Tyson's 4x4 ScrOG Feat: Mimosa In DWC 2019

7/10/19 1:00 am Day 47
temp 82 rh 72% ec 1.85 ph 5.8 co2 1150

Hey guys, its been a crazy couple of days. My central ac went out 36 hrs ago and it's been getting up to 108f outside. I have been using a portable ac to keep the room that I grow in at optimal temps. It keeps the temps exactly where they were but has to run 24/7. The ac guy will be here in the morning to fix the main system.
On day 45, I changed the res and started the "late grow phase" from the chart I am going off of. I'll include it for reference. I meant to make this change gradually but forgot all about it until now. I'm at 60% full strength for the base nutes. I noted the ppm so you could see how each additive affected it. I also installed the screen at 10" from the net pot and weaved the 14 tops through it. I took off the growth from the very bottom as they were small and I already have more than enough growth sites building. I also added a 4th airstone so each line of the pump has it's own airstone.

700ppm scale
Starting ro . . . . . . . . . . . .60
after 1ml/g armor si . . . .80
after 2.5ml/g calmag . . . 340
after 6ml/g micro . . . . . .860
after 6ml/g grow . . . . 1190
after 3ml/g bloom . . . 1300
needed 0.75ml/g ph down to bring ph to 5.8, it rose to 6.0 in 24hrs as it settled.

Looking fantastic mate. It going to fill the tent in no time. :peace:
No doubt. I'm thinking it'll be full in 4-5 weeks, so I want to flip in 3-4. I dont like to tuck a ton in flower because I have the headroom to get 1-2ft colas, I think that's part of maximizing yield. Except for people with height limitations, I think alot of scroggers continue tucking too long, and end up with a sea of 5" buds. They still look and smell great, but if you're going to put in 20+ weeks of work, why not go the extra week and grow them up a bit. This all comes down to timing your flip and knowing your strain. I've only run scrog once, but of all my strains, I'm most experienced with Mimosa. She continues to stretch for about 20-24 days from flip. So I plan to tuck for the first week of flower then hopefully let her tops finish between 1ft-1.5ft a ove the net.
She's growing quick.
Here's a comparison between my last run (coco) and my current one. The only other difference besides the medium is that I used Fox Farms nutes for my last run.

Here is the coco one at day 60 from seed:
And this is the dwc one at day 50 from seed.

I'd say they are at about the same point, so you can see how much faster dwc is, at least in my setup.
That’s a nice comparison Tyson, you’re one hell of a grower no matter the medium :high-five::passitleft:
ou’re one hell of a grower no matter the medium
Thanks bud, it's taken years to get here but I feel very comfortable now. Still learning, and always impressed by the new ideas I see around here.
I have a dream of growing a single indoor plant in a 10'x10' canopy, and trying to set the record for maximum indoor yield of a single plant. I think, theoretically, I could get 12 lbs (3lbs per 1000w). I dont know if that is genetically possible but I dont see why not. With this type of setup maybe 16-18 weeks of veg idk, but it would sure be amazing to see in person.

If that ever happens, I'll pay for a few of you guys to come help me trim. 12lbs by hand?? I could do it but it might make me not wanna see a nug for a week lol.
Hahaha that is crazy, I’d love to see it! :rofl::meatballs:
7/16/19 2:00 am Day 53
temp 82 rh 72% ec 1.8 ph 5.8 co2 1150

Gave her another round of tucking, and trimmed up some more underneath. She's really starting to drink now, about a half gallon/day. The screen is almost exactly 50% full. It is 42"x42" and the canopy is a 33" diameter circle.

Before tuck:

After tuck:

6 hrs after tuck:
I can't believe how thick your branches are!
Thanks, Stoneotter! I really like the addition of Armor Si this round. It has thickened the branches, while also making them more pliable. This is great for any plant but perfect for scrog! I've only snapped 1 stem so far and it was a very small, new shoot.
Thanks, Stoneotter! I really like the addition of Armor Si this round. It has thickened the branches, while also making them more pliable. This is great for any plant but perfect for scrog! I've only snapped 1 stem so far and it was a very small, new shoot.
So how much silica do you use in a gallon of soil?
Wow Tyson she’s spreading out fast :bravo::meatballs:
how much silica do you use in a gallon of soil?
Not sure with soil, but in dwc I'm running it at 1ml/gallon (half the current recommended dose for dwc.
she’s spreading out fast
That she is. Trying to figure out my flip timing with the speed of dwc. I'm thinking when the edges of the canopy circle hit the edges of the scrog then I'll flip. I'll use the first week to fill in the 4 corners and any gaps, then let her stretch the rest. It was 4.5 days between tuckings, so maybe flip around day 68? Well see.
7/20/19 1:00 am Day 57
temp 82 rh 72% ec 1.7 ph 5.8 co2 1150

Some more tucking. I changed the res and lowered the nutes to 50% the recommended dose. I noticed the ec was moving up slightly after a couple days but no signs of tip burn. I continued to trim below the canopy. I'm slowly working my way up so as not to shock her completely. I forgot to take a before pic so the first one is halfway thought the tuck.

The trim:


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