Tutankharmon - 400HPS - Soil Coco Mix - Grow

Cheers waknbak, larson thanks and welcome, mono yep she'll go nuts. Miwa I bloody hope so, as just did my training and some more defol and damn! She is going to have more head bud sites than Ive ever dealt with. Jay good day to you sir and may your nugs stay frosty.
Big update later with pics of clone and my deformed little C sensi star.
Good weed to all and may you enjoy your sunday dinner followed by some awesome smoke. Once I have my magic butter I'll be enjoying roast dinner canna butter style and ill post my findings and reccipe on the cook book link.
OK little update.
My girl is getting more LST and Defol as well as a little bit of high stress on her main stem again. Firstly I just release the tethered fans to breath a little. Then starting with the ends of lower branches,I go round and re-adjust each wire. On the lower more substantial branches I am tying the first inner large shoot down on each side so as to create another limb almost, this will be stripped all the way, leaving just a top. Whilst I do this I remove the leaf towards the end of each branch, the one that's going to bend back covering the new growth of that limb. I repeat this all around the plant working up.
My girl has almost two levels of growth one upper one lower. To bring these to the same level I have high stressed her main stem. What I do is pick the node that I want to stunt growth from and pinch with both thumb nails really hard crushing that node slightly. This should cause the top to stunt whilst below the pinch point catches up slightly.
I have now over 50 points strapped down to keep her how I want her!

Should be getting silly heads this time!
My clone is still looking alive so think she has made it!
Also check my little deformed Critical Sensi Star out, She should come good??


those were before work.
F***n awsome light addict. She's going to be a producer for sure. Your training regime must of been time consuming for you.
You deserve all the fruit u reep from her.from above she looks like a well scrogged plant but without the screen.. Hmmm I might of said that before lol
Well done and plus reps
Thanks Alex and Dutch, Yeah I probably spend an hour to three at least every day tinkering about but when I only have one girl its easy. In the past I tried keeping up with 9 and almost drove myself nuts! lol

Haha, man it is driving me NUTS, lesson learned.

Sub'd, better late than never and wow very nice bro.
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