Vex's 1st Fluxing: Be Gentle, Cookies Kush, PS Dwarf Star, RADDWC, Dewey Misters

Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

Quick update. I still have a tiny leak, lol...but all in all, the RADDWC is working.

I'll have to hit home depot tomorrow for some quick dry seal. Thinking of lining the top of the foam table with panda paper. Worried the foil tape make cause heat spots.

I also relocated the chiller, less tubing needed, and flipped on the Dwarf Star @ 36". :)


Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

You have started the plant below surface, are you intending to flux right flush with the foil?
Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

I'm hoping she reaches just parallel of the foil by the 3rd or 4th node, if not, I'll trim the foam bottom to match the height of the flux.
Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

I wanted to fix a typo: The Dwarf Star is 230W, not sure where I got 275 from lol.

Also, I picked up some Microbial Munch as well, since I'm using VooDoo Juice. :)

Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

Thanks, BF! Your grows are looking amazing!

I can't wait either.

I'll do a fresh a rez change tomorrow, and run a true water temp test on the chiller.

Got my Z7 in today too! :)


She's just at her 4th node...flux incoming!

Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

Much appreciated, PW!

I'm definitely loving the results so far.

Seems she adjusted well to the light change too.


Dewey Club!
Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

Let the Fluxing begin!


She exploded over night, 5th node started to appear. I'm truly loving this light, nutes and dewey setup!!


We had company over last night, which forced me to postone the rez change until this afternoon. I already mixed the nutes in each of the 5 gallons.

So exciting!
Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis


Anxious to see this LED Brand performance on a Flux!
Welcome, 1GreenThumb!

Me too. I'm fascinated with this technique, as it will appease my ocd of training. Lol

All a lesson for me!
Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

I just completed a fresh rez change.

PPM @ 265
PH: 5.1
Tent: 84-95F (Im trying my best to lower it without adding an a/c)

Water temp is sitting at 73, hoping the chiller lowers it between 62-70 over night.

I added 1ml of each (thx PW):

Sensi Grow A&B
CalMag Xtra
Rhino Skin (thinking it will help with hst)
VooDoo Juice
Microbial Munch
Mammoth P

Still tweaking the RADDWC and monitoring the temps. Hoping I can set the pump and chiller on a timer. Lets see how well it works.



Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

Many thanks, bros! :Namaste:

All in all I'm very happy with this rig. :)

Fluxing will keep be me very entertained throughout this grow.
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