Tunes420 600 w KC-33/Bud Lady

:thanks: fluroman yeppers ....loving the HID :surf:
:thanks: weedtastic and NP mate.....glad to see ya :passitleft: yes Mona Lisa is by far the biggest i have ever date :smokin: and one of those clones is turning out to grow just like her....In a few weeks i will be flowering another Mona Lisa :yummy: as well as some really good strains that are growing now...NL,KC-33,BlueBerry :surf:
tunes, you grow some of the nicest plants. i like your basins. i was wondering if you could give me some tek on them; materials, method, etc. thanks man.

big ups man!
Thanks tunes. i kinda figured that's how it worked. i've been a little retarded since i started taking these pills from the doctor. so i wanted to ask before i messed it up.

check out my buds and breeding journal, i'd love some input.

take care *good vibes*
LOL newsisnoise np brother grower :passitleft:

Update all....on Mona Lisa


Here she is under new 600 watt light....think this will be a three part harvest

1 buds i have already picked
2 top buds
3 then after bottom gets a little more light...bottom and seeds :grinjoint:

Oh yes i made some seeds :popcorn: from male KC-33 ...pollinated few of the bottom buds

12 hours i have HPS bulb going and plants in veg under regular lights...then Mona Lisa goes in compartment under counter to sleep and MH bulb goes in plants get moved under MH and regular lights are off again till Mona Lisa wakes


OK here's some bud porn :popcorn:



Removed a few of the leaves to let a bit more light sink to bottom buds













here is two of 3 buds i cut off already :grinjoint:


6 weeks 12/12 for Mona Lisa.... trichomes are already mostly cloudy on top buds
See light cleared up algae ...that is just a bag seed test to see if temps in room were warm enough to grow seeds :)


And here is girls under there 12 hours of MH....

Tomorrow when Mona Lisa wakes from her spot...veg will go back under regular lights for 12 hours :bong:

here is one KC-33 clone

here is second one

Here is a bud lady mom

This is a Mona Lisa clone


other one went crazy after i put it in 12/12 to find out sex then moved back to i pulled it...and used the pot for the Blue berry :smokin:

here are 4 Northern Lights Special that me and brother Wood are currently growing in another journal....they cracked but no tap yet...maybe tomorrow :)....back on the heating pad they go... added another paper towel under seeds.... looked like it needed another
Hey Tunes great journel, just finished reading Yours and Doc's great information! Having some great results, happening for you both. Really having me thinking now, next grow just gonna have to give this a whirl, passive hydro, looks like I great into to hydro plain and simple!
question. how warm is your heating pad?
:thanks: Doc .....Lets hear it for Passive Hydro :cheer:

:welcome: gorillagrow and :thanks: ... Glad to hear you going to give this a whirl and between my journal and docs there should be all info you need ....but I am always here to answer any questions you have :passitleft:

:thanks: blackbeast and tks for keeping tuned into grow :passitleft:

:thanks: siscokid ....She is a big girl....and i love looking up her skirt :smokin:
think i will do like Doc said and grow a bunch of Mona Lisa's :popcorn:

Hello newsisnoise :smokin:...not sure.... it has low/med/high....then i have ceramic plate under seeds as well as on top blocking out light...Good question...going to take seeds temperature

:thanks: The Butcher ...I Never had main colas this big or secondary one for that matter...this unknown strain is a nice one ...and a keeper for sure....cant wait to grow a couple of Mona Lisa x KC-33 Seeds :grinjoint:
:thanks: SS ya like them that way better...will have to stand clear of sativia dominate strains .....they stretch :smokin:

:thanks: CharlieMopps ....well with good luck of never killing a plant and smoking everything I have grown since starting.....I knew there had to be a equal and opposite reaction...seems i can't grow a seed for my life now....LOL....have cheap heating pad and i believe i have been frying them....two great strains that was side by side grow with brother grower Wood.

Been three days and i have nothing...and in anserw to newsisnoise
question earlier about temp of my heating pad...I started checking every 30 minutes and temps were all over the place as high as 100 f think heating pad especially right in the middle is shot and fried my seeds.Still waiting but it don't look good.

:thanks: Mmmmick Those are the bigest twin towers i ever need to grow 8 of them :grinjoint:
ouch. that hurts brother. you and me have the same problem. stupid seeds. i think i'm gonna have to invest in a heating pad. i'm sure i'm having trouble cause it's too cold..
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