UncleCannabis' Indoor Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - Sea of Green

Aloe Vera, willow bark, and honey all contain salicylic acid which acts as a fungicidal agent and helps to stimulate root growth. All are loaded with lots of enzymes and amino acids as well which also help to stimulate root growth.
I've used both aloe and honey with good results. I've never used willow bark but the results should be similar.

Willow bark works especially well when germinating & on young seedlings. Years ago we'd put an aspirin tablet or two in the dirt around each plant for the salicylic acid.
I like this grow. Subbed up and learning. Fruity Juice is gonna be a big un.

Hey there MagicJim. :welcome:
Come on in and grab a seat brother. Thanks for the compliment. :Namaste:

Fruity Juice is looking mighty healthy and seems to be one of the more vigorous growers out of the bunch. With such lovely branch structure and vigor I'm hoping that "she" turns out to be a "he". :Namaste:

Another one that is really impressing me so far is DJ's Gold. This one is passing up all of the others and is growing as if it were a bad weed (pun intended).
Willow bark works especially well when germinating & on young seedlings. Years ago we'd put an aspirin tablet or two in the dirt around each plant for the salicylic acid.

Thanks for sharing your experience with using willow bark along with the asprin trick. :thanks: Much appreciated brother!!
I was catching up with your other journal when I saw the link to this one. I'm excited! Pulling up a chair! I feel super stupid now. Had I seen this a few days ago I would have come straight to you about my next set up. I love your setup and must have been slowly taking it all in over your past journals because your setup is my goal. I just ordered those square white pots in 6x6 and 9x9, what size are those so I have an idea? I thought I would go the 6s to the 9s. I think I am drifting towards the SOG idea as well.

Thanks for the compliment there Griz. My setup is nothing special really. I think it's the bigger flower tent that gives off somewhat of a "Man Cave Garden" kinda vibe. It's like a smoke and mirrors kind of thing. LOL!!

The white pots that I use for veg are 6" across the top, 8" tall. I think they are ok for veg but a bit too small for flowering purposes unless going 12/12 from seed.

I'll be looking forward to your new hydro set up. The planning and construction part should be almost as much fun as the growing that will follow. :grinjoint:
In my best Jeff Foxworthy voice.

If your mid-week after work activities include:
1. Checking on your marijuana plants immediately upon arriving home


2. A few hits to relieve the workday stress


3. Drilling into baby coconuts to feed to your marijuana plants


4. Cleaning your Birkinstock sandals


5. Another few hits on the pipe


You might be a hippie. :hippy: :peace:
No Birk's but I have hemp sandals I wear in the grow room. Bonus cool points for finding a glass pipe that isn't shaped too much like a cock and balls. Thanks for the feedback on those pot sizes. I hate struggling with round pots in a rectangular tray, I'm OCD when it comes to efficiency, making so many great plans that I don't have time to act on any of them. I will spend 20 minutes organizing pots to get as many to fit as possible without pots tilting. Square pots will free up some time hahaha.
Birk's and coconuts are not required. But if ever you find yourself in a place where cannabis plants are found to be growing, glass pipes filled with dank are laying about, coconuts are being used to feed cannabis plants, Birk's are setting out drying, and Jack Johnson tunes are playing in the background, you can bet the farm that you are in hippie territory. ;)
I spent a couple years in India where we almost always smoked from a chillum. This was referred to by the locals as 'sucking Krishna's cock'. As a straight guy I had some mental struggles with that image, but we still couldn't stop referring to smoking as 'sucking cock' henceforth, just to make each other squirm I guess.
Pimpin' my journal I see, UncleC. Lol..
This was referred to by the locals as 'sucking Krishna's cock'. As a straight guy I had some mental struggles with that image, but we still couldn't stop referring to smoking as 'sucking cock' henceforth, just to make each other squirm..
I will now struggle with this image every time I reach for my pipe.
This reminds me of something that happened to me long ago.
I was working alongside some guys from the UK and one of them asked if I wanted to join him for a fag. It caught me completely off guard since the guy seemed to be completely straight. After a bit of hesitation I told him that I was straight and wasn't interested in going join him for a fag or whatever it was that he had in mind.

He began laughing so hard that it took a while before he was able to regain his composure and explain to me that "having a fag" was English speak for let's go have a cigarette. I was ok with that. :)
Nah, it's the other way around. He kicked me out, so we both have spare bedrooms these days.
My spare bedroom has plants, his doesn't. I win. :high-five:
No Birk's but I have hemp sandals I wear in the grow room. Bonus cool points for finding a glass pipe that isn't shaped too much like a cock and balls. Thanks for the feedback on those pot sizes. I hate struggling with round pots in a rectangular tray, I'm OCD when it comes to efficiency, making so many great plans that I don't have time to act on any of them. I will spend 20 minutes organizing pots to get as many to fit as possible without pots tilting. Square pots will free up some time hahaha.

Hemp sandals in the grow room may be a bit intimidating for your girls man. :bitingnails::bitingnails::bitingnails:
What is it with all of those cock and ball pipes anyways? Ya' think they're made in India?

For veg, the square pots will allow you to maximize the use of the space that you have available.
When bunching together square pots there are no gaps so the whole area is filled. When bunching together circular pots there will be gaps between resulting in unused space. The square pots also seem to be taller than most of the circular pots of similar size which IMHO is better for good root development.
It's probably my hemp sandals causing my problems in the grow room. As I get closer to harvest the girls are worried what will become of them. As for the pipes, right? Glass doesn't last long in our house. I have a metal pipe with glass guts (Prometheus by Pyp Tek).

I bought the 6x6 for clones and 9x9s for flower, the 12x12 seemed too big for what I was intending. I also like the holes they put on the rim of the pots, perfect for my pipe cleaners and LST. Again, I really like your setup.
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