Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant SOG

Re: Vapedogg223’s Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

exactly what i was thinking, plants in the wild tend to get yellow leaves towards the end of flower and they die off, but does feeding the grow right up till the end produce better buds, thats the only reason i asked, most grows state more n than pk during veg, then in flower you want less to none of the n and more of the p, so i though id ask as the instructions on the bottle says not to use any grow during the bloom and monster bloom phase, but the online guide and the guide ive been using still uses a high amount of the grow right up till the end, im gona drop corey a email and see what he suggest, its worth finding out i think, and he is the man in the know
Re: Vapedogg223’s Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

exactly what i was thinking, plants in the wild tend to get yellow leaves towards the end of flower and they die off, but does feeding the grow right up till the end produce better buds, thats the only reason i asked, most grows state more n than pk during veg, then in flower you want less to none of the n and more of the p, so i though id ask as the instructions on the bottle says not to use any grow during the bloom and monster bloom phase, but the online guide and the guide ive been using still uses a high amount of the grow right up till the end, im gona drop corey a email and see what he suggest, its worth finding out i think, and he is the man in the know

When you're feeding the plants there are so many variables, and at best you're not reacting. Usually, you feed and scrutinize the plants to see what's missing.

I don't do that anymore! I feed the soil now. The hardest thing for me was when I had a clear magnesium deficiency going and I put rock powders that had mostly calcium, sulfur and phosphorus into the magnesium.

The magnesium def. cleared up quickly. Weeks of feeding epsom salts didn't fix it.

Let the microbes do all the work and you don't need a feeding schedule.
Re: Vapedogg223’s Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

i would love to grow outdoors but dont get the weather where i am in europe, we should be in summer now but im lucky if it gets above 10deg c, but its getting warmer so thinking about doing a guarila grow as i live in a 2nd floor apartment so hopefully ill get an outdoor grow going, but for now im using compost and bpn, i was using another nute product but my plants ended up very stunted and stopped growing so i was kindly donated some bpn products and i got the 3 part with bloom booster so using that, but ive been using the online schedule and noticed that the grow stage didnt stop been added but the schedule on the bottle dont use the grow for the last 2 bloom and monster bloom schedule, and as most cannabis plants in their own environment tend to lose yellow leaves towards the end of flower so i wondered why the schedule was changed, i know corey has done loads of work to dial the product in so im sure their is some method in it, im trying to find him on this site so i can ask the question as i have not got any emails saved when i was speaking to him last, im sure ill come across him in here,
Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

Vapedogg- I'm looking for a vape for my mom who has lung cancer... can you make any recommendations? Or maybe just have her eat it instead?


Hey bro, I sorry to hear that you mom isn't well...

The ones Cronic named...the Vapir No2 & Volcano are both very good quality and would work well. I haven't used the NO2, but have used the O2 Mini on a couple of occasions, but I not sure if Vapir still makes them. I own and really like two Arizer vapes. I have an Extreme Q 4.0 and a Solo, and I love them both. That reminds me, I did say I was going to post some pics of the new Solo and never did...I'll have to get on that.

I would also recommend you take a look at this video if you haven't seen it already... Mr. Krip posted it in his journal where I first saw it months ago (thanks again bro! :thumb:). It's very well done, and might be one of the best documentaries I've seen to date on the possible medical benefits of cannabis.

What if Cannabis Cured Cancer (sa prevodom) - YouTube

It's almost an hour long, but it's worth it! I liked it so much, I purchased the DVD so I can loan it out to people that I don't think would find and watch it online.
Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

They make organic & non-organic (synthetic) products! The 2-part bluemax & 3-part elite are non-organic, along with the Bloom booster.
The farmers pride line is organic

He told me to follow the feed chart, not the bottles. Tapering off the Grow towards the end is to reduce Nitrogen, hence the yellow leaves like you mentioned. The Nitrogen keeps the leaves healthy and green, and full of chlorophyll, if you taper off at the end of flowering the plants leaves will yellow and die off, therefore getting rid of some unwanted chlorophyll. Some growers believe you will get a better final product because it is believed that chlorophyll plays a large role in how your buds taste/smoke

I've also read studies that found that supplying excess Nitrogen during flower can negatively affect your buds. They determined it slightly reduced yield and even lost some potency

Other growers believe that it is not necessary to taper off Nitrogen, especially if you are fully organic. Some will feed N right up to harvest with no complaints about taste/smoke.

I'm interested in how other growers go about this! Do you guys feed up to harvest? Or cut the N back completely? Or taper off N to half-strength?

I'm pretty sure Vape will agree with this.....

I do not feed my plants anymore. I decided to let the professionals handle the task. They know far more about feeding plants than I do.

I'm talking about the nation of microbes, protazoa and funghi that live in my soil. I keep them happy and they do whatever the plant tells them to do.

Fan leaves on well fed plants seem to yellow and fall off at about week 4 of bloom. The sugar leaves stay green and healthy right up to the end, unless they change colors, which many strains will do.

The soil is full of everything...including nitrogen.

The whole decreased nitrogen thing and flushing is a way to mitigate over feeding in hydro-like mediums. No such problem exists in the world of High Brix. We have staff to handle all that.

Hey Stoned, I'm with doc here! I think when you hear talk about too much nitrogen causing problems with bud production, or taste of the finished product, that's for the folks that are pushing the synthetics right up to the brink on burning the plants.

Using OC+, I never flushed (and yes, I could have flushed with OC+ by lowering the temps, or any number of little tricks) and although I don't have direct contact with the people saying it, I'm told my buds are, (or were, since I'm just about out) the best in the area.

I know it's hard to do, but with organics you just need to stop thinking about feeding the plants, NPK, etc. and just worry about the soil! If you keep it happy, it will keep your plants happy!

Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

looking great my friend.:thumb:

Thanks bro!

Hey Vape how is that high brix ICE sog coming?? Hope all is well with you and yours :thumb:


Things are good, just really busy with various stuff! I have some pics of the SOG I took last night that I'll be posting in a bit, but my camera battery died after only 77 pics, so we'll see how many make the cut!
Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

I don't know about alot of flowering nutes, but I would assume they all follow the same basic formula. Mine cut back on N, and boost the P and K which is used more by the plant during bloom.

Keep it Growing Chronicly !!​
Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

Okay...I was worried, but in spite of the camera battery going dead in the middle of my photo shoot, I still ended up getting some decent pics to post.

Sunday night was the last day they were watered. I went with 1 tbs blackstrap molasses per gallon of water, and nothing else. I pulled every plant out of the tray, and inspected each one as I put them back in, and watered them. Like doc was saying, they were starting to drop their lower fan leaves anyway, so I decided to help them along. I pulled off (most of them fell off when I touched them) the lower fan leaves...maybe 4-5 per plant were removed.

I looked at the calendar after I was done and it happened to be day it would seem 420fied's defoliation schedule (at least the first round) closely follows the plant's natural cycle.

May 9th
12/12: Day 29
Bloom: Day 23

These first five pics are of the same plant I pulled out of the SOG...





And heres a couple of the canopy...


And of course I have some random bud shuts...












And lastly, the best picture I had of the whole SOG...

They'll be getting a good tea soaking when the lights come on tonight...I have some Nature's Own brewing up down in the basement.

Speaking of Nature's Own, I ordered some more tea and yucca extract the other day, and added some BioVam, and the modified hose end sprayer to the order. I'm planning on using the BioVam on my new clones, and the modified hose end sprayer is for my vegetable garden. :thumb:

I also started acquiring the parts for my new, experimental brewer...There's one PVC fitting I wanted to use that I had to order, so once that comes in I'll be building!

I hope you enjoyed!

Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

Did you do any trimming along the way? Awesome SOG!

Keep it Growing Chronicly !!
Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

Okay...I was worried, but in spite of the camera battery going dead in the middle of my photo shoot, I still ended up getting some decent pics to post.

Sunday night was the last day they were watered. I went with 1 tbs blackstrap molasses per gallon of water, and nothing else. I pulled every plant out of the tray, and inspected each one as I put them back in, and watered them. Like doc was saying, they were starting to drop their lower fan leaves anyway, so I decided to help them along. I pulled off (most of them fell off when I touched them) the lower fan leaves...maybe 4-5 per plant were removed.

I looked at the calendar after I was done and it happened to be day it would seem 420fied's defoliation schedule (at least the first round) closely follows the plant's natural cycle.

May 9th
12/12: Day 29
Bloom: Day 23

These first five pics are of the same plant I pulled out of the SOG...





And heres a couple of the canopy...


And of course I have some random bud shuts...












And lastly, the best picture I had of the whole SOG...

They'll be getting a good tea soaking when the lights come on tonight...I have some Nature's Own brewing up down in the basement.

Speaking of Nature's Own, I ordered some more tea and yucca extract the other day, and added some BioVam, and the modified hose end sprayer to the order. I'm planning on using the BioVam on my new clones, and the modified hose end sprayer is for my vegetable garden. :thumb:

I also started acquiring the parts for my new, experimental brewer...There's one PVC fitting I wanted to use that I had to order, so once that comes in I'll be building!

I hope you enjoyed!



They're just gorgeous! How many weeks for this strain?
How does this stack up to your previous grows?
Re: Vapedogg223’s Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

damn, you got some very nice looking buds their mate, talking about tea have you seen the tea mr mud pie has been giving his plants, the 24 hour difference is shocking, he has put a before and after picture and after 24 hours it looks like a different plant, its more like plant steroids, should jump over and have a look what he is using, its like miracle juice, his own mixture or his uncles mixture who is top grower, jump over and have a look when you get chance, i think you know who he is, if not go to my journal and look at the last page and its mr mud pie, his tea is working miracles
Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

I love it, i just started brewing my tea around 6 yesterday. it says to wait 24 hours. am i still ok if i wait 36 hours?

It's going to depend on what's in the tea and what your temps are... Are you using Nature's Own? I just went down ant took this pic. This is 2 gallons of tea that has been brewing in a 5 gallon bucket for 20 hours at ~70º F.

This batch would never make it 36 hours without using up the food or O2...if the former happens it will just poop out...if the latter occurs, it will "turn anaerobic" (think pathogens!) and you don't want that.
Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

Did you do any trimming along the way? Awesome SOG!

Keep it Growing Chronicly !!

:thanks: bro!

The only pruning I did earlier, was to remove some of the very bottom leaves and small branches that were right at the soil line, and getting in the way of watering.
Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant


They're just gorgeous! How many weeks for this strain?
How does this stack up to your previous grows?

:thanks: bro!

The breeder lists it as ~70 days, so I'm figuring 9-11 weeks. My opening post to this journal has some info I copied from a strain guide, as well as the breeder on this strain. It's purportedly excellent for treating pain and/or inflammation, and since that's exactly what I'm looking for on this run, I'll probably be waiting for a good percentage of amber trichs...but I'll be testing along the way of course!

That actually reminds me...I was doing some strain research and came across an experimental cross from Female Seeds called Iced Grapefruit. I found it by accident...I'm interested in their Grapefruit, even though it's not stabilized yet, and discovered they are selling these seeds that are Grapefruit crossed with Ice. I highlighted the info about Ice in blue, here's what it said:

Female Seeds - ICED Grapefruit

This is a most interesting cross with the Grapefruit being the perfect mental painkiller. Making people high and happy, just like the good old Sativa. Where pharmaceutical anti-depressants numb feelings, our Grapefruit makes people feel happy and enlightened. Then the ICE, being one of the strongest varieties of the world, is more of a physical heavy bodied painkiller. These medical aspects of both varieties should give this cross some excellent prospects. Giving you the choice to pick out your own perfect keeper, what ever suits your desires. Expect long big buds with a height around 1.20m. Flowering time will be around 8 weeks. The smell will be very special with the fruitiness of the Grapefruit combined with the black hash ozone of the ICE.

I don't really buy into the hype of what's "strongest", but I thought it was interesting information to add about this strain, none the less. :thumb:

So far the biggest differences I've noticed with the high Brix techniques I'm using was how rapidly they took off, and how quickly they react to everything. Actually react doesn't do it justice...yes, they react quickly, but in addition to reacting, they also seem to 'adapt' very quickly...bottom branches stretching between 2/3 an 3/4 the height of the plant to fill in the canopy and make use of the light, and just the way they move...

It's hard to explain in a way that someone who hasn't grown high Brix can fully understand what I mean, but I know you probably do! :) I have some other thoughts, but I'll need to see how they finish to tell if I'm correct.
Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

damn, you got some very nice looking buds their mate, talking about tea have you seen the tea mr mud pie has been giving his plants, the 24 hour difference is shocking, he has put a before and after picture and after 24 hours it looks like a different plant, its more like plant steroids, should jump over and have a look what he is using, its like miracle juice, his own mixture or his uncles mixture who is top grower, jump over and have a look when you get chance, i think you know who he is, if not go to my journal and look at the last page and its mr mud pie, his tea is working miracles

Thank's bro!
I'll have to see what he's got going on over there when I have a chance. :thumb:
Re: Vapedogg223’s Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

Oh god that is one of the best looking grows I have seen!! I am so jealous right now
Re: Vapedogg223’s Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

Hey bro, I sorry to hear that you mom isn't well...

The ones Cronic named...the Vapir No2 & Volcano are both very good quality and would work well. I haven't used the NO2, but have used the O2 Mini on a couple of occasions, but I not sure if Vapir still makes them. I own and really like two Arizer vapes. I have an Extreme Q 4.0 and a Solo, and I love them both. That reminds me, I did say I was going to post some pics of the new Solo and never did...I'll have to get on that.

I would also recommend you take a look at this video if you haven't seen it already... Mr. Krip posted it in his journal where I first saw it months ago (thanks again bro! :thumb:). It's very well done, and might be one of the best documentaries I've seen to date on the possible medical benefits of cannabis.

What if Cannabis Cured Cancer (sa prevodom) - YouTube

It's almost an hour long, but it's worth it! I liked it so much, I purchased the DVD so I can loan it out to people that I don't think would find and watch it online.

Thanks for the link---I watched the vid with my mom about a month ago and she loved it! After looking at the vapes, I was a little overwhelmed, and I think mom will be too, she's more old school, roll a dube and burn it kind of gal, so all the contraptions and filters and tubes and remote controls I think would be more distracting and confusing than fun and ritualistic like it is for the "kids these days" lol. So the NO2 looks like the most simple of the ones you mentioned, but maybe I'm confused about that too :)

By the way the sog and buds are lookin' dope. Nice work there soil feeder ;) I'll have to try high brix one day.
Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

I still can't get over your soldiers, uniform and at attention, awesome! 23 days very impressive!
Looking forward to your harvest pics and numbers. cheers
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