Happy, happy, happy!
I have a little helmet headed HG sprout. Looks like she's going to be stubborn, it's on pretty well. I'm just going to keep it moist for now. I think I'll eff it up if I mess with it too much.
I really needed this small win, life has been a bit challenging for me lately. I have seasonal affective disorder and it has officially kicked in. That's what I get for living in the great white north. I'm an entirely different person in the summer.
The mystery seeds never sank. They were kinda weird looking seeds to begin with. I was afraid I would all of a sudden have too many plants. Looks like the mother nature is helping with that.
I did get the Lemon into a bigger bucket. She was rootbound and held onto the perlite like a champ. She looks just a touch droopy right now. She seems to be handling her transplant well. She is a deep dark greenish purple. Thinking it's more of a temperature problem giving me lockout. I am giving her 1/8 of regular dose for nutes atm.
I'll drop some pics a bit later.