VI's - Subcool Based - 2 Worm - Multi-Strain - Mother Hunt - 2016

No pics but they already grew above the black fascia board...So I started Supper cropping. I may give another haircut soon but I am hoping stretch is close to done. I probably have 4 more weeks before real stress is too much during bloom. I probably should cut it back again because it is going to be so smelly that I will need to whack it down 3/4ths during flower...the stress at that time will really suck ... Sux growing outdoor in the middle of a tight neighborhood LOL. #FirstWorldProblems

Anyway I been bending over branches that are close to 30" long all over to get it back down reasonably below the fascia. I will keep going out there bending em over a few each day from here on until I have to cut. It has turned into a nice hedge already.

The reveg...well that looks outstanding. My pics were all fuzzy so maybe later...

Here is a pic from about 3 days ago so you can imagine what it looked like when I started bending em yesterday. It is growing so fast stems as big as my finger are soft enough to bend without breaking.


So for those who haven't seen monster cropping here is one branch of the reveg from a few days ago. It has more than 12 (or so) visible major branches all coming out of the "same" spot.


If I wasn't moving I sure would take a few of those back into the tent.

I'll post some update this weekend. They are stupid fat again but I have kept them under the fascia. I should cut half off again.

The reveg looks like a monster for what it is.
Well that is a story...Spoiler alert all is going well buuuuuuuut.....

So first off I am an engineer and make good money. So I understand these are all first world problems but here goes.

Building a home is very complicated to put it simple. I am not rich so I am doing it the hard way. I am financing a construction loan that is big enough for the property too. I am not buying the property first and then building on it. Now I probably could afford to do it normally if I wasn't going for a plot of land that is just down right unbelievable. But this is our dream home.

Anyway the whole process is fraught with catch 22's and circles of insanity. Fundamentally you need to get all the bids necessary to the bank for everything so they have a firm price for the build. That way they can asses risk. It took forever. Painters are the worst. I had to pay $250 to get a bid. No one would bid the job. They know you are just getting the bid to finance the loan and will paint your own home. So they wont waste time bidding. So it took weeks to get bids. I had an excavator out at the sight and it took 4 weeks to get the bid out of him after that. All the construction folks are slammed right now.

The list goes on forever. I was trying to hold down my job and put in 4-6 hours a day calling people and getting through stuff. About 2 weeks ago I got everything in and could take a breath.

Literally yesterday the bank says we need the last 2 months of you retirement funds and bank statements again. And today they ask for more stuff but this time I am assured it is the final time. (I know I make more than enough and have more than enough equity but they have to do this dance).

All the while I need to make sure the well passes testing. Which it never did. The story on the well I can't begin to go into but the current owner is out there fixing it now. I need a good well on record with the state before the financing goes through as they wont finance poisoned land. The land is supper pristine (Practically up on Mt Hood) and will have no problems but boxes must be checked.

So up till recently I had a second job doing all this and I am literally withing days of being able to step back. Well that just means I have an open construction loan I have to pay on till I can convert that to a mortgage and I have to sell my home. Yeah that gets expensive and complicated but that is next summer.

But maybe in a few weeks the land is mine and I can start digging trenches.
VI. Dude real world problems are tools to be used to acomplish our dreams. I'm preaching to choir.

Phrum the light room.
Well that is a story...Spoiler alert all is going well buuuuuuuut.....

So first off I am an engineer and make good money. So I understand these are all first world problems but here goes.

Building a home is very complicated to put it simple. I am not rich so I am doing it the hard way. I am financing a construction loan that is big enough for the property too. I am not buying the property first and then building on it. Now I probably could afford to do it normally if I wasn't going for a plot of land that is just down right unbelievable. But this is our dream home.

Anyway the whole process is fraught with catch 22's and circles of insanity. Fundamentally you need to get all the bids necessary to the bank for everything so they have a firm price for the build. That way they can asses risk. It took forever. Painters are the worst. I had to pay $250 to get a bid. No one would bid the job. They know you are just getting the bid to finance the loan and will paint your own home. So they wont waste time bidding. So it took weeks to get bids. I had an excavator out at the sight and it took 4 weeks to get the bid out of him after that. All the construction folks are slammed right now.

The list goes on forever. I was trying to hold down my job and put in 4-6 hours a day calling people and getting through stuff. About 2 weeks ago I got everything in and could take a breath.

Literally yesterday the bank says we need the last 2 months of you retirement funds and bank statements again. And today they ask for more stuff but this time I am assured it is the final time. (I know I make more than enough and have more than enough equity but they have to do this dance).

All the while I need to make sure the well passes testing. Which it never did. The story on the well I can't begin to go into but the current owner is out there fixing it now. I need a good well on record with the state before the financing goes through as they wont finance poisoned land. The land is supper pristine (Practically up on Mt Hood) and will have no problems but boxes must be checked.

So up till recently I had a second job doing all this and I am literally withing days of being able to step back. Well that just means I have an open construction loan I have to pay on till I can convert that to a mortgage and I have to sell my home. Yeah that gets expensive and complicated but that is next summer.

But maybe in a few weeks the land is mine and I can start digging trenches.

My coworker is debating this entire thing himself right now but he bought the land first... So now it is to add a loan to it in what fashion and whether to coordinate the build.. pay a contractor? I don't envy all that. But the more involved the more it will be exactly what you want...

Congrats... it is exciting!

From my deck the rebound looks decent


up close she is stretching. I supper cropped a bit earlier. That'll be a bush. Hopefully she makes it. In the valley you need to cover them to keep them dry through autumn so this one may not make it. But I already harvested her once :)


The hedge is back to covering the sidewalk again and needs to be whacked back. I been keeping it down, constantly pruning and bending back branches.



My wife is freaking a bit and wants me to cut it down but I keep shrugging it off.
I was just thinking about some comments I made to someone on here. I wonder if throwing down a pile of Chitosan now would start early flowering. I wonder if I can get them done faster forcing them to flower now...?

I definitely could do one of them...I may need to run out and get some stuff to make a tea...I basically used it all upon that last grow. I wonder if top dressing it outside would work good enough?

........................................The second plant starts about here.
...................................... so those are branches 2 yards long out there at the left end.

The Reveg is looking tasty.


Now to be honest the hedge is 2 clones from a dud that had the sweetest smelling flowers I ever did smell. But I could never make that thing yield... it was horrendous to grow.

So I through the last 2 clones in the ground in February to see if they could make it...just a test...not expecting much.

They are blooming but way way behind. Not the right climate for them.

I cleared a bunch from the bottom today and the did some serious breaking of the limbs. Hopefully this is the last time I have to do it as they are stupid big.
Them are some nice e plants you got had gave me some help awhile ago with my last grow,and this time I took everything you told me into consideration..I let my plants veg longer and brought my soil alive..I also started my first auto grow too,and she is almost auto is inside and the other 2 are they are..

Strain Hunters Money Maker

00 Seeds Chocolate Kush

Vision Seeds Blueberry Bliss Auto

The ones outside veged for 90 some days before they started to flower
Purps are okay when done from natural things like temps or lighting. That is not a bad thing in and of itself. When I grow in winter I get this coloring all the time. I got this with lots of fertilizers...


The bigger issue is it looks like daytime temps are hot.

I bet honestly if anything your soil may be too hot.

Nature is an amazing thing. Plants don't actually use much. They use near nothing when growing healthy in a good soil. When you have dead soil then you have to add a bunch of fertilizers. When you do it right you just add water.

You probably should be flushing at this point and letting them finish off.
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