TrysHard's Hydro Grandaddy Blueberry Indica Grow 2014

Ok so now I have a problem. I believe I have nutrient burn. Fortunately I am anal and check it just before lights out and just after lights on. I did not notice anything this morning but this evening I noticed right away some problem leaves. And on Cola 1 no less. I checked my reservoir and it was low and the ppm read 1876. I been so busy fussing with the little grow I didn't check the reservoir and I ran it low. I should know better with H Tea growing the roots the intake has been high. About 5 gal day and I only feed twice a day. So I added 7.5 gallons and fill it about a gallon over. Got the PPM down to 1425 hopefully it will not progress. I was able to get it done before the day time feed. Here are some pictures, there are only about 5-6 leaves that have serious discoloration, but most of the leaves have a little light spot on the tips.

Here they are:





Here are a healthy set but you can see the tips are starting to show burn.

Should I do an early nutrient change, I do them every two weeks scheduled for this coming monday. I am near the end and my plan was to move to the ripen formula for one week and then a flush week and then harvest.
i think your BB are ahead of mine i am now just getting red hairs on a few lower branches. I was thinking cause of the size of mine they must be ahead. I think its the AIS im using more like hydro to give bigger/fatter buds. we will each have to weigh a couple top buds and see. Looking great. My BB is also killing off the fan leaves like mad. It could also be the intensity of that big light compared to mine that is making yours mature faster.
i think your BB are ahead of mine i am now just getting red hairs on a few lower branches. I was thinking cause of the size of mine they must be ahead. I think its the AIS im using more like hydro to give bigger/fatter buds. we will each have to weigh a couple top buds and see. Looking great. My BB is also killing off the fan leaves like mad. It could also be the intensity of that big light compared to mine that is making yours mature faster.

I started 12/12 on 3/28.
I started 12/12 on 3/28.
im way ahead of you then. but i had stress form a move that could have affected mine and slowed then down a bit. I'm not sure how much stress form the moving of then 2 times caused or what it did to the finish time. Mine had started flowering on 3/6 so 3 weeks ahead of yours. I am not sure why mine are not having as many brown/red hairs. mine is a little over 50% cloudy now. So i think Saturday i will water with boiling water to tell her she is done use up your sugars, then she gets 3 more days so Tuesday she will be cut and hung. I'm told be 3 diff people on a private site that doing the boiling water 3 days before harvest will make them bulk up and use all the remaining sugar it has stored.
also when you heading to michigan? I am gonna go end of june or 2nd week of july.

Right now the kid just got married, had a kid. So it won't be until next spring.
I made a post here that was supposed to go in my other journal. So rather than leave a blank post with a . in it, I am admitting to my FU. I don't think I need to explain myself further.

I've never heard of the boiling water before harvest. You'll have to make sure and let us know how that goes.

hey its new to me. to make it as simple as possible it forces the plant into burning the sugars mode. which dispels alcohol. So it starts fermenting all the buds while its still alive in the pot. I'm told its 2x better that way. I will see i hated trying it on my big ass BB but 3 told me and they have decades of growing experience. I even had to disconnect my air line. i used 1.5 gallons of boiling water after i drained the pot first. They also have a cabinet that can dry and cure the weed in 3 days perfect. I have to see it in action to try it. I will when i head to michigan.
hey its new to me. to make it as simple as possible it forces the plant into burning the sugars mode. which dispels alcohol. So it starts fermenting all the buds while its still alive in the pot. I'm told its 2x better that way. I will see i hated trying it on my big ass BB but 3 told me and they have decades of growing experience. I even had to disconnect my air line. i used 1.5 gallons of boiling water after i drained the pot first. They also have a cabinet that can dry and cure the weed in 3 days perfect. I have to see it in action to try it. I will when i head to michigan.

Too bad you don't have two plants to test. One with boiling water and one without. Interested to see how it turns out. Didn't you have some BB you harvested earlier. I know its not exactly the same but maybe a comparison is warranted.

TrysHard, I am drooling over your buds! :circle-of-love:

I know that the leaves will yellow and die towards harvest time. Not sure if that's what's going on or not.

I need to keep looking at them!:goodjob:

That might be it, but I definitely had the PPM too high. I check it twice a day now. Come Monday it will be the next to last week of bloom. Then the following week I will be doing the flush and harvest on 26th of May or thereabouts. Keep checking on my buds, I like having you visit, you always bring joy with you Pinky! :circle-of-love:
He has a diff strain than i do I have BC blueberry. SO his might finish diff. I think he has a couple weeks to let them really get fat. he has to take pics of the tric again and post them from 3 diff cola's on top. then they will tell the story of when. if they get root cramped they can finish faster also. it knows it cant handle getting much bigger. they plant always tells you.
I am praying that the boiling water helps.
They also have a cabinet that can dry and cure the weed in 3 days perfect. I have to see it in action to try it. I will when i head to michigan.

Any idea on a price? Grab an extra and swing on through Indiana for me lol. It's my first grow, and everything has been going really well, so now I'm worried about the whole dry and cure process. Don't wanna take all this time and care to make a fatal mistake in the very end
Any idea on a price? Grab an extra and swing on through Indiana for me lol. It's my first grow, and everything has been going really well, so now I'm worried about the whole dry and cure process. Don't wanna take all this time and care to make a fatal mistake in the very end

I know DC is all excited about the cabinet, but the tried and true method of harvesting and curing is well described in the harvest section of the growers forum. This is my plan:

At the very end of the night cycle, about 15 minutes before the end. I am shutting everything off. I will go into the tent and immediately cut all six plants off at the roots. I will then trim off any big leaves, and chop the plants up into manageable section and hang them upside down in my tent with the CF going on low. I don't care how long it takes, but I want to dry in about 4-5 days. They I will transfer them to brown paper bags, and let them sit in there until the stems snap. Then into mason jars for the cure, with burping everyday for a week, then put away for another 3 weeks in a cool dark area, and checked daily, maybe tested daily also. :yummy:
I just gotta find a way to get some humidity. But that sounds like a pretty solid method. I'll give it a go this time around

DC uses those humidity packs, could those help? Might not with your low humidity situation.

This post in the Harvest Forum is great:
I'll figure something out when it comes down to crunch time. I'll get my buddy to pick something up. Time to call in some favors. Haven't smoked in a week, took a couple hits and now I can't think straight.
Any idea on a price? Grab an extra and swing on through Indiana for me lol. It's my first grow, and everything has been going really well, so now I'm worried about the whole dry and cure process. Don't wanna take all this time and care to make a fatal mistake in the very end
im told i am not allowed to share this cab. so ill get it patented in his name and make millions and give him his share. lmao. I read 2 threads on this cabinet and omg unreal. I will get one when i visit Michigan this summer. I hang with the big boys. I am gonna try and learn all i can from them. much respect to them.
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