Twelve12's Breeding Program

jandre2k3 > Sad to see how we're so powerless from our own Gov. Fear not, we'll have our power back!

Give breeding a grow. Definitely start experimenting with it one day we might not be able to get seeds from banks if things are getting worse. Looking forward to see what you come up with. Still trying to find my purple flower (that actually turn purple on its own) in seed form. Till this day I have not grown any, want the GDP so badly but it's not available around where I am. People go bonkers over purple more so than potency over here.
jandre2k3 > Still trying to find my purple flower (that actually turn purple on its own) in seed form.

Purple Widow ... let it go 9 weeks. as with ALL purps. Be patient and WAIT for the purple to show through. I had a friend back then that flowered out 3 different purp strains. Nothing purple about them and he was pissed. He gave ME the clones he had saved back, thinking that they would also not turn purple. I was patient and he was even MORE pissed... until I gave him 3 clones and told him not to rush The Mother that gives us the flowers, and she knows when the time is right to make the herb show through. The purp shows at the VERY END of the cycle. Yeah, some of the THC goes down but you get the purple smell and taste you're after. If the flower says 8 weeks, let it go 9.

There are 2 strains that I know are purple flowered from seed. Purple Widow and Purple Haze. The latter is hard to get an actual 60's strain descendant, but it flowers purple. And at the time, was the ONLY one in America that did, and it was an import.I had an old hippie friend back home that had a 25 year line from a seed he found in his bag. Knocked my socks off. It was that famed 60's Purple Haze Jimi sang about (He claimed not to be singing about anything but a love song). But we all know...
All the dispensaries in Sac County are closed, now,

wow, is it really getting that bad in Cal? Is the atmosphere changing? How far will it go? Will it last?

Pretty sad tbh. Saw some crap on tv recently about MMJ research with claims of said research being done at UCLA. Yet isnt Ms State the only place any true research has been allowed in universities for the last x years, and even they were down to only 4 patients still alive?
Hope this doesn't hijack the thread, but how do you pick your phenos? I don't see how I'd know which one I'd like to keep out of ten prior to completing the flower cycle... Or doyou need to be able to cut clones to flower early to pick?
jandre2k3 > I'm going to look into some purple strains for the Winter grow. Still got couple weeks to start some new seedling for 3 months harvest from now. The cold also trigger the purple to show I heard, and cutting back the nute towards the end of flowering cycle will also do it. Never heard of waiting extra week or two for the purple to show. Did you flush yours at the end of flowering cycle?

Bassman59 > I hope the next president clean up the mess and get things straighten out or many will suffer even die from using pills instead of natural product from Cannabis. I wonder how much money Obama made by interfering with state law on medical marijuana.

2Tuff2sk8 > Record keeping will help with the selections. I start off with 8 plants, grow them out in veg and take notes on the characteristics; node spacing, growth speed, etc…then take a clone from each plant (mark them and don't get it mixed up) and flower them out to determined sex. Once that is made I keep the one best male and pollinate the rest of the females. Then take notes during the flowering stage for; stretch length, resin production, aroma, bud density, colors, etc..then after harvest/dry/cure take notes again on the taste, high, duration, etc…then we'll have a better idea of which plant is the winner. Keep the best discard the rest. The male is always the same and the mom is cut down from many to one. These two will be the parent to the next generation, and repeat the process until you find something you're after then backcross to stabilize the pheno.
jandre2k3 > I'm going to look into some purple strains for the Winter grow. Still got couple weeks to start some new seedling for 3 months harvest from now. The cold also trigger the purple to show I heard, and cutting back the nute towards the end of flowering cycle will also do it. Never heard of waiting extra week or two for the purple to show. Did you flush yours at the end of flowering cycle?

If the flower says 8 weeks, let it go 9.

Always flush last 8-10 days. Cold does spur purple a lot. Optimal is just barely getting down to 55 right before dawn (lights on). Just wait 1 extra week depending on the temp 70~60. Start with your plants off the ground about a foot. Get up early, or in the middle of the night, turn your chiller fan to very low speed, maybe 60cfm and set thermo to 60. That should chill slowly over 3-4 hours for a 15x15x8 and give you the purple hue. Just remember to set it back up to 75 after the lights go on.

-Second Thought-
Maybe an electronic programmable thermo for your chiller to gradually step it down all night. 2 or so deg every 1.5 to 2 hours after sunset (Lights off). from 75 at lights on, to 73when the lights go off, then 71 1.5 or 2 hours later. after that step it down to-69-66-63-60-hold till dawn, and back up to 75 and just let the lights warm it up. Purps are more cold tolerant than any other strain, but they need the heat for photosynthesis. 60 won't kill these girls, they like it. I would possibly start that 1-2 weeks before the flush, that gives 3 weeks of cold, check for wanted color and then give as much as 1 more week for the royal beauties.

-Third Thought-
How cold does it get there? Is venting in and option? Say your lights go off at 8. Start venting in slowly with a low CFM fan from 10p to 11p, then again from 2a to 4a, then again from 7a to 8a and then lights on.

Just some thoughts to get that noodle cookin'.

Ultimately it's up to The Mother, but you can help things along.

........:yahoo:Be happy most of the time.:yahoo: .......
.......:allgood:Be healthy all the time.:allgood:.........
:grinjoint:Be heavily medicated every second of it!:grinjoint:
wow, is it really getting that bad in Cal? Is the atmosphere changing? How far will it go? Will it last?

Pretty sad tbh. Saw some crap on tv recently about MMJ research with claims of said research being done at UCLA. Yet isnt Ms State the only place any true research has been allowed in universities for the last x years, and even they were down to only 4 patients still alive?

Bad? It's brutal. 44 dispensaries in the County of Sacramento, California, following state law, have been forced to close their doors. Now where the hell are they gonna work? Few management type people will hire a known bud tender.

Yes, UCLA has shown solid evidence of health benefits but the govt. has to spend its billions(More than $14Billion annually) somewhere? F*ck spending it on education, or to help our less fortunate or to pull the country out of recession, or to ease the deficit... we'll spend it to harass our citizens for a f*cking plant that grows in the dirt!!

Mississippi is where the FEDERAL MARIJUANA farm is for which they grow MMJ for 4 surviving patients. Eight known original Compassionate Investigational New Drug (IND) patients, four of whom are still living as of Sep. 9, 2010. Sorry, I couldn't find anything more recent. It is located at the University of Mississippi in Oxford, behind a 12-foot-high fence and prison-type watchtowers. They have been running the seven-acre patch, known to bureaucrats as the Farm, since 1968. Since that time, the Farm has produced about 5,000 pounds of U.S.-inspected marijuana--worth roughly $22 million on the street. 7 acres of eight-foot plants for 4 patients?!?!? They should be arrested for cultivation in excess of medical need! :rofl:
---> Here's a good story on that subject. <---

Okay. . . .

Sorry, Twelve12 didn't mean to rant... I just get so frikkin worked up about the ignorance we have in our govt turning a blind eye to the facts. Those a$$holes in the govt spending billions fighting something that is a SOCIAL issue, like the use of alcohol and doing stupid things, should be exposed to the general public and held accountable. But plastic people look to their govt. and say "You should do something," and we pay the price, when they themselves should take a long, hard look in the mirror. Did you know pigs can fly? There! See it?
sorry again
I hope that whatever happens with the laws, we still have the right to grow (and breed) meds so we can customize it FOR OURSELVES.

12/12 - I have lots to work with regards to watching plants, nodes, other growth habits; until I'm a little more attuned to that it's too soon to try breeding....


:popcorn: I'm sure gonna watch what happens here!

:thanks: for visiting my article on colloidal silver - I did add some pollen collecting info and pics to that article cuz when it came down to it, the female pollen sacs didn't want to release their pollen as easily as the regular male pollen sacs do. Today I started a journal documenting start to finish using colloidal silver to make feminized seeds in auto-flowering and non-auto strains. I want pure strains and I want to try a few specific cross strains (like auto cream caramel x auto kush sounds like a nice mix to me!). My only goal is to create feminized seeds for me so I'm not getting into the detailed specifics like you are... but I'm sure tuned to learn!!!

It sounds/looks like you are doing an excellent job!:thumb: I'm subscribed!

:love::love::love::love::love:Twelve12 & ALL!!:love::love::love::love::love:
jandre2k3 > I'm going to look into some purple strains for the Winter grow. Still got couple weeks to start some new seedling for 3 months harvest from now. The cold also trigger the purple to show I heard, and cutting back the nute towards the end of flowering cycle will also do it. Never heard of waiting extra week or two for the purple to show. Did you flush yours at the end of flowering cycle?

I missed the first part of this discussion and am almost out of time to be here... so just a quick note. I definitely found the cold turns stems a reddish color and does contribute to blues and purples in varieties that change color and harvesting later both worked to turn my Medijuana and G13 Haze really purplish in my grow. Below (hope you don't mind), I will copy and paste specific pics from my grow journal that show this...

first, this is my exact entry when I really paid attention to the colors...
AND THEY TURNED PURPLE CUZ I LEFT THEM LONGER!!! The pic below shows how beautiful the tops became when grown long enough.

The purple was extremely evident when I harvested. The leaves in the box were such a contrast even this ol' lady's eyesight could see it!!!

The Medijuana and the G13 Haze were the 2 strains that turned purplish when left long enough.
******End Quote*****
But here are a couple more pics...


What a difference from the top side of the leaf to the bottom side, eh???

and one of the G13 Haze...

So... whoever was wondering, I will say YES, both play a part in the color changes for certain varieties. I've got Mataro Blue growing currently and it states that colder temps in the last weeks make the color changes more noticable.

Just my last 2 cents for the day in here!

Sorry to interrupt Twelve12!

WINDY Granny420 is OUTTA HERE!!! :)
Dang it... when I copied/pasted, the images didn't come thru of the medijuana. Did show in extra pics I added, but here are the 2 missing photos from my copied quote...


Now I really AM outta here! EEK!!! SORRY TWELVE12!!!!
jandre2k3 > Not a problem. I like to hear good rants. The Gov is so corrupt we wouldn't know where to start. We do what we can to fight back (non violence).

2Tuff2sk8 > I think when you are ready you'll know. The plant will guide you. Cannabis is using me to pass on the genetic and progress in evolution.

granny420 > Thanks granny for sharing your feminize seeds making methods. I'm thinking of making some on my fav strains from my collection just so I can preserve the genetic for future grow.

Interesting to know the Medijuana and G13 can turn purple when left longer in bloom. Thanks for sharing your plants. They look so good. I'm looking for purple bud too and not just in the leaves. Planning on getting some new purple strains and will attempt to create my own. It will be call "Grand Purplex" and "Purple Silk". :D
jandre2k3 > Not a problem. I like to hear good rants. The Gov is so corrupt we wouldn't know where to start. We do what we can to fight back (non violence).

Dayumm, I was pissed last night, huh? And of course we fight non-violently:peace: We're fighting to open people's eyes, how can they do that with eyes swollen shut?

Oh, and thanks for letting me know it was a good rant! lol!
[ Strain Collection Update ]

Unknown Reg/Fem
1 Mr Nice - Early Queen R
2 Nirvana - Super Skunk R
3 Seedsman - Top Skunk 44 R
4 Sensi - Black Domina R *New
5 Twelve12 - Downtown Stumble (Vanilla Kush x Grapefruit Diesel) #1,2,3,4,5 R *New
6 Twelve12 - Firestorm (Pineapple Express x Grapefruit Diesel) #1,2,4,5,6,7,8 R *New
7 Twelve12 - Pule (Cheese x Grapefruit Diesel) #1,2 R *New
8 Twelve12 - Tuna Salad (Hammerhead x Grapefruit Diesel) #1,2 R *New

1 Seedsman - Ata Tundra R
2 Twelve12 - Firestorm #3 R *New

1 Barney's Farm - Pineapple Chunk F *Removed
2 Barney's Farm - Vanilla Kush F
3 Cali Connection - Pre-98 Bubba BX2 F *New
4 Dinafem - Cheese F
5 Female - C99 (Cinderella 99) F *New
6 G13 Labs - Pineapple Express F
7 Green House - Super Lemon Haze F
8 Green House - White Widow F
9 Medical - 1024 F
10 Medical - Hammerhead F
11 Next Generation - Grape God R
12 Serious - AK47 R
13 TH Seeds - Heavy Duty Fruity R
14 White Label - Afghan Kush R

ATA Tundra is confirmed male!
AK-47 is confirmed female.

Both of these plants are from regular seeds. I guess the universe wants me to breed ATA Tundra with all the currently flowering plants. Some juicy details on ATA Tundra.

ATA Tundra
  • Genetics: Tundra x Kazakhstani
  • Variety: Pure Indica
  • Type: f1 Hybrid
  • Harvest Date: End of September
  • Flowering Period: 6 weeks
  • THC Content: 19%
  • Characteristics: Quick flowerer, good in cold climates.

  • This f1 hybrid is one of the most interesting in our seed range. It is a cross of two pure lines coming from different geographic regions not very well-known in the cannabis world.
  • One parent comes from Alaska, home of the famous Matanuska Thunderfuck. This line is pure indica and shows good resistance to frost thanks to its origin.
  • The other parent comes from Kazakhstan, a wide region that extends from north Afghanistan between Uzbekistan and Russia, neighbouring China in the east. This parent is similar to the Afghani Kush, with a lemony smell typical of the Citral of Pakistan.
  • Growing Ata Tundra you can see many of the characteristics of both these parent plants.
  • Our hybrid is 100% indica. It is suitable for indoor and outdoor cultivation. It is our quickest flowering strain; finishing in around 45 days or outdoors towards the end of September. Its optimum THC level is around 20%.
  • It produces large, lemon scented compact buds. The hardiness of this plant coupled with its early maturation and ease of growth make it perfect for guerrilla cultivation techniques.

Hope to lock in some good traits from ATA Tundra, fast flowering, short and compact, dense bud, frost resistant, and high THC. F1 seeds are expected to arrive sometime in late Late November - Early December. Working on more logo for the new strains. Crossing ATA Tundra with;

  • 1024
  • Hammerhead
  • Pineapple Express
  • Afghan Kush
  • Grape God
  • Heavy Duty Fruity
  • Cheese

7 logos. Strain name will be presented along with the logo, right now I have no idea. Stay busy and think positive. :Namaste:
Tuna Salad
Cool Twelve12...Brain food huh?
{ New Strain: Tuna Salad (Hammerhead x Grapefruit Diesel) }

Introducing "Tuna Salad" (Hammerhead x Grapefruit Diesel), exclusive, limited edition strain. Got the logo done today. Germinating two seeds tonight.

It's the perfect name! I was sorta thinking "Grapefruit Seared Shark" but yours is much better.

If you could get the GDP, I had a thought last night for one down the road, (Purple Erkle x GDP) x (OG Kush x Big Bud) = Grumpy Old Men

Another just came to me! (OG Kush x NY Diesel) x (Top Skunk x Sour Diesel) = Smelly Truck Driver or Truck Stop

1 more. . . Heavy Duty-Fruity x Grape God = Holy Fruit Basket

I know they're a bit funny, but hey, I'm medicated!
GreneLeaf > Definitely. The mind, soul, and body. Quite an amazing plant.

ratatattooey > Thank you. It was a joy! Still got many more logos to work on before new strains are made, 7-10 new ones are due in 2 months…

jandre2k3 > Coming up with the strain name can be challenging and fun. My style would be something along the line of Epic and Comedic. Lol, I like the "Smelly Truck Driver". The goal is to have fun naming your strain really there is no right way in naming it, the wrong way would be naming the new strain another "White Widow" or "Northern Light(s)". I see naming new cross is like naming a child, thought I don't have kids it's as close to that I can get.

fromscratch > Oh yes. Sadly I only got two seeds from this cross, it wasn't planned it happened on its own with the male plant in there for a week. So will see what these two seeds turns out.



I've decided to remove Hammerhead and Pineapple Chunk from the breeding program. The genetic has passed over to the new cross and I'll try to lock in the desirable traits from these strains. The strain itself as a whole did not do well in Summer grows, and I had a weird pheno that was not advertised. So the Hammerhead is like Smallhead and the Pineapple Chunk is like Pineapple Crumbs.

Right now I have the Super Lemon Haze being #1 on the list so anything is below that will be removed. Keep the best remove the rest, and of course I'll continue to try new strains until I have at least 10 solid strains to work with in the collection. Keep in mind that because I remove them it does not mean that the entire strain itself is bad, just my grow experience is not high enough to have the plant grow to full potential, and/or the pheno was not superior (since the strain itself is unstable). I'm working on 100% indica and indica cross (Black Domina) so phenos variation will not be far off from the advertised description. All in all this breeding program will try to stabilize and lock in the desirable traits we all look for in our indoor plants.
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