Twenty20 Mendocino Bubba Whip, Photoperiod 2024

Looking great bro :passitleft: little droopy ok, she trying to adjust.
That's a deeper container too, really let the soil dry out bro until the next feeding. Go another day then you usually feed/water. Growth is so much faster that way.
A1 as always, hope you are well my friend :high-five:
Hey Sparky glad to hear from you my friend I don’t get over to IG as much as I should. Funny story my kids saw me sign up for IG and asked me why I was following you! I feel like my privacy was invaded lol. Hope the fam and females are doing well. I’ll give her that extra day to dry for sure she’s still pretty damp this morning.
looks fantastic. it may straighten up a bit on it's own.
they lean sometimes when the leaf weight comes in quicker than the stem can keep up and thicken. it's more pronounced in loose media cause there's less to anchor it. i have it all the time in hempy.
Thanks Bluter she was straight one day and suddenly leaning the next. I may have caused it with too much h20 as well.
Very true, think it's a combo of too much light on the lean. I usually put the learners on the side/,edge of the tent .Depending strains
Interesting like she is leaning away from the light. Hmmm
Day 22 Above Ground, Week 2 of Veg
Light: 18 Hours/day, 21" from Canopy at 50% Intensity
PPFD ~300, DLI 19 (Target 308 PPFD, 20 DLI)
75.6D, 65% RH (Target 77D/62% RH)

Hey 4-2-0,

It's been a busy day in the "golf tower" (that's what I told my wife the grow tent is, ffs she doesn't believe that sh*t!). I've got Bubbles on a feed schedule now (F,D,D,W,D,D,F) and she seems happy/fully recovered from the transplant a week ago. I washed and then fed her today with a solution of Fox Farm CalMag/Big Bloom/Grow Big, PPM ~900, PH 6.4. That's her biggest feed to date and she slurped it down w/o a hiccup. I topped that off a couple hours later with a hit of Silica, maybe 8 oz's, at 1ML/G. I didn't use Silica in my last grow and swear I noticed a difference in her stem strength and appearance.

So, her 7th node is coming in, she recovered from the transplant, and seems really healthy.......its time to start the flux! This process involves topping the plant three different times to create 8 primary colas. When done right (with the right plant), the results can be phenomenal, 8 giant colas with little popcorn and only a small delay in veg. However, the first top is an emotionally devastating one to perform, all the way down between the 3rd and 4th nodes, 7-10 days of growth! I'll post picts in a few days after I get up the nerve to cut her like that. In the meantime, say hello to Miss Bubba.





Day 27 Above Ground, Day 13 of Veg
Light: 18 Hours/day, 20" from Canopy at 50% Intensity
PPFD ~460, DLI 30 (Target 463 PPFD, 30 DLI)
75.6D, 61% RH (Target 77D/62% RH)

Hey Everyone.......Bubba looked just perfect yesterday morning, so I solved that by topping her between the 3rd and 4th nodes, the first step in the flux process. To learn more about the benefits of fluxing check out this link from the master, nugbuckets: Main-Lining Tutorial on Training Marijuana Plants | Grow Weed Easy. There are a number of interesting points (maybe not scientifically proven but interesting) in the article. He describes the benefits like this "With Fluxing, every cola is exactly the same number of nodes away from the roots. All colas originate from the exact same part of the plant, which naturally causes each cola to receive an even amount of nutrients and energy. As a result, plants grow with an even, flat canopy, which produces the best yields for indoor growers using grow lights". A picture says a 1000 words...see below for a skeletal view of a fully formed manifold/hub and cola stubs.


Step 1 is to top her between the 3rd and 4th nodes once she's showing 5-6 nodes, so that was done last night, scoob and beer in hand. I also stripped all growth tips below the 3rd node, again to focus the plant on these 2 growth tips only. See below.........she looks (sad) a little tall/high (did i mis-count nodes?) so I will likely bury her up the stem a bit. I'll start training her in the next couple of days to encourage horizontal growth of the hub.


Step 1 Topping "Plan"

Post Top and Growth Node Strip

Day 27 Above Ground, Day 13 of Veg
Light: 18 Hours/day, 20" from Canopy at 50% Intensity
PPFD ~460, DLI 30 (Target 463 PPFD, 30 DLI)
75.6D, 61% RH (Target 77D/62% RH)

Hey Everyone.......Bubba looked just perfect yesterday morning, so I solved that by topping her between the 3rd and 4th nodes, the first step in the flux process. To learn more about the benefits of fluxing check out this link from the master, nugbuckets: Main-Lining Tutorial on Training Marijuana Plants | Grow Weed Easy. There are a number of interesting points (maybe not scientifically proven but interesting) in the article. He describes the benefits like this "With Fluxing, every cola is exactly the same number of nodes away from the roots. All colas originate from the exact same part of the plant, which naturally causes each cola to receive an even amount of nutrients and energy. As a result, plants grow with an even, flat canopy, which produces the best yields for indoor growers using grow lights". A picture says a 1000 words...see below for a skeletal view of a fully formed manifold/hub and cola stubs.


Step 1 is to top her between the 3rd and 4th nodes once she's showing 5-6 nodes, so that was done last night, scoob and bear in hand for that one. I also stripped all growth tips below" the 3rd node, again to focus the plant on these 2 growth tips only. See below.........she looks (sad) a little tall/high (did i mis-count nodes?) so I will likely bury her up the stem a bit. I'll start training her in the next couple of days to encourage horizontal growth of the hub.


Step 1 Topping "Plan"

Post Top and Growth Node Strip

lol replying to my own post! That's a scraggly looking top, need to sharpen the scissors.
Day 29 Above Ground, Day 15 of Veg
Light: 18 Hours/day, 20" from Canopy at 50% Intensity
PPFD ~460, DLI 30 (Target 463 PPFD, 30 DLI)
76.5D, 62% RH (Target 77D/62% RH)

Babs is looking good after her top and is already building some hefty shoulders at the main stem. It's time for phase 2, some pretty aggressive lateral training of her two little "cola's to be" to create the hub/manifold. Be careful! The tops are tender and easily broken. I use my fingers to gently press them down to the desired horizontal position over a 1-2 minute period. This slow progression softens the stems, making them more pliable, less likely to break, and easy to car-hook into position.

I fed her as I was training, her fist full feed of life: Fox Farm Calmag + Grow Big+ Big Bloom, EC 1.6 (PPM 1120). I'll follow along with a slurp of silica in a couple of hours. This will be my go-to feed for the next 3-4 weeks of veg, until its time to change it up for flower. I'll be back in a few days with step 3, her second top.



Hello! Following your request to watch your current grow, i have some questions.

Why don't you use fabric pots?

What is the height you're thinking to switch to 12/12 considering your past experience with Mimosa Evo stretch?

Why you're only growing 1 plant per session?
Welcome Herrjack.....When I first start these ladies I plant them in a small solocup, 4" peat pot, or 4" ceramic pot . As they grow, I up-pot them twice, once to a 1G plastic pot (which is where Bubba is now) and again in a couple of weeks, to her a final home, a 5G fabric pot. I'm a big fan of fab but its easier and cheaper to start her in something else and then place her in a 3-5G fab pot for the bulk of her life.

The breeder says that BubbaWhip's indoor stretch is fairy mild, so I am planning for a 75% increase in her height once flipped. My tent is 2'2"x 2'2"x5'2". Accounting for the gap between light and canopy, height of pot, etc, I will let her get about 20" tall and then flip her to 12x12.

I'd love to grow more than one plant but my tent is too small for that. I could probably squeeze 2 in there but they would have to be really small. I'd rather grow 1 monster plant than 2 dwarves :)
Plant is looking great bro 👍 :passitleft:just looked it up and genetics look really solid my friend.
Thanks Spark, I'm excited to see what this gal can do. We miss you around her my friend!
Day 34 Above Ground, Day 20 of Veg
Light: 18 Hours/day, 18" from Canopy at 50% Intensity
PPFD ~540, DLI 30 (Target PPFD 618, DLI 40)
74D, 65% RH (Target 77D/62% RH)

Hey Everyone......all is well as Bubba moves into the heart of veg. Her hub is in place now and I completed step 2 of the flux process yesterday, a symmetrical (meaning the same on both sides) topping of her two primary mains/colas (2 tops to make 4 cola's). Symmetry is important, make sure to top at the same node on the two cola's or you will have an uneven/lop-sided canopy. I also trimmed the growth tips below the top and left all leaves so the plant is focused on pushing all energy through the hub and to the 4 colas. It's kind of hard to see in these picts (a short vid would be best), bet here she is. Other than looking a little sparse, all seems well. She has a couple of funky leaves going, not sure what that is about, but I am keeping a reddened eye upon them.








Day 37 Above Ground, Day 23 of Veg
Light: 18 Hours/day, 19" from Canopy at 50% Intensity
PPFD ~500, DLI 32
77D, 62% RH

Hey 4-2-0.....Mother Bubba is working on pushing her 4 new colas, tiny little things at the moment. I was too aggressive with the light the other day and over-cooked her a bit, you can see her limey-ness down low, but I've corrected that gardeners error and her new growth looks pretty good. She's got drop dead legs (her hub), although she hides it with leaves and carhooks the tease! Last and definitely least, I'm prepping soil today for a transplant to her final home this weekend, a 5G fabric pot. I'll be glad to get all this transplanting/topping done so I can just enjoy the grow!






Day 37 Above Ground, Day 23 of Veg
Light: 18 Hours/day, 19" from Canopy at 50% Intensity
PPFD ~500, DLI 32
77D, 62% RH

Hey 4-2-0.....Mother Bubba is working on pushing her 4 new colas, tiny little things at the moment. I was too aggressive with the light the other day and over-cooked her a bit, you can see her limey-ness down low, but I've corrected that gardeners error and her new growth looks pretty good. She's got drop dead legs (her hub), although she hides it with leaves and carhooks the tease! Last and definitely least, I'm prepping soil today for a transplant to her final home this weekend, a 5G fabric pot. I'll be glad to get all this transplanting/topping done so I can just enjoy the grow!






Well she definitely looks happy now 👌looking good bro 👊
Well she definitely looks happy now 👌looking good bro 👊
Thanks vein, kinda pissed at myself for zapping her with the light but she will be ok, her primary hub is like rebar already, very strong young lady
Thanks vein, kinda pissed at myself for zapping her with the light but she will be ok, her primary hub is like rebar already, very strong young lady
In veg unless it's something major I really get pissed anymore they always recover before you know it and forgotten in no time. When something goes wrong it just becomes normal 😂

@Blackyoda a nice journal to follow, some nice training for smaller spaces 😎
Thanks vein, kinda pissed at myself for zapping her with the light but she will be ok, her primary hub is like rebar already, very strong young lady
Shit happens bro, most important is that you caught it in time.
Never liked my plants near the light unless it's late flower with a smaller light.
Cheers bro, have a great weekend
In veg unless it's something major I really get pissed anymore they always recover before you know it and forgotten in no time. When something goes wrong it just becomes normal 😂

@Blackyoda a nice journal to follow, some nice training for smaller spaces 😎
Thanks GV, I'm getting there, as long as i can get her into flower healthy is the main thing.
Day 40 above ground…….Bubba moved to her new and final resting spot today, a 5 gallon fabric pot. She has a beautiful root ball and the timing looks about perfect for the transplant, 25 days in her 1G pot. Happy Memorial Day!



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