Trifoliate Breeding And Some Different Stuff

Been tried, unfortunately it doesn't work, the only plant that cannabis can be grafted to is hops, same plant family (Cannabaceae). But if you graft a hop plant to a cannabis root, there's no THC production, and if you graft a cannabis plant to a hops root, it still looks/acts like cannabis, so what's the advantage? Now you might be able to do gene splicing, if you knew what gene(s) caused THC production, but that's way out of the ability of home growers.
@Light Addict grafted several strains of cannabis to a cannabis plant. I call him professor flux!! Happy Thursday!! 😎✌️
Dude is starting to flip, but no signs on the others. Hope for the best! Lol for reference, the fence in the foreground is 4 ft tall. Happy everything looks healthy, considering being attacked by chickens, and zero soil prep. Just the old compost spot where I left the cleanings from the chicken coop.
Well....fuck. This is dude propped back up with a log. Gotta get to work, so no time to try and salvage. Kinda pissed to tell you the truth. Fuckin chicken coop completely flooded too, so I get to clean that out later today as well. Over 2 inches of rain. Most of it fell in an hour or so.
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