VG After Dark Featuring Weedseedsexpress & Mars Hydro TS1000

A quick update on my sexy, Sexxpot from @WeedSeedsExpress .

2 weeks since budset. She's such a pretty plant.:yummy:
She's starting to get a bit yellow down below. I bumped her up .5 gr/gal this morning.
She is easily my largest plant to date. I have her about 12" away from the TS1000.

I'll check with an actual measuring tape later instead of using my visual guestimation. See how horribly far off I am.
Now that's some plant!
I've decided not to move her from her closet unless I absolutely have to. She's just too big at this point and I'm sure that I'll damage her if I do try.
Love her :love: So pretty.
I do 18/6 for about 10-14 days.
:thumb: With cuttings? Or with the clones once rooted. can you elaborate on what comes before and after that 10-14 days? I am totally uninitiated in this area. Imade some by accident and have one left that is growing but cat get past 3bladed leaves. Not enough light is all I can think. I think it’s on 18/6.

Sexxpot looking swanky indeed, leaning out the door like that- c’mon in! :love:
:thumb: With cuttings? Or with the clones once rooted. can you elaborate on what comes before and after that 10-14 days? I am totally uninitiated in this area. Imade some by accident and have one left that is growing but cat get past 3bladed leaves. Not enough light is all I can think. I think it’s on 18/6.

Sexxpot looking swanky indeed, leaning out the door like that- c’mon in! :love:
From cutting to clone....18/6. Then they get transplanted and stay at the same duration.
I use a small 24 watt smd panel. I keep them about 6" away from it. I can't tell you what the ppfd is on it but @BooWho2 has the same boards and a lux meter.
She may be able to help ballpark it?
Nice flowers VG. :popcorn:
Thanks @PK

I may as well do a quickie update while I'm here.
Sexxpot is almost three weeks into flower and I really like what I'm seeing. Lots and lots of nicely spaced bud sites should make for some fantastic colas.

My little gal needs a bump in her nutes but looks good otherwise.

That's the quick and dirty. Thanks for looking.
it indeed is going to be a big harvest. :bravo:
You've got a Sexxpot and a Teapot! And both are looking great.:welldone:
your forgot the 3rd one :hmmmm: how about the grower. I'm sure all three look great;)
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