Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

Almost done....

Hi, VG, I just landed here after searching for something else. What strain is that? It's in three gallons of... soil? And is an autoflower? (Thanks.)

We are allowed eight plants total but can only flower four at a time.
Home cultivation will start on August 1st.

We can have two lbs at home and carry up to two oz on your person.
We can also gift up to two oz to anyone of legal renumeration.

It's arbitrary BS rules like those that cause part of me to wonder why so much time/money/effort was expended in the effort to (partially) legalize. Got seven mother plants of strains/phenotypes that you especially enjoy, find to be useful, or simply would be unable to replace? Congratulations - you can only flower one clone at a time :rolleyes: . Add one more mother plant, and you'd have to get someone else to grow your bud. Like to (or have to) grow outdoors, in an area that has actual seasons? The person across the street who has the space to grow indoors and the money to run the lighting can end up being able to grow four or more times the number of plants per year. Have a decent harvest? Whoops, that's illegal. And I really feel sorry for the SOG crowd...

[Three paragraphs of b!tching and moaning deleted.]

Enjoy the freedom, VG!

My electrician son's employer recently did some work at one of the dispensaries here, and
they paid their $85,000 bill

Eighty-five thousand dollars? WtF kind of electrical work did they do, replace the fueling rods in a reactor? LOL at cash payment, though. Mom only ever bought one new car in her life, an early 2000s Honda, and she paid for that in cash - much of it was in change, some of which hadn't even been rolled (she'd been saving change and the occasional small bill since 1975 and only dipped into it once, when Pop was laid off and they were looking at missing a house payment). The salesman definitely earned his commission that day :rofl: .
Enjoy the freedom, VG!

My electrician son's employer recently did some work at one of the dispensaries here, and
they paid their $85,000 bill with a duffel bag full of cash...

bonus: They got to keep the duffel bag.!.. 🤪
Holy crap.
Imagine getting that handed to you.

My ass would be so nervous until I have it in the bank. I wonder if the bank questions them on how they got so much cash.

Gotta have the duffel bag. Wouldn't feel as clandestine without it.
Hi, VG, I just landed here after searching for something else. What strain is that? It's in three gallons of... soil? And is an autoflower? (Thanks.)
Highya TS.

The strain is called Wookiee auto.
Afaik it is GSC x Wedding Cake.

I grow as cheap as possible. Soil is too expensive for me so I'm using my go-to, all-purpose Pro Mix and MC for nutes.
No pHing nutes and easy AF.

You are correct that it is in a three gallon GeoPot. I'm gonna try a five gallon next time I run her.
I think she she'd fill it no problem.
It's arbitrary BS rules like those that cause part of me to wonder why so much time/money/effort was expended in the effort to (partially) legalize. Got seven mother plants of strains/phenotypes that you especially enjoy, find to be useful, or simply would be unable to replace? Congratulations - you can only flower one clone at a time :rolleyes: . Add one more mother plant, and you'd have to get someone else to grow your bud. Like to (or have to) grow outdoors, in an area that has actual seasons? The person across the street who has the space to grow indoors and the money to run the lighting can end up being able to grow four or more times the number of plants per year. Have a decent harvest? Whoops, that's illegal. And I really feel sorry for the SOG crowd...

[Three paragraphs of b!tching and moaning deleted.]
So many gray areas...

I have a GG4 grandpa's cut that I've had for almost four years now and a couple of other clones that I have yet to reverse for seed stock.
Just taking clones is sketchy. I generally take 3-4 at a time just to make sure I have something that will root. This will take me over the limit pretty quickly.

So....what do I do if I happen to have a great harvest? I weight out my shit and then do what with the overage? Do I toss it in the garbage or do I burn it in my fire pit? Give it away to everyone in the neighborhood who wants it? Fucking no clue on that.

Obviously my choice would be to burn it in my fire pit and observe/inhale the smoke closely but I think some of the neighbors might not like that option.

No considerations for wet vs dry weight. Six pounds wet ends up being around two pounds dry? Am I being non-compliant at the onset of harvest but totally fine once they are dried and curing?

I know a lot of this will change in the coming years. There is a big disconnect between the average home growers and a commercial grower and an even bigger one between them and the legislators that passed the bill.
They said that they had cannabis advisors that helped but we're any of them home growers?
Commercial growers here are restricted to canopy sizes and not weights. I have a feeling that they used primarily commercial growers for their input.
A seasoned home grower may point out some of these glaring discrepancies.

The bill that is passing is merely a framework. As Sen. Lindsay Port pointed out...
Alcohol prohibition was 100 years ago. We are still making legislative changes to this day. Cannabis will be the same.

I know there are special cultivators licences to be had. With them you can expand your grow but being so new, I'm not sure what the qualifications are or how expensive that is.

I'm just gonna keep on doing what I have. Grow what I want and try to keep under the radar.
I really don't want anyone to know that I grow. People could still break into my house if they think I have a few pounds sitting around.

I'll be happy just being able to toke on my porch, maybe take some on a trip with me without being afraid of a traffic stop.

Hey, at least I'll be able to grow without fear of the Govt taking my kids away. Even if I'm somehow found to be out of compliance as far as plant count, it would just be a ticketable offense and not a child endangerment issue.
Big sigh of relief on that point.
Holy crap.
Imagine getting that handed to you.

My ass would be so nervous until I have it in the bank. I wonder if the bank questions them on how they got so much cash.

Gotta have the duffel bag. Wouldn't feel as clandestine without it.

Highya TS.

The strain is called Wookiee auto.
Afaik it is GSC x Wedding Cake.

I grow as cheap as possible. Soil is too expensive for me so I'm using my go-to, all-purpose Pro Mix and MC for nutes.
No pHing nutes and easy AF.

You are correct that it is in a three gallon GeoPot. I'm gonna try a five gallon next time I run her.
I think she she'd fill it no problem.

So many gray areas...

I have a GG4 grandpa's cut that I've had for almost four years now and a couple of other clones that I have yet to reverse for seed stock.
Just taking clones is sketchy. I generally take 3-4 at a time just to make sure I have something that will root. This will take me over the limit pretty quickly.

So....what do I do if I happen to have a great harvest? I weight out my shit and then do what with the overage? Do I toss it in the garbage or do I burn it in my fire pit? Give it away to everyone in the neighborhood who wants it? Fucking no clue on that.

Obviously my choice would be to burn it in my fire pit and observe/inhale the smoke closely but I think some of the neighbors might not like that option.

No considerations for wet vs dry weight. Six pounds wet ends up being around two pounds dry? Am I being non-compliant at the onset of harvest but totally fine once they are dried and curing?

I know a lot of this will change in the coming years. There is a big disconnect between the average home growers and a commercial grower and an even bigger one between them and the legislators that passed the bill.
They said that they had cannabis advisors that helped but we're any of them home growers?
Commercial growers here are restricted to canopy sizes and not weights. I have a feeling that they used primarily commercial growers for their input.
A seasoned home grower may point out some of these glaring discrepancies.

The bill that is passing is merely a framework. As Sen. Lindsay Port pointed out...
Alcohol prohibition was 100 years ago. We are still making legislative changes to this day. Cannabis will be the same.

I know there are special cultivators licences to be had. With them you can expand your grow but being so new, I'm not sure what the qualifications are or how expensive that is.

I'm just gonna keep on doing what I have. Grow what I want and try to keep under the radar.
I really don't want anyone to know that I grow. People could still break into my house if they think I have a few pounds sitting around.

I'll be happy just being able to toke on my porch, maybe take some on a trip with me without being afraid of a traffic stop.

Hey, at least I'll be able to grow without fear of the Govt taking my kids away. Even if I'm somehow found to be out of compliance as far as plant count, it would just be a ticketable offense and not a child endangerment issue.
Big sigh of relief on that point.
I find it curious and a little amusing that so many people who have been growing illegally their entire growing career (like almost anyone in the US who has been growing for a while) suddenly worry about being 100% legal under whatever the new laws are in their state. I’ve seen tons of them. Not saying I would ever do anything illegal, but I may well be one of them when PA follows Delaware and New Jersey after I move. You pretty much have to I suppose given the oversight that comes with these new laws. Don’t know when some inspector type person may knock on the door for a welfare check on your setup. I get it. I consider it an unfortunate cost/byproduct of legality. And as much as we all want to see it federally legal to grow, when that does happen there will be ONE set of guidelines for everyone. It will cease to vary by state. I’m willing to bet that when the federal guidelines come out, the rules for what you can do in terms of growing will be WORSE for us than they are now in those states that have legalized it. Lower numbers of plants allowed, lower numbers of yields allowed, etc. I believe we are experiencing a mixed blessing right now in legalization history. I fear when it becomes federally legal they’re going to drastically cut whatever any one particular state may already have on the books.

Just silly Jon rumination on the topic. 2 cents if you will. Lol!

Now as far as what to do with yield overages - jeez, that particular rule seems pretty easy to get around. We’re all criminals at heart. You’ll figure it out. Policing my yields? Sorry, that’s where I draw the line and say screw you.

Again, lol!!

Thanks for letting me take my turn going off on this topic.
I find it curious and a little amusing that so many people who have been growing illegally their entire growing career (like almost anyone in the US who has been growing for a while) suddenly worry about being 100% legal under whatever the new laws are in their state.
I'm not really worried per se but would just like to be in compliance for once.

Not saying I would ever do anything illegal,
And I would never imply to the contrary.

Don’t know when some inspector type person may knock on the door for a welfare check on your setup.
I think that's one of those things that doesn't necessarily happen unless you give them a reason. That's how the Senate made it sound.
And as much as we all want to see it federally legal to grow, when that does happen there will be ONE set of guidelines for everyone. It will cease to vary by state. I’m willing to bet that when the federal guidelines come out, the rules for what you can do in terms of growing will be WORSE for us than they are now in those states that have legalized it.
My best guess would be that if it's rescheduled federally it would become a state matter.
No guarantee that places like TN and SD would want legal cannabis. Not yet anyway. There are a few states that don't even have medical cannabis yet.
There are still parts of some states that prohibit alcohol to this day. Parts of the bible belt may be a hard sell.

Now as far as what to do with yield overages - jeez, that particular rule seems pretty easy to get around. We’re all criminals at heart. You’ll figure it out. Policing my yields? Sorry, that’s where I draw the line and say screw you.
I have friends that like cannabis. I'm sure I can get rid of a good bit there.

Thanks for letting me take my turn going off on this topic.
Lol. No problem.
I'm not really worried per se but would just like to be in compliance for once.

And I would never imply to the contrary.

I think that's one of those things that doesn't necessarily happen unless you give them a reason. That's how the Senate made it sound.

My best guess would be that if it's rescheduled federally it would become a state matter.
No guarantee that places like TN and SD would want legal cannabis. Not yet anyway. There are a few states that don't even have medical cannabis yet.
There are still parts of some states that prohibit alcohol to this day. Parts of the bible belt may be a hard sell.

I have friends that like cannabis. I'm sure I can get rid of a good bit there.

Lol. No problem.
Guess you said it all - SO many gray areas
Go MN!

From Marijuana Moment news publication.

On Friday, Tim Walz ,the governor of Minnesota signed large-scale legislation that contains provisions to legalize drug paraphernalia possession, syringe services, residue and testing—a win for harm reduction advocates in the state.
Huh! @Virgin Ground - those autos on spears by which I mean you got those off autos?!
You meant you got to grow 21lbs since huh… last week!
Wowsa. Amazeballs.

Lady you sure can grow pretty - and may all your plant ladies be virgins (unless you breed ‘em too 😅)

Well that was a fun end to my evening!

Made me warm!

Edit - skimmed back. @Jon hiya - yeah! Legalisation. People here grown illegally, went legal and got shafted. People can’t make money. So then they're maybe gonna ban it again potentially after just 18 months. People have invested real money. The guys in the 10’s millions investment whatever - your call, bet you made a bet. But local farmers swapped rice to weed. The young couple spent money that they borrowed off their families and friends and built a beautiful dispensary? What about them?

We spent a lot and will break even before they can change the law at fire sale rates. The fun, is the reward. Fun with my family and people here. It was just a side gig. It wasn’t that for 1000’s of other people.

It was hopes and dreams and food on the table.

The legalisation stuff (I’ll never grow illegal - too much risk for me) doesn’t seem to work out for growers anywhere.

But honestly - Lovely plants - and wise words - thanks Shed for the tip!

Nick 🤩
Huh! @Virgin Ground - those autos on spears by which I mean you got those off autos?!
You meant you got to grow 21lbs since huh… last week!
Wowsa. Amazeballs.

Lady you sure can grow pretty - and may all your plant ladies be virgins (unless you breed ‘em too 😅)

Well that was a fun end to my evening!

Made me warm!
Hey Nick.

Yeah,she's and auto alright.
She sure turned out nice.

Lol. I like my gals to stay 'pure'. I don't do pollen breeding but I do an STS reverse periodically.

Congrats on legalization VG! :yahoo: I couldn’t stop smiling when VA legalized a couple of years go. I actually got to see it in my lifetime! That Wookies is ahhhhhmazing!:drool:
I'm getting excited. The bill is supposed to be signed after Memorial day.

I think Governor Ventura is coming out to celebrate with us. That will be fun to watch on its own. No matter how you feel about him politically, he's a charismatic dude and 100% on board for legalization.
Get yourself one of the pens they hand out while you're at the signing! 🖋️
Lol. I think ol' Tim used Sharpies.
Wish I had one. It was cool watching MN history in the making.

Wookiee chica has been in a drought for the last few days. I let her get really droopy and give her a sparse watering.
She's done. I just need to have some downtime and energy to harvest her.

Next up...striptease Wookiee.
Lol. I think ol' Tim used Sharpies.
Wish I had one. It was cool watching MN history in the making.

Wookiee chica has been in a drought for the last few days. I let her get really droopy and give her a sparse watering.
She's done. I just need to have some downtime and energy to harvest her.

Next up...striptease Wookiee.
Those buds look exceptionally dense, is that indeed the case? And if you don’t mind (I may have asked before, if so sorry to repeat), what genetics is this plant? Awesome girl.
Those buds look exceptionally dense, is that indeed the case? And if you don’t mind (I may have asked before, if so sorry to repeat), what genetics is this plant? Awesome girl.
Hey Jon.

Yeah, those buds are very dense indeed.
I fight the urge to give them a squeeze.

The plant is GSC x Wedding Cake.
No idea what side the auto comes from. I can certainly ask the breeder.

I guess he's been doing some more breeding. He said he'll send me a bunch of cool stuff to try.
I sent him some DDA last year and I know he's been doing some crosses with those genetics. Will be fun to see what he's come up with.
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