Urban Achievers Inner City Seeds of Promise

I like van idea to be honest

I mean you could back off do a. Qaurter dose of flushing but I still like stanks idea better .
Yeah I haven’t fed them a decent tea with Nitrogen in it for a while now. Been straight up water, or a weak monster bloom, or a bat guano tea. But that’s been a while ago. Straight up water the last few waters.

I want fat colas not wispy things.

Keep in mind, nothing you do will make up for crappy genetics. All you can do is maximize it......and to do that we have to learn to listen to the plants and read them. Good soil will do most of the work....I can't stress that enough.

What are you putting in your teas that spikes the N? I usually just do a cup of EWC and teaspoon of powdered Kelp into 2 gallons of water. You can up the amounts but keep the ratios the same. Its a mild tea that is a great supplement to my soil.
Salutations friends, neighbors, and silent lurkers. Also to the future perusers of this journal, thank you, its time for an update I never thought I would do. I harvested my first cannabis flower.

Thats right, last night I snapped some photos, and during the pre-edit process I noticed a good portion of amber trichomes on the blue dream, green crack, and white widow. So 3 plants and my midget widow. I slept on it, then woke up this morning, and got myself some shears.

I trimmed the fan leaves or stuff with very little frost on them. I then proceeded to hack them unceremoniously. I washed every branch and cola in a water and hydrogen peroxide solution that was in warm water. 16-18 litres of water and 500ml of h2o2. I guess thats a 1:32 ratio.

After being dipped and swirled in the first bucket with the h2o2 for about 20-30 seconds they were rinsed in a second bucket with slightly cooler water for 20-30 seconds. Finally they were rinsed for a third time in another bucket filled with cold water.

They are now hanging in my basement. Around 69F and 35RH. I will check on them often. When they feel dry enough they will be trimmed and broken into jar sized pieces still on the stalk. Then placed in or on paper bags and put in my mini fridges for a nice slow dry. I will check them, roll them, and let them breathe once a day until they go to the jars.

I hope this works lol. The Amnesia OG is going to be allowed to go more amber for this batch. I have plans for this. Just not sure what exactly.

So we have a few updates left in this journal, and a few weeks cure, before I will close this out. Crazy. Thank you all for everything you have shared with me.

Ok here is a series of shots showing what my wash water looked like after I washed all my plants. I didnt foliar after flip.
First bucket.


Third rinse bucket.

Ok here is my poor white widow midget. I promise to do this strain justice in the future with some Black Widow from Mr. Nice. Someday.


Green crack from HSO




Blue Dream from HSO


Here is a freebie from Royal Queen Seeds. Not chopped yet. Still not quite there yet. Want lots of amber of this.



Wow urb! You did it buddy!!!!! Amazing grow. Look at all the beautiful smoke and those colors. Great job bud. Wub-a-lub-a-dub-dub
I am wondering about a few things. Perhaps you folks will help me out.

I am concerned there is too much nitrogen in the soil, as was mentioned by someone, sorry my memory is terrible for that.

The elongated and stretchy bud development seems odd and I may be seeing it a bit in the Amnesia OG now too.

Is there a way to correct this?

I also wonder if I have added too much perlite or sphagnum moss. The drainage is pretty fast. Part of me thinks this is a good thing as the roots get oxygen more often and less stagnation. But then again they don't get enough water.

All of the new plants love the soil. All the plants in Veg liked the levels of nitrogen. But when fed teas they showed signs of not liking it. Too much Nitrogen.

As of now. I have 1/2 garbage bin of soil that's first in line for use. Four 5 gallon pots full of the first round soil. The bin had some bat guano and kelp added to it a few weeks back. Should I break up the 1st round pots after harvest into the garbage can? Incorporate the biologicals. Dilute the Nitrogen a bit?

Also noticing my main two bins of soil have fungus gnats. The new up pots are releasing a bunch in the veg tent and they are getting stuck on the traps. I want to try the H2O2 soil treatments what's the recipe? Try that before predator mites.

I've always used Mosquito dunks grated down to little bits for fungus gnats. Layer it on the top of soil and water in. I believe the gnats have a life cycle of 30 days so after a few weeks they're usually gone. Dunks contain Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis and is relatively harmless unless you're a mosquito or a fungus gnat. My soil amendment contains neem cake and karanja cake which should assist with gnats but larvae could still be present. The mosquito dunk has taken care of the developing gnats. Those sticky traps usually take care of the adults.
Hell yes urban!
yeah, its about time lol, its nice to get the first grow under your belt.

Wow urb! You did it buddy!!!!! Amazing grow. Look at all the beautiful smoke and those colors. Great job bud. Wub-a-lub-a-dub-dub
Thanks brother, you have been here since the beginning and I appreciate it. I appreciate all of you.

Oh fuck yea buddy. What a feeling.
oh god I know. It is still a long way from tasting a nice cured piece of home grown medicine.

I've always used Mosquito dunks grated down to little bits for fungus gnats. Layer it on the top of soil and water in. I believe the gnats have a life cycle of 30 days so after a few weeks they're usually gone. Dunks contain Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis and is relatively harmless unless you're a mosquito or a fungus gnat. My soil amendment contains neem cake and karanja cake which should assist with gnats but larvae could still be present. The mosquito dunk has taken care of the developing gnats. Those sticky traps usually take care of the adults.
mosquito dunks on the way. Thanks Jim.

A harvest. Great job....:bravo:

thank you Jim. I will only improve from here. I am slowly absorbing everyones feedback. It just might need repeating a few times for this ol duders head lol.

So one thing I noticed, as I dumped two pots into my main bin of soil, is that the root systems of the plants (white widow, blue dream) were not that developed. I figured they would have filled most of the 5 gallon pot. Holding on to most the soil. But no. This leads me to the potential hypothesis that this was part of the lack of bud development. I really packed the soil in when I first filled the pot. Could that have been it? Maybe the fungus gnat larvae were to blame? Is it my soil mix or did I mess around with teas too early? Perhaps the low temperatures, or the cooler concrete floor?

I am going to do nothing. Mix the old pots back into the soil storage until the next crop is up potted. The soil is better than it was when I put them in there. Maybe pack it a little less forceful.
Man you have a pile of bud there lol. That WW might be a midget but her buds look great. You have done a great job and I have really enjoyed following your grow. I'm sure you have learned a whole lot this being your first grow and I'm looking forward to s your future grows. Again great job and best of luck to you....️
Congrats on that 1st ever harvest brother. Feel proud of yourself brother, you did an excellent job! Now what are you waiting for....plant some new beans!!!
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