Turbo Bucket's Take On RADDWC: Grow Room Build-Up

Most of it. I like to keep some hash around. I'm real Keen to smoke this stuff. I can't believe how light it has stayed.

lol just asked about screens / bags in my thread ..
The ones I've been using are from bubble bag dude. The cheap ones. They've held up ok. Made lots of hash so far with them.

Woo hoo. Sure looks like full melt. Gonna try dabbing it.
I make quite a bit haha. My wife and I just smoke on the trim from what I grow. It all gets made into bubble and then rosin. The leftovers from the bags and pucks get run through an ethanol extraction to make more dabs. Haha
That's prettiest bubble I've seen in a while. I've only had my press less than a week. I've got bags ordered, but delivery time is couple weeks out. For now I'm just pressing nugs. I'm excited about the pressing of hash or sift
Finally moved both waves into the relocated tents. These things were positively dying to move, like literally dying, they drank 10 gallons of water after I moved them in. Oops. I actually had to refill the rez because they emptied it.
It holds 10 gallons to just below the brim, it leaves about a gallon and a half- 2 gallons when the pump can't suck anymore, it does have the low clearance adapter on it so it's only like 1/2" of water left just a big footprint. I poured in gallon jugs and marked the sides after each one so I can keep track. :thumb:

Should be good to grow, I hope.
With the switch to recirculating it's a little easier and certainly cheaper to start using BTI now, so the mosquito dunks should eliminate the minor gnat annoyance I've had.

Hopefully the new inline carbon filter gets here before too much longer. Tired of walking around the giant can in the middle of the walkway haha
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