Trala’s Tent

Well this is awkward lolllllll!

It’s like my first week of high school all over again. A really good looking year 10 boy asked me to go with him. I was so happy, but found out later that day he was dared to ask the ugliest girl in year 8 to be his girlfriend.

I won.

Oh man, I've always been hoping that sort of behaviour was either extremely rare or only on TV. Funny, or not funny, I would NEVER do something like that. Not even just laugh along with a crowd who thought I did when I didn't. That is performative cruelty and I loathe it beginning at the reflexive superficial level and on every other level all the way down to my soul. Performative cruelty is the root of Nazism, Magaism, fascism. It is the opposite of justice. OK, I think that was pretty clear...

I meant, with my double entendre talk, that it was both true on its face, and ironically hilarious because you self-depreciatingly blame your bogan roots for various 'oopsies' on your thread. Ironies of this kind strengthen the truth they address, not weaken it. My 'double-meaning' reference was meant to imply, "that even taking the piss can only highlight the nobility of your actions".

DV8's funny as hell though, and laughing aloud is some damn good medicine. Glad I could contribute.
That’s coz you’re a pack of cunts who wouldn’t know classy if it backed up and shit on your boots!

:laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo:
Had a good chuckle at this response T.

Look, alls fair in love and war, and publicly I want to say in taking the mickey, its all in fun, a jest, and funny in the moment.

In light of that I just wanna say thanks for being my growmie, venting to us when things go wrong ensuring things stay real, showing us your lovely spaces kept colourful and tidy like glossy magazine level, sharing your RL ups and downs, sizing us up and making us laugh with your comments, championing the lady growers, all the while with a sparkle in your eye, and a soft touch when needed. I think thats the sort of classy RD was getting at, and he was not wrong.

The world needs more just like you T, just happy hanging out with someone who represents themselves in so many ways is a true blessing is a real kick.

The place would be lesser in your absence, and you’re a good sort one of my fav people.

Now that's said, slow the fuck down muscles.
Had a good chuckle at this response T.

Look, alls fair in love and war, and publicly I want to say in taking the mickey, its all in fun, a jest, and funny in the moment.

In light of that I just wanna say thanks for being my growmie, venting to us when things go wrong ensuring things stay real, showing us your lovely spaces kept colourful and tidy like glossy magazine level, sharing your RL ups and downs, sizing us up and making us laugh with your comments, championing the lady growers, all the while with a sparkle in your eye, and a soft touch when needed. I think thats the sort of classy RD was getting at, and he was not wrong.

The world needs more just like you T, just happy hanging out with someone who represents themselves in so many ways is a true blessing is a real kick.

The place would be lesser in your absence, and you’re a good sort one of my fav people.

Now that's said, slow the fuck down muscles.
Yeah! What he said!
Oh man, I've always been hoping that sort of behaviour was either extremely rare or only on TV. Funny, or not funny, I would NEVER do something like that. Not even just laugh along with a crowd who thought I did when I didn't. That is performative cruelty and I loathe it beginning at the reflexive superficial level and on every other level all the way down to my soul. Performative cruelty is the root of Nazism, Magaism, fascism. It is the opposite of justice. OK, I think that was pretty clear...

I meant, with my double entendre talk, that it was both true on its face, and ironically hilarious because you self-depreciatingly blame your bogan roots for various 'oopsies' on your thread. Ironies of this kind strengthen the truth they address, not weaken it. My 'double-meaning' reference was meant to imply, "that even taking the piss can only highlight the nobility of your actions".
Thank you for taking the time to explain. I hoped you weren’t being mean lol.

And you really are the first person to ever call me classy, even if it was double entendreyie lolllll
DV8's funny as hell though, and laughing aloud is some damn good medicine. Glad I could contribute.
He goes alright I guess. But between you and I, he is no where fucking near as funny as I am ;)

I'd smoke a doobie with you any time, Tra!

I don't care what anyone says - you are C.A.F.

Had a good chuckle at this response T.

Look, alls fair in love and war, and publicly I want to say in taking the mickey, its all in fun, a jest, and funny in the moment.

In light of that I just wanna say thanks for being my growmie, venting to us when things go wrong ensuring things stay real, showing us your lovely spaces kept colourful and tidy like glossy magazine level, sharing your RL ups and downs, sizing us up and making us laugh with your comments, championing the lady growers, all the while with a sparkle in your eye, and a soft touch when needed. I think thats the sort of classy RD was getting at, and he was not wrong.

The world needs more just like you T, just happy hanging out with someone who represents themselves in so many ways is a true blessing is a real kick.

The place would be lesser in your absence, and you’re a good sort one of my fav people.

Now that's said, slow the fuck down muscles.
Awww thanks Deeve.

That is really nice of you to say :)
Omg my blokes AFL team played and won the Grand Final yesterday,


And we both celebrated way too hard to be presenting to our jobs today. We are both shabby as. I’m on an 8 hour shift, he has to work 12 hours Lol. Oh and that hermed Wedding Cake smokes like a fucking boss!

It’s gonna be a looooOong day.

See you this arvo with a Sunday summary.
Omg my blokes AFL team played and won the Grand Final yesterday,


And we both celebrated way too hard to be presenting to our jobs today. We are both shabby as. I’m on an 8 hour shift, he has to work 12 hours Lol. Oh and that hermed Wedding Cake smokes like a fucking boss!

It’s gonna be a looooOong day.

See you this arvo with a Sunday summary.
Can feel a lawsuit coming up 🤟
Oh. My. Fucking. God!

I've literally worked on this ward 3 years and I'm only today learning there is a grow room here!!!!

Doors locked, but it explains how the boss just bought a new Mercedes!


Kinda genius. Tempted to replicate in the shed with one of those shock stickers.

I literally walk past it a hundred times a day and I saw it for the first time today.

Totes made me 420 giggle.

Happy Sunday you pack of absolute grow legends!

Omg I’m just sitting now! Had a huge day at work, then I had to do pics and nit wash when I got home. Takes an hour to do a nit wash right. I’m determined not to let the summers insects completely ruin my grow.

Sunday Summary

This plant is gorgeous. She reminds me of Cleo. Her shape is beautiful. She curves in all the right places.

Gregory Bee aka Laughing Buddha
Barney’s Seed from Sponsors Herbies Seeds
Days above ground - 127
Days of flower - 37


I am in love with this wild hot mess of a plant. She is 100cm from feet to head. She has sparkle points all over her. She is long and lean and she smells like a dream!

June Bee aka Acapulco Gold
Barney’s Seed from Sponsors Herbies Seeds
Days above ground - 104
Days of flower - 22


Liz is a boss. Minimal training was needed. She was born to CarCanopy. She has recovered from the concussion from me dropping her on her head lol.

Elizabeth Bee aka Wedding Cake
Monstercropped Clone
Days in reVeg - 71
Days in flower - 5


Simba is absolutely taking shape. She has shown no adverse reaction from having her arm almost torn off (thank fuck). These two veg plants have been slow to veg because of the low winter temps, well that’s what I’m putting it down to lol.

Simba Bee aka Shiskaberry
Barney’s Seed from Sponsors Herbies Seeds
Days above ground - 53


Liv is almost taking shape. I think 2 more weeks and I’ll have a CarCanopy of sorts. I can envision my canopy points. It’s all about my inner growth growing up now.

Olivia Bee aka Zkittles
Carcasses prize seed from Sponsors Weeds Seed Express
Days above ground - 43


This little girl is powering along. She is the plant I’m most excited about. She’s my redemption song. Well hopefully she is lol. It’s exactly a year since I grew Mimmy - for my new friends, Mimmy was a Mimosa plant I murdered after a particularly hard nightshift. Stick with me and you’ll see I’m all about da trama lol.

Bic Bee aka Mimosa EVO
Barney’s Seed from Sponsors Herbies Seeds
Days above ground - 11


My flower girls recovering from a Safers/EcoFend wash, then a rinse off.


I think my Wookie might be waking for me. Hopefully she is standing tall for me in the morning.


The Familam 🤍🤍🤍💚💚💚


I hope you all had the best weekend. It’s my Friday and I’m about to dive into four days off. Living. For. It! Xo

Happy Sunday you pack of absolute grow legends!

Omg I’m just sitting now! Had a huge day at work, then I had to do pics and nit wash when I got home. Takes an hour to do a nit wash right. I’m determined not to let the summers insects completely ruin my grow.

Sunday Summary

This plant is gorgeous. She reminds me of Cleo. Her shape is beautiful. She curves in all the right places.

Gregory Bee aka Laughing Buddha
Barney’s Seed from Sponsors Herbies Seeds
Days above ground - 127
Days of flower - 37


I am in love with this wild hot mess of a plant. She is 100cm from feet to head. She has sparkle points all over her. She is long and lean and she smells like a dream!

June Bee aka Acapulco Gold
Barney’s Seed from Sponsors Herbies Seeds
Days above ground - 104
Days of flower - 22


Liz is a boss. Minimal training was needed. She was born to CarCanopy. She has recovered from the concussion from me dropping her on her head lol.

Elizabeth Bee aka Wedding Cake
Monstercropped Clone
Days in reVeg - 71
Days in flower - 5


Simba is absolutely taking shape. She has shown no adverse reaction from having her arm almost torn off (thank fuck). These two veg plants have been slow to veg because of the low winter temps, well that’s what I’m putting it down to lol.

Simba Bee aka Shiskaberry
Barney’s Seed from Sponsors Herbies Seeds
Days above ground - 53


Liv is almost taking shape. I think 2 more weeks and I’ll have a CarCanopy of sorts. I can envision my canopy points. It’s all about my inner growth growing up now.

Olivia Bee aka Zkittles
Carcasses prize seed from Sponsors Weeds Seed Express
Days above ground - 43


This little girl is powering along. She is the plant I’m most excited about. She’s my redemption song. Well hopefully she is lol. It’s exactly a year since I grew Mimmy - for my new friends, Mimmy was a Mimosa plant I murdered after a particularly hard nightshift. Stick with me and you’ll see I’m all about da trama lol.

Bic Bee aka Mimosa EVO
Barney’s Seed from Sponsors Herbies Seeds
Days above ground - 11


My flower girls recovering from a Safers/EcoFend wash, then a rinse off.


I think my Wookie might be waking for me. Hopefully she is standing tall for me in the morning.


The Familam 🤍🤍🤍💚💚💚


I hope you all had the best weekend. It’s my Friday and I’m about to dive into four days off. Living. For. It! Xo
As usual the standards are way up lush healthy green poolside. Love it

Happy Sunday you pack of absolute grow legends!

Omg I’m just sitting now! Had a huge day at work, then I had to do pics and nit wash when I got home. Takes an hour to do a nit wash right. I’m determined not to let the summers insects completely ruin my grow.

Sunday Summary

This plant is gorgeous. She reminds me of Cleo. Her shape is beautiful. She curves in all the right places.

Gregory Bee aka Laughing Buddha
Barney’s Seed from Sponsors Herbies Seeds
Days above ground - 127
Days of flower - 37


I am in love with this wild hot mess of a plant. She is 100cm from feet to head. She has sparkle points all over her. She is long and lean and she smells like a dream!

June Bee aka Acapulco Gold
Barney’s Seed from Sponsors Herbies Seeds
Days above ground - 104
Days of flower - 22


Liz is a boss. Minimal training was needed. She was born to CarCanopy. She has recovered from the concussion from me dropping her on her head lol.

Elizabeth Bee aka Wedding Cake
Monstercropped Clone
Days in reVeg - 71
Days in flower - 5


Simba is absolutely taking shape. She has shown no adverse reaction from having her arm almost torn off (thank fuck). These two veg plants have been slow to veg because of the low winter temps, well that’s what I’m putting it down to lol.

Simba Bee aka Shiskaberry
Barney’s Seed from Sponsors Herbies Seeds
Days above ground - 53


Liv is almost taking shape. I think 2 more weeks and I’ll have a CarCanopy of sorts. I can envision my canopy points. It’s all about my inner growth growing up now.

Olivia Bee aka Zkittles
Carcasses prize seed from Sponsors Weeds Seed Express
Days above ground - 43


This little girl is powering along. She is the plant I’m most excited about. She’s my redemption song. Well hopefully she is lol. It’s exactly a year since I grew Mimmy - for my new friends, Mimmy was a Mimosa plant I murdered after a particularly hard nightshift. Stick with me and you’ll see I’m all about da trama lol.

Bic Bee aka Mimosa EVO
Barney’s Seed from Sponsors Herbies Seeds
Days above ground - 11


My flower girls recovering from a Safers/EcoFend wash, then a rinse off.


I think my Wookie might be waking for me. Hopefully she is standing tall for me in the morning.


The Familam 🤍🤍🤍💚💚💚


I hope you all had the best weekend. It’s my Friday and I’m about to dive into four days off. Living. For. It! Xo

Enjoy ya 4 days off tralala LST looks on point and the plants are tracking nicely too. Oi but seriously that plant room at the hospital would be hectic!. You need to somehow find an excuse to get in there it would be amaaazin, Wonder what strains and shit they grow hahah.
As usual the standards are way up lush healthy green poolside. Love it
They are a labour of love 💕
Enjoy ya 4 days off tralala LST looks on point and the plants are tracking nicely too. Oi but seriously that plant room at the hospital would be hectic!. You need to somehow find an excuse to get in there it would be amaaazin, Wonder what strains and shit they grow hahah.
Giddayyyy maaaaaaate

I know I’ve shared this with you before, I sad smile whenever I read tralalala. My mum called me that when she was happy. First time you typed it it throat punched me straight in the feelz. It’s a nice memory.

And mission accepted. Lol.

The hive is buzzing green Tra! Just perfect! It's reflecting your hard work and knowledge. Enjoy your mini vacation! La LA LA!
Hi Mr O

Thank you.

I think these are my best bees yet.


Looking awesome Trala. You should apply for the foreman job in that plant room at the hospital. Would be a walk in the park with your growing skills.


Thanks Hipster 🤍🤍🤍
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