VG After Dark Featuring Weedseedsexpress & Mars Hydro TS1000

Highya VG,

Love your new journal. It's taking off nicely!!

I grew some green crack my first grow. Was a very nice strain!! I loved it! You'll love it too!! Happy Smokin'
Very Good. Yes ... Very Good :passitleft:
Helloooooo! :love:
So glad you came by.
Wouldn't be the same without Amy Gardner.

Highya VG,

Love your new journal. It's taking off nicely!!

I grew some green crack my first grow. Was a very nice strain!! I loved it! You'll love it too!! Happy Smokin'
Glad to hear it. It's one that I've had on my 'must grow' list for quite some time.
It will be nice to check off that box and experience it first hand.

Looking forward to your update
Thanks Sara. Hope you are well.
All the strains seemingly work for me...but then coffee does too, and music, and breathing. Heck I'm easy I guess.
@InTheShed . I found one the red-blooded American males that you were talking about. :laughtwo:

Light, carefree and playful as an otter should be.:green_heart:

I’ll be sticking around to watch this one, happy growing VG!
Welcome DAB!
Always nice to see a new face.
I should have an update soon. My Charlotte is droopy and I expect it is due to the change of scenery. She isn't used to the lighting or the circulation fan yet.
Hopefully she will snap out of it quickly.
Hope you have a dank day!
If you have any questions and you just can't find the answer, I can probably help. Been doing this awhile.

Call upon me anytime. You will also find a lot of general sound guidance in my journal. 10+ grows detailed, seen it all.

Ain't it fun? :ganjamon: Good luck!

Peace, Hyena
:love: Peanut!:love: You made it!
I know you're busy so I appreciate you stopping by.

Howdy, here to watch and snack!
Welcome Jesse.
Glad to see all of these new (to me) faces joining in.
If you have any questions and you just can't find the answer, I can probably help. Been doing this awhile.

Call upon me anytime. You will also find a lot of general sound guidance in my journal. 10+ grows detailed, seen it all.

Ain't it fun? :ganjamon: Good luck!

Peace, Hyena
I like the artwork, Hyena.
I do love to grow and I've fallen into its addictive grasp. One that I don't think that I could escape nor would ever want to.
Thanks for the offer of assistance. I'm sure I'll need it.
My Charlotte is a little droopy so I'm sure there will be a discussion after I get some pics up this evening.
I think it may be that she is a bit sensitive to the sudden change in her environment.
Yes I do. All sweaty and discombobulated.

Just has a different feel on this thread I thought.
You had me so confused. I thought I was posting on the wrong journal for a minute there.
We all know that I would never, ever do that.:battingeyelashes:
Is your bs detector redlining???
You had me so confused. I thought I was posting on the wrong journal for a minute there.
We all know that I would never, ever do that.:battingeyelashes:
Is your bs detector redlining???
Oh, my mistake. I was referring to waking up from an orgasm in that state and I got confused thinking we were here. My monkey brain has morphed me into a weed induced cyclone of sensual awareness waiting for your plants to come along. ;)
Oh, my mistake. I was referring to waking up from an orgasm in that state and I got confused thinking we were here. My monkey brain has morphed me into a weed induced cyclone of sensual awareness waiting for your plants to come along. ;)
I wake up aroused often but don't have a lot of orgasms while I'm waking up. Right before I roll over and fall asleep...yes, definitely.
What kind of sex are you getting!?
IKR!?!? Sleepgasm?
Maybe he just goes off at timed intervals, like Old Faithful (famous geyser)?? :laugh::rofl:

One hell of an alarm clock.
Thanks VG. Now just don't go speeding off into the distance you hear!

What kind of sex are you getting!?
Hi professor, this is VG's After Dark Journal. I was referring to the kind of orgasm where when all's said and done, the party "act" was sooo exhaustingly good, there might be some moments of unconsciousness. Haha, I'm not in any condition to act like that these days being kind of banged up and all. but I do have a man's mind and remember the day. So to answer your question, regular.
IKR!?!? Sleepgasm?
Maybe he just goes off at timed intervals, like Old Faithful (famous geyser)?? :laugh::rofl:

One hell of an alarm clock.
I've witnessed Old Faithful. I like your mind V! When I got to see it the funniest thing was at the very moment it went off, the sound of camera shutters took the spotlight. I got a laugh at that, including mine that later got the film stripped off the roll(by my buddy) with the pics and so many more.
I've witnessed Old Faithful. I like your mind V! When I got to see it the funniest thing was at the very moment it went off, the sound of camera shutters took the spotlight. I got a laugh at that, including mine that later got the film stripped off the roll(by my buddy) with the pics and so many more.
Aww. Sucks that the pics were lost to your buddy.
I've never been out there. Should go one of these days.
May be slightly fear inducing walking on a caldera but I hear the beauty is worth it.
Here are the WSE girls in the Mars Hydro 2x2.
A bit droopy like I had mentioned earlier. They were fed yesterday.

At this point I'm assuming it to be an environmental issue. Switching from a warm, humid , still bathroom to a much drier, windier tent.
I did add Mr. Froggy( humidi) to bring the rh up.
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