eggs that are about to hatch by using the cycle the spray recommends, then chop and wash, or you may end up with mites in your curing weed.
So I find you on page 69 - or as I call it, 68 and I’ll owe you 1 ;)

Hi Billy Boiiiiiiii!

As you know bugs are a Queenslanders jam. My Blue Sunset Sherbet was full of spidermites. I treated her daily for 5 days and by harvest there was no evidence of spidermites.

I don’t get super stressed over them now. They are just part of my grows. This is my treatment plan, and it seems to keep somewhat control over them.

* Daily checks. Removing leaves that have even a hint of the death speckle
* Immediate treatment if I see specks
* Prophylactic treatment once a week
* Clean and surface spray grow areas every fortnight making sure water sources are covered, and drip trays are washed and not touched by the surface spray

The most important thing I think is the daily inspection. I was shook at what can happen within 4 days. She was dripping with them. This is after one wash and rinse under the hose.

Exhibit A


This is her after a week of treatment. Zero signs of nits.


By harvest, again zero signs of nits.


My son rated her smoke as 8/10.

Hope this helps.
Good morning T. :ciao:
My Purple Kush has spots but I can't find webs anywhere.
Everyone I mean everyone got soaked in SNS spidermite spray.
I've dealt with broad mites before.
Might aswell just move, and burn everything. o_O They are hell!
But if you say it's not a death warrant then I'll harvest her and spray everyone else to death.
Apreciate you swinging by, thanks T. :thanks:
Talk soon.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I'm not the guy to ask Bill, I'm a purist.

It's quite likely you could bud wash her and it would be fine, but if it were me it would get chopped, bypass the worms, and go in the outdoor compost without even being sprayed.

But I'm the 1st to admit I'm a weed snob.

Pretty much every bag of weed you ever bought from a dealer was likely bug sprayed with something and no one dies. I just have so much weed that my worms don't even need it so that allowed quality over quantity in my life.

Plus I'm a health food junkie so that weighs in too.

But Like Jiggi says, a good bud wash would probably be fine.

I would cycle spray 1st tho, get the eggs that are about to hatch by using the cycle the spray recommends, then chop and wash, or you may end up with mites in your curing weed.
My first reaction was to throw her out in the yard while I sprayed everyone else.
She is kinda ready so I sprayed and saved her.
She is getting a drought treatment atm, haven't fed her in 2 days.
Bud washing might save her.
After all she is 6 months old, that's a bit of work in coco.
Thanks Gee.:thanks:
Someone will appreciate 1/2 a pound of bud.
Talk soon buddy.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Bill, if the thought of the spray lingering on your weed makes you unsure of whether you should smoke it or not, it's a spray that is safe for ingestion, so those plants will be just fine as edibles and topo's.

But really, rosemary and such is just terpenes like weed so if budwashing leaves residue you likely won't even notice.
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