Yo, D. S'up? Hey did you ever go see the placeholder website with a few pics I mentioned before? I think I'm going to repopulate that with a bunch of my best stuff just for old time''s sake. God, those were some good years…. Spending hundreds of hours with whales is amazing and a deeply impactful legend event. I wanted to thank you for the reminder.
Anyway, long time no, er, 'see', as they say. I been a bit sick, in the hospital with colitis, which is new for me. My diets been very good for years now but I’m taking another look. I’m well along the path to recovery already, but that’s why I’ve been quieter than usual.
I know you must have terribly mixed feelings over this past grow and my heart aches for you. Still, you accomplished a bunch of things I've never seen before, and did it with tremendous style. Plus the buds you did bring in, some of them are tres beautiful. You’ve been a real highlight in my life these past months mon ami.
I thought I'd give you a chuckle by sharing a peek at what I've been doing with (or, 'to', really) the seeds I rec'd in the mail. .
You remember how they really seemed to perform whenever conditions were made to closer simulate the swampy, hellish-hot, Fillipine archipelago? Well, I started pumping my fogger straight into the tank where I had them balanced on perlite-filled cylinders sitting in fertilized liquid so they could suck it up SIP-style yet have access to oxygen by not sitting in the water. Well, whenever I turned the fogger up a little the entire aquarium filled with fog, and roots would immediately start growing outside the perforated nursery bags holding the growmatrix.
So I thought, hey, lets experiment with full-on aeroponics and I started mixing a mild General Hydro flora series balanced mixture and filling the fogger with this mix. OMG. The instant growth, no just of root but plant material! Its incredible.