VIVOHUT 2 Point Oh! Bill284 Grows North Atlantic Seed Co. In Coco

You got a pretty plant getting flowered up. You know how to grow them, Bill. 🍋
Thanks Keith :thanks:
Hope your having a great day Amigo :passitleft:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Green House
@North Atlantic Seed Co
Day 6 of Flower

Bubba Whip #1 1/29/24
@Greenleaf Nutrients
Mega Crop 1000 ppm today
100l. Bag coco perlite Bill284 Method











She is in high speed compared to her twin sister.
Smaller but in a hurry :surf:

stay safe
Bill284 😎
really well done!
How do you navigate in that jungle
I have one of those dollies mechanics use.
I slide underneath everything. 🤪:rofl:
Just kidding buddy , but it is crowded for sure. :thumb:
Hope you enjoy my garden Amigo.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Goodmorning everyone, how's the plants doing Bill did your ladies ever recover from the brown leafs?
Yes sir she is fine and growing better than the other 3.
It was just s few spots but they aren't progressing.
Everything is right on track.
Here she is.
Bubba Whip 100l. Bag @Bill284 Method
Coco Perlite Bokashi Frass & DYNOMYCO :thumb:
They are all getting a dose of potassium silicate today 300ppm
And a spray with SNS DC. mold and disease control.
Along with their Mega Crop @Greenleaf Nutrients at 1000 ppm.
How's your garden today











Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Yes sir she is fine and growing better than the other 3.
It was just s few spots but they aren't progressing.
Everything is right on track.
Here she is.
Bubba Whip 100l. Bag @Bill284 Method
Coco Perlite Bokashi Frass & DYNOMYCO :thumb:
They are all getting a dose of potassium silicate today 300ppm
And a spray with SNS DC. mold and disease control.
Along with their Mega Crop @Greenleaf Nutrients at 1000 ppm.
How's your garden today











Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Ohhhhhh yeaaaaahhhhh she's looking nice 👌 Bill you got some beautiful ladies she's indica dominant huh? Those are some brod leafs 🍃
Do you have to use the green house when it's closer to harvest? I'm gonna leave my girls out until they are done. It stays 90° here until mid October lol so I don't have to worry about the weather to much 😅 only seen 2 emergency harvests in my life and I lived in a grow house for 10 years so much trimming.....
Ohhhhhh yeaaaaahhhhh she's looking nice 👌 Bill you got some beautiful ladies she's indica dominant huh? Those are some brod leafs 🍃
Do you have to use the green house when it's closer to harvest? I'm gonna leave my girls out until they are done. It stays 90° here until mid October lol so I don't have to worry about the weather to much 😅 only seen 2 emergency harvests in my life and I lived in a grow house for 10 years so much trimming.....
Hey Brother :ciao:
Just finishing for the day, outside anyway.
I'm a fan if indicas :love:
Usually shorter bushyer ladies that's my wheel house.
Not like those giant redwoods you grow. :adore:
I use the greenhouse right till November when chop is done.
Then I move it to the side of the house for the winter.
It becomes a garage for Stacey.
Keeps her car out of the snow here.
SNS DC is done, still have a lot of cleaning to do underneath.
Where is my shop vac?:rofl:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Hey Brother :ciao:
Just finishing for the day, outside anyway.
I'm a fan if indicas :love:
Usually shorter bushyer ladies that's my wheel house.
Not like those giant redwoods you grow. :adore:
I use the greenhouse right till November when chop is done.
Then I move it to the side of the house for the winter.
It becomes a garage for Stacey.
Keeps her car out of the snow here.
SNS DC is done, still have a lot of cleaning to do underneath.
Where is my shop vac?:rofl:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Indicas are nice I'm surprised my plants got so big the genetics of Humboldt dream say 60/40 indica sativa it's blue dream x2 and purple panty dropper. Might be luck or just my location appreciate the kind words and good luck on transitioning your grow.
Indicas are nice I'm surprised my plants got so big the genetics of Humboldt dream say 60/40 indica sativa it's blue dream x2 and purple panty dropper. Might be luck or just my location appreciate the kind words and good luck on transitioning your grow.
Good morning SR. :ciao:
How are you doing today?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Good morning Bill Bubba is looking good, nice flowers. :goodjob: 🍋
Morning Keith :ciao:
Sprayed everyone yesterday.
The extra weight wasn’t good for the Bubba Whip.
Broke a couple branches.
Dam problem child, I could just get rid of her and would be happy.
But 7 months work would be lost.
Where’s my duct tape? Hehe
Hope your in the sunshine today buddy. :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Good morning SR. :ciao:
How are you doing today?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Good morning Bill woke up a bit groggy had a few drinks last night so I'm just trying to get my bearings. I typically don't drink it's a once in a blue moon kinda thing.
Good morning Bill woke up a bit groggy had a few drinks last night so I'm just trying to get my bearings. I typically don't drink it's a once in a blue moon kinda thing.
Been so long I lost track.
30 years by now.
I’m Irish so I can drink like a professional.
I quit when my kids were born.
Now pot is my addiction, growing anyway. Hehe
I really don’t smoke much.
If I have a second bong it was a rough day.
Cbd and rso are a big help for pain and health issues.
How’s the girls today Amigo?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Been so long I lost track.
30 years by now.
I’m Irish so I can drink like a professional.
I quit when my kids were born.
Now pot is my addiction, growing anyway. Hehe
I really don’t smoke much.
If I have a second bong it was a rough day.
Cbd and rso are a big help for pain and health issues.
How’s the girls today Amigo?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Girls are looking good not watering today either I'm letting the bags fully dry out now before I water so I'm letting the leafs start to wilt before I give them anything now. I definitely was over watering but it wasn't too bad because the types of bags I have but it's not good to have a bad habbit of watering everytime you go out to your plants.
Girls are looking good not watering today either I'm letting the bags fully dry out now before I water so I'm letting the leafs start to wilt before I give them anything now. I definitely was over watering but it wasn't too bad because the types of bags I have but it's not good to have a bad habbit of watering everytime you go out to your plants.
You are correct.
Just remember you are in flower in a very hot sunny environment.
Roots don’t grow as much in flower.
And they are eating more than in veg.
A slight droop is ok.
But don’t let them get too dry and hungry.
It’s going to be a balancing act to the finish.
Veg is when you really want to dry the pot.
Forcing the roots to look for water and keep growing.
What your doing is correct.
Just don’t get to aggressive with the dry period. :Namaste: :Namaste::Namaste::Namaste:
You have done a great job so far.
I’m really looking forward too flowering with you.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
You are correct.
Just remember you are in flower in a very hot sunny environment.
Roots don’t grow as much in flower.
And they are eating more than in veg.
A slight droop is ok.
But don’t let them get too dry and hungry.
It’s going to be a balancing act to the finish.
Veg is when you really want to dry the pot.
Forcing the roots to look for water and keep growing.
What your doing is correct.
Just don’t get to aggressive with the dry period. :Namaste: :Namaste::Namaste::Namaste:
You have done a great job so far.
I’m really looking forward too flowering with you.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Thank you Bill and I can't wait for us to harvest definitely looking foward too it. 😀
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