Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

I think you're right-my project for the day is going to be
getting "the box" light tight-it's a bit "leaky" right now...
I think you're right-my project for the day is going to be
getting "the box" light tight-it's a bit "leaky" right now...

Do it to it!!
You have the versatility of cardboard and tape, the sky is the limit. Lol.
And if the tape won't do the trick,I've got a hot glue gun,and a bag of gluesticks standing by...:)
I'm totally riveted to my computer right now to see how this story ends. TBH I find the whole experience totally riveting.
I haven't had the chance today to mess around with it. I've been cooking all day, the kids are home for spring break. A break for them, not for me.

I'm still going to attempt to recharge the charcoal. I need to buy more propane first. In the meantime I just ordered another filter. This will give me time to mess around with the other one at my leisure. Then I can test it out.
I would like to be able to recharge them and have one at the ready, in case the other should fail.
The truth is that I'm completely stressed out..... I need some peace of mind, it should be here by the 9 th. I hope it is sooner.
The truth is that I'm completely stressed out..... I need some peace of mind, it should be here by the 9 th. I hope it is sooner.
Hmmm, not good! A nice hot bubble bath if you can should help. Some incense and nature sounds work great too! But you need to be alone and it sounds like that's impossible right now.
Hmmm, not good! A nice hot bubble bath if you can should help. Some incense and nature sounds work great too! But you need to be alone and it sounds like that's impossible right now.
My neighbor just got arrested. He was fighting with his girl over a cell phone.
I got up from watching a movie with the kids and saw 2 cruisers sitting outside my house.
I took the dog out to see what was up. The police yelled at me to ask if I saw anything? They were going door to door for information. I'm glad I went out and things unfolded the way they did.
A bubble bath sounds nice, it always makes me think of Calgon bubble bath and their slogan........Calgon , get me the f#%& outta here.
The best commercial I ever saw was for Deep Woods Off.
It had a guy in a tent, it was back lit and you can see him hitting himself and rustling around. The the voice over actor comes on and says... " In the deep woods, you can't beat Off".
I wonder if it's still on YouTube....
I looked for it on YouTube and couldn't find it. Darn.

Ok, I feel better. The five-o is gone. I think i mentioned how happy I am that the strains I'm growing don't smell like typical cannabis. The stuff I'm smoking sure does though.

I discovered that my giant bud jar didn't lose its smell and become harsh like my smaller ones did. I'm just gonna smoke that and try to do my best to fix the rest.
:passitleft:yes!!!! Doing this now. And then once more for good measure.

girls are up in a half hour. I haven't seen them today.
I found a few more pinholes in my tent. Time to get the duck tape ( duct for you sticklers) out.If you can't duck it then........
You are going to make the wordsmiths' brains explode with that talk.

A quick update. Lemon Og Candy is almost as big as the Himalaya Gold now.


Himalaya Gold....

I really need to get my old camera fixed. I can't adjust the color at all on this one. They are actually a healthy green. Hopefully y'all will take my word for it. My hands aren't usually hot pink either.
I finally got a pic of their true color. I had to take her out of the tent.

When do y'all do defoliation? It's getting really dark in there. I flipped them on the 11th.
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