TripleG's Apartment Based Breeding Grounds

Karma baby!!
You've got this brother, keep ya head up and keep moving forward.
That's it! Congrats on landing a job, it aint easy these days.
What's going on with you Triple G? Update please? How you getting along?
Got a job. Looking for something more permanent. Court was Monday, got our continuance so that my lawyer has time to finish up our documents. Wife is filing for divorce today.

Still clean from the dopes. Still have a place to live. Dog is still here. Trying to learn how to talk to people in real life again. Moving forward. Only missing pieces to the puzzle that is my future, is my children and their wellbeing. Sadly, I have still not been able to see them.:(

I'm dieting, I'm walking 2-5 miles+ per day, and I am sleeping. Weed couldn't fix my sleep. Only being removed from my wife allowed me to relax, not worrying about how I am going to piss her off next. I gave and gave, but for awhile now she gave nothing back. I think that I deserve to have a future.

So, still kicking. Lolz
Well with what you just shared above I have to honestly say you're in a much better place right now then you were in a month or so ago. Sleeping...….very good, very important to living happy and healthy.
Clean from dopes.....Need I say more? Way to go on that front.
Walking 2+ miles day is awesome
Having a place to stay and a job...….Tons of people can't say that. So good on you for that.

I assume your soon to be ex-wife threw you under the bus and said you're an evil drug addict who beat and abused her and forced her to live in an environment where you're growing weed etc. I've heard this before from a close friend of mine. He got some alone time with her and recorded the conversation asking her questions his attorney gave him to ask. She was cocky and hung herself with her answers.
I assume your soon to be ex-wife threw you under the bus and said you're an evil drug addict who beat and abused her and forced her to live in an environment where you're growing weed etc.
Damn, you hit the nail on the head. Said I was growing weed against her will. She prevented me from recording conversations by imposing a restraining order based on that I beat her and my kids, control her movements, and make her have sex with me by threatening to take the kids, also she came up with this thing that I once shot someone and also she witnessed me stab someone in the face.

I have 911 call + police report I made against her when she had a mental breakdown, my psyche evaluation that says I am depressed due to bad family situation, 3 witness statements including from her blood relative that I'm living with, and a mean partridge in a pear tree that costs almost $300/hr;)
Alright mate, you need to check in more often.
I try. It's hard without a grow going. I haven't forgotten about anyone. I've been working and doing legal appointments stuff mostly. Just been really focused on getting my kids back in my life, shit they were my whole life.

I'm meeting with a head chef tomorrow from a very nice chain of local uppity bar/grills.

Still off of dope although truthfully I have been drinking a bit more, not excessive but more. Trying to learn how to date again, lol. My idea of a good first date is coffee and doobies, most of theirs isn't apparently.

I'm still kicking, still focused, but trying to realize a social life that I wasn't able to have previously. I'm still living in the same place with my pitbull. Still fighting, and I won't quit until I can see my children.

Lack of pot has upped the frequency of nightmares. I hate rem sleep. Nightmares have been bad in the past but cannabis always kept them at bay.

Overall, things are looking up
You're getting there brother, stay positive like this and only good can come.
Today was fantastic... on Monday I was granted 50/50 custody of my children. Today they started their first 5 day visit.

Today was the first time I had ever seen my daughter cry tears of happiness, after sprinting to me yelling "Daddy!! Daddy!! My boy lept from my future ex wife's arms and left her in the dust. About 3 times an hour all day the kids would just hug me and tell me they either loved me or missed me or both. So many times I wanted to give up but couldn't. Today, I am happier than I have been in my entire life.
That is fantastic news! Next step is finding a place of your own if you've not done that already. Continue to work hard, keep yourself clean, and the sky is the limit. At some point your ex will mess up and you'll get the babies back full-time.
That's amazing news, i'm so happy for you!
Did he say he was quitting smoking weed and not going to grow it anymore?
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