Uncle Jimmy Grow 2024

September 22 2023 see how cloudy.I pick her 5th October. Patience my friends.

I like to see more Amber in my terpenes 30%a week or two more growing would get you there.

I harvested the bud pic (above) a few weeks after the picture was taken, around 10% amber. I just find the flowers look really nice for a photo when they are young.

After 4 tries with this strain, I've found NL takes around 65 days in flower until she slows down and stops consuming water. Any longer it goes downhill fast. (I did go 10.5 weeks, that was a mistake !)

Cloudy with quite a few ambers popping up, I'd say she was right in the harvest window. (pistols all brown and folding in too)

I harvested the bud pic a few weeks after the picture was taken, around 10% amber. I just find the flowers look really nice for a photo when they are young.

After 4 tries with this strain, I've found NL takes around 65 days in flower until she slows down and stops consuming water. Any longer it goes downhill fast. (I did go 10.5 weeks, that was a mistake !)

Cloudy with quite a few ambers popping up, I'd say she was right in the harvest window. (pistols all brown and folding in too)

They look very nice. You should be proud.
This is last of Marcy Indica strain from last year.


I love buds like this ! they grind burn and smoke so well. Dam dispensary buds are way too hard and dry IMO..

Nice, now if only computers had a scratch and smell option ! NL is one of the nicest smelling flowers I've ever put my nose up to. Honey, pine, citrus and just a slight twang of skunk//coffee when ground. I swear I'd wear NL as cologne if they made it....
I love buds like this ! they grind burn and smoke so well. Dam dispensary buds are way too hard and dry IMO..

Nice, now if only computers had a scratch and smell option ! NL is one of the nicest smelling flowers I've ever put my nose up to. Honey, pine, citrus and just a slight twang of skunk//coffee when ground. I swear I'd wear NL as cologne if they made it....
Processing drying and curing has taken me 25 years to get humidity temperature. 12 days to dry whole plant. Then cure.
Outside my mentor could not stress enough the importance of the hole you dig.clean dirt, rocks. 1"small rocks bottom of hole . Some type of manure preferably old mixed in with the dirt you dug out of the hole. Crushed pine cones can be used to replace the vermiculite. S*** it's expensive. I am so grateful he's stressed that cuz it works.
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