VG After Dark Featuring Weedseedsexpress & Mars Hydro TS1000

Highya VG,

Love the info about your cloning method. Seems like it would work for me as well. Back when I was growing inside, I made a cloner with a pump and jets in a tote with the 2" plugs in the top to hold the clones. That also worked for me. If I need to clone again, I'll use your method. Very nice. Thank you. Happy Smokin'
Of course I'd probably lose every cutting I take with that method but that's just me. But if I had any perlite I would try it anyway just to see.

it's just a hempy clone. been doing it that way for a couple years. if do the hempy cup with the hole, you simply start just above seedling strength with a cut, and feed/water on a normal hempy schedule until up pot.

i always take way too many cuts and all root in.
I tried so many cloning methods that worked for so many people when I started, and failed at every last one of them. Then I found beez0404's method, made a couple of minor mods, and haven't needed to try anything else. Even the foolproof ones fooled me, but since I haven't tried VG's perlite method I'll give it a shot if I ever get more perlite.
after the angle cut i just swipe my blade on the stem removing a bit of skin, dip it in gel root and there she goes into soil. as you know Promix Hp does wonders when the roots start developing. i won't drop a pic here but you can see the results of those clones currently in flower in my journal :)
Hey y'all.
Some of you know but for those of you that don't, I've been dealing with a cold so I've been very spotty with my responses. My apologies.

Sometimes lazier works - obviously. :high-five:

I wish I knew HH well enough to feel comfy spamming her. I have tried to reach out tho. :love: Would love to see her funny spunky smart self around here again.

I wish she would come back but at the same time I get pretty good access to her daily so I can't really complain that much.
I know spending too much time on the forums can be exhausting and I've thought about taking a break more than once. Schooling your kids amongst all of the normal responsibilities can really take the wind out of your sails.

Thinking about being tired is making me so sleepy. Time for more coffee.
Highya VG,

Love the info about your cloning method. Seems like it would work for me as well. Back when I was growing inside, I made a cloner with a pump and jets in a tote with the 2" plugs in the top to hold the clones. That also worked for me. If I need to clone again, I'll use your method. Very nice. Thank you. Happy Smokin'
My next cloning experiment will involve an aquarium.
You know the names of any unscented autoflowers? :laughtwo: I thought growing one out if the top somehow would be fun!
Thanks for the sweet hempy cloning tutorial V!
it's just a hempy clone. been doing it that way for a couple years. if do the hempy cup with the hole, you simply start just above seedling strength with a cut, and feed/water on a normal hempy schedule until up pot.

i always take way too many cuts and all root in.
It is! That's when I learned to do it. It was during my only hempy grow.
I still have a bunch of perlite. I should do one in the closet next year.
Next year isn't that far away now ,is it?
I tried so many cloning methods that worked for so many people when I started, and failed at every last one of them. Then I found beez0404's method, made a couple of minor mods, and haven't needed to try anything else. Even the foolproof ones fooled me, but since I haven't tried VG's perlite method I'll give it a shot if I ever get more perlite.
You should just to satisfy your own curiosity.

after the angle cut i just swipe my blade on the stem removing a bit of skin, dip it in gel root and there she goes into soil. as you know Promix Hp does wonders when the roots start developing. i won't drop a pic here but you can see the results of those clones currently in flower in my journal :)
I keep one thumbnail sharper and pointier than the other. I just shear them off with my nails and plop them in perlite asap. I do wash my hands prior.
I'm trying to find the apex of lazy.
I think I'm almost there.....
i hope you get better sooon!! and yes, i've done that as well. I also sometimes, bite the end peace just so it cracks and then plug it into soil.
Yes Sir!
As you wish....

Dang it. I wanted a nice main. I know that I can't let her go so long next time though. I guess that's some kind of silver lining. I do have a really nice clone to mess around with later on.
couldn't haha at the same time ^

hempy clones are a good way to start for any media. just give the plant a shake at up pot to get rid of the excess perlite hanging on the roots, and plunk in to any media you like. simply leave whatever clings on, it won't affect a thing.
i hope you get better sooon!! and yes, i've done that as well. I also sometimes, bite the end peace just so it cracks and then plug it into soil.

couldn't haha at the same time ^

hempy clones are a good way to start for any media. just give the plant a shake at up pot to get rid of the excess perlite hanging on the roots, and plunk in to any media you like. simply leave whatever clings on, it won't affect a thing.
They seem to really take to Pro Mix after a transplant. The one I planted has already shown good growth.
Another thing I like about hempy clones is that since they are in water they make a humd microclimate under and around the cutting. That's why you don't really need a dome.
They seem to really take to Pro Mix after a transplant. The one I planted has already shown good growth.
Another thing I like about hempy clones is that since they are in water they make a humd microclimate under and around the cutting. That's why you don't really need a dome.

i sometimes dome. they do make a good start for promix. my friend does it that way all the time.

i just did an up pot. stayed hempy though. probably post up in a few minutes.
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Sierra Natural Science has been a 420 Mag Sponsor for over a decade, and we finally talked them into getting active in the forums. Please show them around, subscribe and promote this thread and show them how much we truly appreciate them.

Meanwhile, if anyone has any pest or disease control questions for SNS, please let them know in their thread.

Has anyone used SNS before and can share your experience in the thread above? :thanks:
Hey I can't draw a line through words and keep them anymore with the new software upgrade.
Not on a phone it seems (or at least on mine). If you want to go for strikeout text, you can surround the word(s) with the code that gets inserted when you do it.

This is a screenshot of how I typed what is below it:

So it would be strike this text.
High VG! Things are looking well set for the sexxpot flower extravangaza! (Sexxpot auto corrected to sexy pot :laughtwo: I wonder if it will be :D)

And the clone looks really really good! :thumb:

Seeing as we’re on cloning and there are a few in here who succeed with it, I have a clone that is struggling to turn into a plant (it’s well rooted). There’s lots of reasons that i won’t go into now (becasue I’m not really trying to keep it - it’s for learning and experimenting w cloning) but mainly I think i am not giving it enough light hours as it can’t seem to get past 3 bladed leaves (which is usually a light related thing).

How many hours of light do folks give cuttings and clones? How any do they need? :Namaste:
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